The True Tarzan Raised By African Animals Was Actually A Girl

By: Riley Brown | Published: Nov 16, 2023

Meet Tippi Degré, the real-life Tarzan! Raised amongst wild animals in the African jungle for ten years, Tippi’s incredible story has taken the world by storm. Documentaries, a book, and childhood pictures have left people amazed and intrigued by the tales of her adventures. 

Moving back to mainstream society wasn’t easy, but Tippi managed to maintain a fairly normal job while pursuing her love for animals. Get ready to be amazed by the incredible story of Tippi Degré.

An Unconventional Childhood: Tippi Degré's Story 

Tippi Degré was born in Namibia in June 1990 to a French couple, Sylvie Robert and Alain Degré. Named after the actress Tippi Hedren of Hitchcock’s, The Birds, her parents had something unique in mind for her upbringing. They wanted her to be raised in the African wilderness, amongst wild animals. 


Source: YouTube

To the amazement of many, Tippi spent the next 10 years of her life roaming the savannah with elephants and befriending leopards. An unconventional childhood to say the least, but it was what her parents wanted for her.


A Magical Childhood: Raising Tippi in the Wild 

Many parents would consider Sylvie’s decision to raise Tippi in the wild insane, yet she had no regrets. Living in the wild with animals and not many humans, Tippi had an incredibly unique childhood – playing with monkeys and taking caution not to frighten the elephants! 


Source: YouTube

Her mother told the Telegraph that Tippi would even point to an elephant eating from a palm tree and say ‘mummy, be quiet, we’re going to frighten him’. What a magical childhood for this lucky little girl!

Crazy but True: Tippi's Unbelievable Bond with Wild Animals 

From a young age, Tippi had a special connection with wild animals. Despite her young age, her parents knew that she was fearless and willing to interact with the huge beasts. As a toddler, she was able to adapt and assimilate to their lives, and even believed that they were her size and her friends. 


Source: YouTube

Her mother, Sylvie, stated that it was all due to her imagination and the ability to live in different conditions. While it might sound crazy, Tippi had an unbelievable bond with the animals, even if they were considered as “ferocious beasts.”

A Childhood Unlike Any Other: Tippi’s Unusual Upbringing 

At just 10 months old, Tippi was already up and walking around, an astonishing feat usually not seen until much later in a baby’s life. Unlike most kids, instead of learning to look both ways before crossing the street, Tippi had to worry about wild animals attacking her.


Source: YouTube

Her mother described her childhood as spent worrying whether the animals surrounding her would take away her bottle. This was because Tippi was running around the jungle at such a young age – a situation more dangerous than most kids her age experienced. With such an unpredictable upbringing, it’s no wonder Tippi was able to take on the world.

Tippi's Unforgettable Encounter With Mufasa 

Tippi’s life was a bit unusual, but she was used to it. Raised in the jungle, she was surrounded by wild animals and had mastered survival instincts early on. But the most memorable of her many animal encounters were with Mufasa, a lion cub she befriended when she was just a baby. 

Source: YouTube

One year later, when Tippi and her family ventured into the wild again, they discovered Mufasa had grown into a massive cat. Despite the risk of danger, Tippi was not scared and even received a friendly rub from the lion. Understandably, her parents decided it was best that Tippi stayed away from Mufasa from then on. It was an unforgettable experience for Tippi nonetheless.


A Child of the Kalahari Desert 

Sylvia and her parents were determined to make sure their child was safe at all times. With no regrets, Sylvia’s parents decided then to raise their daughter, Tippi, in the Kalahari Desert. Sylvia felt it was an incredible opportunity for her daughter since she was exposed to things she couldn’t have experienced living in a city. 



While Sylvia is right that Tippi was exposed to unique experiences, she was also exposed to more risks, such as a lack of education and a higher risk of diseases. Despite this, Sylvia and her husband felt it was the right choice for their daughter.


