These Grandparents Are Living Proof That People Improve With Age
Everyone has a good anecdote about their grandparents. However, many of them tend to be “you had to be there” types of stories. We’ve compiled a selection of these heartwarming tales to read whenever you need a little light while you’re feeling down.
They will hopefully serve as a gentle reminder that aging only makes human beings—including our beloved grandparents—more endearing. So let’s get into it!
"Don't worry, Honey"- Grandma is Always Prepared
Don’t want to end up like him? Then you should never visit your grandparents’ home unprepared, or you’ll end up wearing less-than-flattering sleeping clothes, for example, those in this image. While they do look comfy, it must be more than a little humiliating waking up in them.

Remember that when our grandparents were very little, this kind of pajama was in style. In order to avoid looking like the man in the photo wearing an enormous grandmother’s nightgown, always check your travel kit for comfy night wear.
When Grandpa is Just a Little Too Literal
One term may have two distinct meanings to two folks who are just one generation apart, leaving the way open to many hilarious situations. In all likelihood, this grandfather purposefully misinterpreted what his grandkid said to him—or maybe he was just being cute.

Source: wholesomememes/ Reddit
Then again, being called a “lovebird” by your grandkid must be a strange experience, so it could have been his way of deflecting the comment. Grandparents really do work in mysterious ways.
"Facetime" Means I Want to See Your Face, Grandpa!
In order to start a FaceTime conversation with your grandparents, you will need to instruct them on the basics of how to use the app—or a smartphone. Avoid having to resort to whispering into his grandfather’s ear as this man did.

Source: grandpa/ Tumblr
If a person has been doing something a specific way for a long period of time, it might be challenging to encourage them to alter their habits. This is just what he’s been doing ever since he had to make his first phone call, and he wouldn’t know any different.
Grandma Was Doing Life Hacks Before it Was Cool
Sometimes, to save money, you have to improvise. Every grandmother is capable of doing this when it comes to purchasing various new-fangled knick-knacks. This photo clearly demonstrates that this granny keeps everything, even the iPhone packaging.

Source: Imgur
She has been frugal and has decided to put her butter in this beautiful jar. We appreciate Apple designing a butter dish so cutting-edge that even grandmas can use it without having to read the instructions.
We Learned How to Dodge From Grandma
This grandma goes to great lengths to avoid spending time alone with her next-door neighbor. Obviously, he is interested in her—and probably more than interested. When folks are put in uncomfortable situations, they will often speak things that pop into their thoughts just to get away.

When the neighbor tried to make conversation with this lady, the best thing she could offer was that she “doesn’t eat.” We can’t imagine what kind of reaction this might get!
A Grandma's Job is To Fatten Us Up!
Here’s a lesson for us all. Don’t go to Grandma and Grandpa just after lunch if you can help it. Generally speaking, grandmas are convinced that their offspring do not provide a healthy diet for their grandkids. In response, several grandmothers have vowed to take action.

You can see what we’re talking about in this image; mealtimes at Grandma’s are always a battle. They will constantly have what seems like an excessive amount of food just because you look “skinny” in their estimation.
There's an Rx For Everything These Days
This grandfather’s addiction was dangerous—he knew he needed to find a way to help himself get a handle on it. Who would have thought the doctor would have a wry wit and administer tablets that are disguised to appear like the addict’s substance of choice?

Source: Reddit
In all likelihood, this is just a sweet joke. What better way to deal with any ailment than with laughter? It’s nice to know that this grandpa has not lost his sense of humor and is able to laugh at his medication requirements.
What She Doesn't Know Won't Hurt Her
This elderly woman believed that her possession was a stunning jewel to adorn her residence in some way. It’s a good thing that it did not bring an army of bugs! If it had, then she would immediately understand what it was on her tabletop. To be fair, though, it does match the tablecloth.

If you are at a loss for how to break it to her, or are just hungry for something sweet, just ask her for it. The problem would resolve itself—grandparents do not like to refuse requests from their grandchildren, after all.
Grandpa is the Next Peter Parker
Even our elders still recite it to themselves when they feel overwhelmed or just to inject some comedy. After being bitten by a spider, this grandfather whispered to himself that he was too old to take on the responsibilities of becoming a superhero.

One thing that many senior citizens report gaining as they age is a greater sense of humor—especially if they’re as witty as this gentleman!
The Reciprocals
The poster here could have been more specific when asking their granny for a pair of Converse shoes. The photo clearly shows that it was not what he anticipated, but his grandma was spot-on with her exquisite creation.

You have to be more specific when describing what you really desire, especially when it comes to grandparents and trendy attire, or else you’ll get a shock. Don’t assume they’re up-to-date on everything—they just came of age at a different time.
Cutting Edge Tech
Some elderly people find the vocabulary and nomenclature of new devices to be as alienating as those from Krypton. They may get confused. To be sure, this is our elders’ Achilles’ heel, therefore we should have patience while discussing it with them.

Source: BarkLikeATree/ Imgur
This granny, like many others, mistook her grandchild’s iPad for a cutting board when she first saw it. You can only imagine their bewilderment when a cooking app started listing off ingredients and recipes!
Nothing But The Best
When it comes to providing for their grandchildren’s nutritional needs, grandmothers often pack for the long term, regardless of where their grandkids may be in life. This guy’s grandmother paid them a visit, and the first item that fell from her luggage was the food she had brought with her.

Source: HomerS/ Pikabu
And not just any food—the very finest that money can buy, with more than enough of it to last to at least next summer. For some reason, grandmothers seem to think that their grandkids are all skin and bone and will feed them at any opportunity.
Like A Youngster
When it comes to brand-new and cutting-edge technology, grandparents can often seem like children who have just been given a new toy but have no idea how it works. They will show anyone their brand-new cell phones and will want to test out all of the features and capabilities of the device.

Source: Alamy/ JOAQUINTDASILVA/ Twitter
Because of this, the grandfather asked his granddaughter to assist him so that he could keep track of who he was phoning when he made phone calls. However, sometimes grandparents come up with novel applications for technology that the designers had certainly not considered.
A Little Luddite
When “The Terminator” was first released, many grandparents were mostly young and had seen it in theaters. The actors in this movie are also old now. Perhaps this is the reason why the grandfather does not trust the automated vacuum cleaner.

Source: Reddit
Or maybe he is under the impression that some occupations were intended to be carried out by humans and not by robots that they couldn’t possibly be aware of the concept of dust. However, most elders cannot put their faith in robots to carry out their tasks.
Bending the Rules
The grandson in this image was permitted inside the refrigerator so that the grandmother could take a picture of it and share it with everyone else. Isn’t this just the perfect metaphor for the relationship grandparents have with their grandkids?

Whereas when they were parents, their kids would never be allowed to get away with this kind of behavior. But now it’s cute because the little one has gotten in!
Looking Snappy
This kitty was probably the first to complain when a grandchild gave their grandmother a camera phone. This may be fun and games for humans, but for the animals, it’s a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Source: Reddit
Evident in this photo, an unfortunate cat is given a birthday party outfit, and his snapshot is sent to the public along with a birthday greeting. What would the cat say if she could talk? Probably something along the lines of, “Oh, the shame you’ve caused me!”
Apparently, The Myth Is True
The fact that some grandchildren have the preconceived notion that their grandparents know everything may lend credence to this argument. This photo is evidence that not all grandparents are technologically illiterate when it comes to contemporary devices and technology in general.

Source: Reddit
It seems this lovely lady kept a tub with rice inside—and it seems to have been kept aside specifically for the purpose of drying off a wet phone when the time came!
Hearing Aids
As you become older, you can notice a slowdown in your faculties, such as your hearing or your walking pace. On the flip side, you should also be able to pay for various equipment that may assist you in continuing to take pleasure in life to the maximum extent possible.

According to this story, however, if there’s an ugly noise nearby, the fact that you have trouble hearing can be a gift in disguise—you get to switch off the ugly sound with the flip of a switch!
Nothing Extra to Pay
Our grandparents are always forthcoming. This grandchild’s request for a pack of onion chips with sour cream flavor resulted in an actual packet of onion chips and a pot of cream appearing on their table.

Obviously, the youngsters were referring to onion chips’ sour cream-flavored. But their kind granny didn’t know that they combine those flavors for you these days. We bet this snack extravaganza was just as good—if not better—than the stuff they requested!
No Need for a Therapist
This grandfather handles issues that arise in his marriage in a tried-and-true manner. He does not need the services of a therapist or counselor—no, sir. He has a solution ready for when his wife is upset with him and chooses to ignore him as a kind of punishment.

He just screws the lids on the pickle jars tighter so that she would have to engage in conversation with him in order to open them. That’s one way to do it; there are no pros involved who will charge you a lot of money—just cheap tactics.
The Walk-In Clownshow
Grandparents are known to have the most patience on the planet when it concerns their grandkids. When you consider the job description, it should be clear why this man is covered in stickers and glitter. You don’t exactly sign up for it, but it happens to you anyway.