A One-Year-Old Toddler's Incredible Bond with an Elephant 

Tippi, as a one-year-old toddler, had an incredible bond with an elephant named Abu. Although the elephant was huge and could have been intimidating, Tippi wasn’t scared. Instead, she just looked at him, played with him, and spoke to him. This momentous meeting was the start of a strong bond between the two, and it was made possible because of Tippi’s willingness to explore the world around her. 


This is a crucial part of childhood brain development, as toddlers learn what they like and what they are afraid of from their experiences. Tippi’s mother was amazed at how her daughter was able to form this friendship with a giant animal, and it made for a truly remarkable moment.


Unusual Best Friend: Tippi and Her Leopard J&B 

Tippi’s kindergarten experience was anything but ordinary. Instead of a classmate, she became best friends with a leopard called J&B. After his mother’s death, J&B was adopted by a local farmer and developed a strong bond with Tippi. Despite the leopard’s killer instincts, he was incredibly calm around the young girl. 


Source: YouTube

Tippi remembers the time when J&B almost attacked another child, but she was able to stop him with just a few words. She has an amazing ability to communicate with animals, making her friendship with J&B even more special.


Tippi's Wild Adventure - Unlocking the Power to Communicate with Animals 

Tippi was born to be different. Raised in the jungle, she had a special gift – the ability to communicate with animals in a way most humans couldn’t. It was a superpower that she believed everyone was gifted with, and she was determined to use it to her fullest potential.

Source: YouTube

With her faithful companion J&B by her side, Tippi embarked on a wild adventure, encountering new creatures and forming special bonds with them. Her parents captured the most incredible moments of her journey, showing the world the power of her gift. It was truly remarkable.


A Little Girl with a Big Heart: Tippi's Special Connection with Animals 

Tippi was no ordinary little girl. From an early age, she had an incredible bond with animals, a connection that was far more powerful than most her age. Unlike most kids, who may be scared of the bugs or frogs, Tippi was comfortable around all creatures, even the gross and slimy ones! 


Source: YouTube

Her parents captured this special moment of her with a huge African Bullfrog. Tippi didn’t realize it, but she was teaching us all an important lesson: that with a little courage, we can form powerful connections with creatures of all shapes and sizes.


Riding an Ostrich - a Dangerous Game 

Tippi seemed to be having a blast riding an ostrich, but is it really worth the risk? Ostriches are known to be extremely fast, reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour, and can be dangerous if cornered – their kicks have been known to even kill lions. 

Source: YouTube

Linda, the ostrich that Tippi rode, was sweet, friendly, and tame, but this does not mean that all ostriches are the same. While Tippi was lucky enough to have a safe experience, it is highly recommended to keep children away from wild ostriches.


Tippi's Unique Adventures Among the Tribespeople 

Tippi Degré’s childhood was an adventure like no other. Growing up in the jungles of Africa, she had the opportunity to make friends with the locals, including the Bushmen and the people of the Himba tribe in Kalahari. Not only did she learn how to speak their language, she also picked up a few survival skills like how to use a bow and arrow and how to live off of roots and berries. 


Source: YouTube

Her mother even allowed her to spend entire days with the tribe, where she would inevitably fall asleep among the children. Tippi’s unique experiences among the tribespeople of Africa are an incredible story of friendship and courage.


Tippi: A Jungle Princess Who Found Unconditional Love 

Tippi was a true princess of the jungle. She was accepted and embraced by the children of local tribes with no hesitation. Her mother, Sylvia, recalled the moment when she saw these children around her daughter. “Within two minutes, Tippi was the clown and everyone found her so cute”. 


Tippi loved the company of children, desiring human contact. All the children were fascinated by her hair, and it was clear that they enjoyed being around her. However, when it was time for Tippi to leave the jungle and return to Europe, she never found the same acceptance and love she had in the jungle.


A Magical Moment for Tippi: Syncing with the Seabird Islands 

Tippi’s family decided to take a trip to the Seabird Islands off the coast of South Africa, one of the most important breeding sites for coastal birds. Tippi, only six years old at the time, had a special connection with the animals. This picture captures the moment she was able to become one with the flock, with her arms outstretched as if in a magical embrace. 