No matter what the words say, this grandfather will always be pleased as long as she is having fun and as long as she is content with her life. However, in the long run, being a grandfather—or a clown—can be a lot of fun.
It's Payback Time!
While Grandpa was napping, his grandkids were poking fun at him. But they had no idea what was in store for them. He got even—well, against at least one of them anyway. This picture is why you should never prank your grandpa!

Source: forefarter/ Reddit
You see, with a longer time on the planet comes wisdom and craftiness. This grandson forgot that time teaches patience—and with patience comes opportunity. Looks like the sleep-haunter became the sleep-haunted.
Have A Seat, Please
This man may give off the impression that he has a feeble frame due to his comfy clothes, but it’s rather obvious that he’s a buff gym enjoyer. This grandfather proved his prowess when a kind passerby offered him a seat.

Source: Imgur
For proof that you shouldn’t rate a book by its cover or a person, look no further. This grandfather won’t need to be offered a seat on public transport anytime soon—he’ll be too busy doing squats!
They Never Refuse Their Grandkids
For grandkids, the best thing about grandparents is their tendency never to say “no” to their whims. Want a treat and your parents aren’t around? Your grandparents will likely be there to make that happen for you.

The only problem is that you won’t be able to eat the whole bag of candies since your hands are too small. Maybe a better plan would be to ask grandma to bundle them up for you for later use just before your parents arrive.
Bad Bird!
After being reprimanded, this pelican probably felt the same way that you would if your grandma told you off for being bad. This animal obviously felt terrible remorse for his actions. After her outburst, he couldn’t look her in the eyes.

Source: Imgur
This is what happens when a pelican thinks he can get away with biting Grandma without getting in trouble. This poor animal will learn its lesson after being humiliated in front of everyone by this irate granny and will likely never bite again.
Granny’s Vanishing Act
This is how you make yourself invisible in your own house. The best part is that it doesn’t even need any advanced technology. Did this grandma need a vacation from the obligations of everyday life? Did she choose to enjoy that breather by staying close to home?

Source: Gav_Guthrie/ Twitter
When you can’t seem to locate your granny the next time, look down; you could just discover her right beneath your nose. And this is how grandmas use their crafty needlework skills to disappear right in front of your eyes.
When Your Sight Fails
This grandma was given a bracelet with John Cena, but she was under the assumption that it was of Jesus. We’ll never understand how this may have occurred (probably a shifty bracelet vendor on the street), but unfortunately, this is a common issue associated with becoming older.

Source: amymcdade_x/ Twitter
As we grow older, our vision tends to worsen. Well, this bracelet may not have the image of a divine figure to ward off bad juju, but she has the next best thing—the legendary stealth master wrestler himself—John Cena.
It Came Out Very Nicely
After this poster accidentally dropped his phone into the water, he begged his grandpa to help him dry it out by placing it in a bowl of rice. Unfortunately, his Grandpa thought that he had to dry it out by cooking it along with the rice. That’s quite the whoopsie.

Next time, Jean will probably provide more detailed instructions on drying out electronics using the old rice trick. This is not anything that the grandpa needs to be aware of; at least he included a nice letter with the damaged mobile phone.
Keeping Love Flourishing
When her grandparents visit In-N-Out Burger, grandma always snaps a picture of her spouse and sends it to her grandchild through text message. Apparently the proprietors of the burger chain launched their business just after they were married.

These grandparents carry on the custom of preserving their union with a bite to eat at this joint. This grandmother must be an eternal romantic since their unconventional holiday of love is something she continues to celebrate year after year.
Back In My Day…
This grandpa was invited to a medieval wedding. He made it a point to dress appropriately for the occasion. And he incorporated virtually everything medieval in his outfit, from the attire of the historical period to the kind of transportation that was used during that era.

Even if there hadn’t been a table, there would have been room for him to set his glass down. We’re simply curious as to whether or not he had the opportunity to dance—and whether or not he successfully found a lady riding another horse to dance with or not.
The Sleepy Games
It’s not uncommon for young kids to attribute adult roles and responsibilities to their grandparents when they visit. This grandma was present for her granddaughter, but she didn’t want to play with her in any manner, so she avoided doing so in her own way.

She had just demonstrated to a small child how the world works, and among the lessons, she taught the value of respecting one’s elders. Perhaps we should all use this as a reminder to respect our elders and value their wisdom.
Frighty The Snowman
These grandparents dressed up as snowmen for a costume party, and they appeared like creatures from a terrifying movie. But what was their intention? Did they aim to impersonate Olaf the Snowman’s family? If so, they failed by quite a large margin.

At the very least, it was a unique concept, and it must have taken a lot of work to have those outfits constructed. Who says grandparents can’t be inventive, innovative, and even frightening all at once?
The ATM Guardian
This is how seriously a grandmother takes her duty as an ATM security guard as her loved ones withdraw money. Perhaps this is the answer to global crime: to humiliate those who steal from others.

Source: aplusk/ Twitter
As you can see in the photo, this grandmother is prepared for anything or anyone who comes to grab their money. She won’t be able to catch the perpetrator, but her heart is ready to fight no matter what.
Classical Devices
This was probably how this grandfather listened to music when he was younger, and it’s still a decent way to do it now. The modern MP3 player or smartphone may be lighter, but this one still does the job.

He could have also caught the attention of passers-by, especially young people, by reverting to his dated methods of listening to music in public. But he’s causing no harm, right? Everyone around him laughed at his little joke, making him happier.
The Bride To Be
People have the misconception that you might reach an age where you can never experience love again. Some believe that once a person reaches a particular age, they have lost their chance of finding real love and are doomed to a life without it. The tweet that you are about to read is, without a doubt, the most compelling proof that this is not really the situation.

She is a great-grandmother and a grandma. And here she is, in her later years, cherishing the moment as she celebrates her marriage to the man of her dreams.
A Man Of Many Hats
When a grandparent learns that one of their grandchildren has enrolled in college, it is almost certain that they will feel a sense of pride. It is a significant event for any family and reflects how far they have progressed, even if that progression comes with an ever-increasing price tag.

Source: 6_5trail/ Twitter
On the other hand, the amount of satisfaction and pleasure that you must feel when a significant number of your grandkids have attended university is beyond comprehension. In this lovely shot, a grandfather is seen smiling in front of a collection of baseball hats.
Love From The Sidelines
It’s not only parents who should enjoy seeing their children play athletics, whether it is with a local club or for their school—grandparents should also be invited for the trip and one granddad enjoys nothing more than watching his grandchildren play soccer.

Not only does he have a deep concern for the team’s well-being as a whole, but he also cannot suppress an audible gasp if one of the players goes down with an apparent injury. All the grandchildren are cared for by this one grandparent.
Dressed for Success
These pictures demonstrate the fact that love and romance know no age. It seems that the bond between this pair just strengthens with time. The fact that this grandma spent her 57th wedding anniversary in the hospital didn’t prevent her from celebrating it with her snazzy husband.

He decided to make the most of the opportunity by sending flowers and dressed up in a tux for her even in the hospital bed. This guy must be a hopeless romantic.
The Art of Expression
It’s common knowledge that many senior citizens have a blast with Scrabble. Many people credit this age-old word game with helping them think more clearly and expanding their vocabularies. But this grandparent wants to take the game to the next level by limiting their word usage to only their grandchildren’s names.

If they went ahead with this kind of game, they’d need a large family tree to play more than a handful of rounds.
Together They're Unstoppable
It is generally established that keeping a pet as you age can have profound effects on one’s sense of emotional and mental well-being. Developing a strong emotional attachment to a pet can only benefit humans, and it’s clear that this grandpa is having a great time playing with his new canine companion.

These photos his caretaker shot of him with his new dog are, to put it mildly, touching. We’re at a loss as to what else may cheer you up if this doesn’t.
Memories You’d Rather Forget
When it comes to their social media use, grandparents often don’t make the ideal choices. To be fair, learning how to use social media is like learning a whole new language. Even when you know what all the buttons do, it doesn’t guarantee you will have a firm grasp on how to use the medium effectively.

Consider this grandma, who was eager to post her grandson’s memories on her profile. But what she failed to take into account was that there are certain memories that others would rather forget.
Showing Your Age
While many of us love having a connection with our grandparents and do a good job of remaining in contact with them, talking with them isn’t always easy. Indeed, it is all too easy to fall into stupid disagreements with your grandparents.

Consider the case of this poster. They argued with their grandpa—over their age—for a quarter of an hour. Somehow, despite being themselves, they still lost the argument.
Age is just a Numeric Figure
There are a lot of grandparents out there who are quite skilled at lavishing their grandchildren with love and gifts. When their grandkid’s birthday rolls around, they will most likely be the first ones there to shower them with gifts and a variety of sweets to celebrate the occasion.

You can count on receiving a thoughtful birthday card from them, and there’s a chance it could even include money. This grandmother, on the other hand, was not really concerned with locating the ideal card for their grandchild’s special day. Remember, it’s not the gift but the sentiment that matters!
Sending A Raven—Or A Tweet
It is becoming typical for grandparents to not fully comprehend the workings of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. How often have you seen a grandmother attempting to hold a discussion with someone online when the conversation really ought to have taken place in their inbox?

Nevertheless, this grandma was successful in taking everything to an entirely new level. They believed that they were messaging their grandchild, but in actuality, they were tweeting! Someone needs to walk them through the fundamentals of texting.
Genuine Affection
Sometimes, it seems like our grandparents came from another galaxy. After all, our upbringings were quite different. Thus our perspectives may be distinct. Further, grandparents are frequently accustomed to their routines and unaware of what’s fresh and popular in society.

Source: BluSelection/ Facebook
Let’s use these grandparents as an example; they are having trouble following what their grandchild is saying. However, they are content to agree with them and will stand by them at all costs.
Cinderella Glass Slippers Aren’t Here
Every woman dreams of her own personal happily-ever-after at some time in her life. When they arrive at a party, they are the center of attention, and a dashing stranger sweeps them off their feet.

The popularity of Disney princess party themes like “Cinderella” and “Tangled” is a direct result of this desire. This girl’s desires were just that. However, her grandma made it happen in the most unorthodox manner possible.
Poor Manners!
There will always be some uncomfortable moments when a grandparent spends time with a grandchild. The age gap is likely a contributing factor. However, it is the responsibility of parents to educate their children, and this youngster clearly has not been taught any tact.

The first rule is that you should never ask a lady whether she is pregnant. They were presumably quite young, so we’ll give them a break.
The Present That Never Stops Bringing Joy
It is common knowledge that grandparents pass on to their grandchildren a wealth of life experience as well as sound advice. There are other material benefits. They have the propensity to shower them with a variety of presents, some of which are necessary while others are not.

When this young woman mentioned to her granny that she adored her sneakers, her grandma immediately complied with her request and made sure that she had a pair that matched. Undeniably, grandmothers are, without a doubt, the very best people on the planet.
All-out Bingo
Bingo players are sometimes stereotyped as being older folks. Most Bingo players are over 70, and many Bingo halls cater specifically to the elderly. One may reasonably speculate why more young people do not engage in this particular kind of gambling. Who can say?

In any case, this poster seems to have quibbles with her grandma’s love of this game. According to her, she loves Bingo a lot more than she loves her actual granddaughter. We’re sure they’re just making a little joke!
Lack of Restraint
Grandparents can often appear to lack inhibition, saying whatever comes to mind. The elderly woman in the waiting area of the hospital made a remark that made everyone in the room laugh out loud.

When Grandma saw a slender valley girl come in, she broke the silence with, “This hospital doesn’t fill me with confidence if they can’t even stop the skeletons from escaping from the morgue.” Behave, Grandma!
An Innocent Mistake
Imagine the shock this father must have felt when he found out what his daughter’s great-grandmother had given her for Christmas! We can’t decide whether his grandma is really ignorant of this logo or if she was only attempting to make us laugh.

We came to the conclusion that great-grandma must be nice, innocent, and naive in the end. This was mostly due to the fact that we prefer to sleep at night.
Advice from Grandma
It used to be that grandparents were renowned for their more traditional outlooks on life, but as we can see from this one girl’s story, the times have certainly changed since then! Whether or not Grandma is married, she seems to take pride in her accomplishments.

Source: Alamy
If you had disclosed this to your folks when you were younger, we have a good feeling that they would have championed the virtues of remaining celibate until marriage. Not so for this grandmother, however. She says it like it is!
Feeling Proud While Tweeting
This grandmother was quick to see the humor in her grandson’s rebellious act of lying down on the road just on top of a notice stating that parking was prohibited. Fortunately for us, she took a photo of him in a hurry and uploaded it to the internet so that everyone could see it.

Source: Tumblr
That’s one media-savvy grandma. The effective use of hashtags is something that has especially pleased us. This grandma knows her way around Twitter like a champ. But before she shared that picture, we really hope she snatched her grandson away from the road.
When All Else Fails, Do the Following
Do you not admire the tenacity of the elderly? Nowadays, when people are knocked down, they tend to give up too readily. Not so for this granddad. It seems he was very set on getting speech recognition to function.

After numerous failed attempts, he went ahead and sent the birthday greeting using the voice-to-text service. Thankfully, the voice message recorder wasn’t 100% accurate, shall we say.
Condensed and Streamlined
Some members of the older generations are naturals when it comes to the Internet and social media, while others still have trouble finding their way around a TV remote. But this grandpa soon figured out which buttons were useful and which were just there to muddle things up.

The truth is, we have no idea what 50% of the keys on our Remote control do either. Maybe we should take a cue from grandpa and cover up the ones we don’t use with duct tape.
Grandmaster Granny
Check out this granny as she demonstrates a number of complex yoga positions! She’s 83 years old, yet she’s as physically fit as many ladies 20 years her junior.

Source: Pinterest
Grandma has had a lot more time to practice and considering that some of these postures require years of instruction to achieve, it’s hardly surprising that she’s so good at them. We find it incredible that she has been able to maintain such an excellent level of physical fitness throughout the course of her life. Simply put—wow!
Keeping The Peace
You can’t get to the age of grandmother without picking up some important lessons on how to behave with other people along the way. This grandmother was eager to teach her granddaughter that she should always be kind to others, even if those people were being unkind to her.

Apparently, she had no idea who this globally recognized pop diva was, but the grandmother advised her granddaughter to behave well toward her anyway. Rihanna does not deserve your hostility—even if she doesn’t answer your calls, granny said, which we believe to be correct.
Revealing Your True Self to Grandma
The uncle portrayed in this post clearly took a long time before coming out to his clan. He may have been afraid of informing his grandmother the most, since she is the matriarchal leader of the family, about his orientation.

As it turns out, all that apprehension was unnecessary since this grandmother is more perceptive—and loving—than most folks recognize. She had most likely been preparing her astute and humorous answer for a number of years in anticipation of just this occasion.
In Doubt? Just Ask
When a person doesn’t grasp the joke or the meaning of a jape, a lot of folks will laugh and even nod enthusiastically, but not this particular grandfather, shown here. His grandchildren are responsible for ensuring that he is fluent in all of the most recent text talk.

Source: Pinterest
Grandpa demonstrates that people continue to improve with age by being sincere and extremely sweet when he asks the grandchildren what the phrase “you only live once” means so that he may seem cool in front of his friends. This demonstrates that people only get better as they get older.
Personalized Communication
This is how it was done back when this grandma was a young woman, and customs were more personalized and human. Perhaps this granny wanted to leave a lasting impression on the house’s buyer. She’s trying to show how comfortable her house is! Look, every room is built for comfortable living!

Of course, there’s no more convincing evidence of a genuine person at home than images of the person who actually lives there. Doesn’t she just look great modeling the place for us all to see?
Two Become One
This accurately depicts the true motivation of marriage: the union of two people into one. Perhaps we might learn from these elders and finally allow marriage to be and display what it is meant to be. Well, maybe we don’t have to copy them exactly.

Source: anthonygargiula/ Twitter
This couple has been together for more than fifty years. They are two people who have stuck together by always wearing the same color. If you do the same, you will succeed. We appreciate the positive example you’re setting for us, and we will do our best to follow it.
Tune Into the Proper Channel
These senior citizens’ first question upon receiving a smartphone was probably exactly this. What channel do I need to tune into to go online? It seemed to them that finding the internet station was similar to the days of small-band radios.

Please take the time to teach your grandparents or other elderly loved ones how to use modern devices before giving them to them. It’s easy to laugh at them, but you’ll feel the same when you’re their age trying to figure out how to synch with your techno-shadow in the 13th Dimension.
Joint Forces
It’s clear that this Valentine’s Day photo is meant to remind us of the importance of maintaining your relationship with care and love. They did everything together, including taking baths, doing laundry, and drying clothes—even while they were inside the machine.

Source: Stare-baby/ Facebook
They are a great example to others of how to stay together through good times and bad. The couple also does not need a large amount of room to celebrate Valentine’s Day as long as they are together.
Before Hitting the Road
Do you see yourself walking to your grandparents with big teary eyes and a pouty mouth? Parents usually don’t let their children eat sweets. Why? Because, as you may well know, dealing with a child on a sugar high is a nightmare.

Source: newwinenz/ Facebook
Your grandparents know this too, but how could they let their soft little bear suffer without their tasty snacky snack? Our grandparents’ house is where we got a main line to the good stuff. Maybe not this size, but you get the point.