Tippi’s affinity with nature was evident even at such a young age and her experience on the Seabird Islands was just another day in the life of a true animal whisperer.


A Little Girl and Her Slithery Friend 

Tippi’s love for animals is undeniable, as is evident in this heartwarming photo. Most kids would be terrified at the sight of a snake, but not Tippi! Not only did she let the snake play with her, it even gave her a kiss. 

Source: YouTube

Although the snake in this photo isn’t doing her any harm, Tippi might not be so lucky if she ever comes across a dangerous one. Despite the risks, this picture speaks volumes about Tippi’s courage and her special bond with animals.


Cuddling with Lion Cubs - Tippi's Unusual Naptime! 

Tippi’s naptime is far from ordinary – she takes cuddling up with wild animals to a whole new level! Most kids would be terrified of the idea, but Tippi takes it in her stride. Not only does she play with lions, leopards, and other wild animals, she actually takes naps with them! 


Source: YouTube

On one occasion, she even had her hand in the lion cub’s mouth, yet the cub loves her just as much as she loves him. It’s no wonder why Tippi is considered one of the most unique children out there!


Making Friends with Wild Zebras - Tippi's Way 

Tippi is not like the average zoo visitor – she fearlessly feeds wild Zebras! Growing up surrounded by animals, they are almost like siblings to her. You can see Tippi and the Zebra enjoying an afternoon snack, both calm and collected. It’s amazing how food can be a universal way to make friends with any species. 


Even though it is normally prohibited to feed the animals at the zoo, Tippi has found a way to get close to them without any danger. This just goes to show that when it comes to animals, there are no rules for Tippi!


Tippi's Surprising Career Choice: Cinema Instead of Veterinary Medicine 

Tippi’s childhood was filled with animals, but when she grew up and found her interests, she decided to pursue a career in the cinema instead of veterinary medicine. It may have been a surprising choice, but with the animal knowledge she acquired over the years, it’s not entirely unexpected. 



Tippi still loves animals and dedicates most of her time to protecting them, but she also wanted to explore new interests and hobbies. Making films is her way of spreading awareness and having fun at the same time. So, although it was a brave and unexpected move, we can’t blame Tippi for wanting to pursue a career in cinema.


Tippi & The Elephant: A Tale of Unconditional Love 

Tippi’s photo of her riding an elephant is nothing short of amazing! Wrapped around its trunk, their bond of love, trust, and respect is undeniable. Though the animal can be dangerous, the picture captures the innocence and admiration between them. It’s one of the most adorable sights you’ll ever see! 

Source: Pinterest

The sheer weight of an elephant could easily crush the little child, but Tippi’s courage is a testament to her trust in the bond between them. Truly, it’s a beautiful tale of unconditional love!


Tippi's Incredible Adventure - A Wild Elephant Herd Welcomes a Little Girl! 

Tippi’s incredible journey took an unexpected turn when she was welcomed into the elephant herd. Despite their size, the elephants had no problem giving Tippi a ride on their trunks and allowing her to join in the fun of bathing in the local pond. 


Source: YouTube

It’s clear that Tippi has built a trusting relationship with these wild animals, and it’s no surprise that she’s excited for the chance to cool off in the water. Who wouldn’t be after running around the jungle all day? It’s a good thing the elephants found her!


Make the Most of Your Childhood: The Unconventional Upbringing of Tippi 

Tippi had an unconventional upbringing, unlike most girls. Rather than wearing dresses like  other kids, she opted for loincloths and befriended animals. Instead of having a purse, she had a suitcase made from local trees. While other girls snuggled with stuffed animals, Tippi experienced the real deal. 


Despite her unique lifestyle, it helped her grow into a brave and strong individual. Judging by the picture, it appears that Tippi enjoyed every moment of her childhood. It’s time to make the most of your childhood, just like Tippi!


Tippi and Her Adorable Monkeys: A Heartwarming Story 

It’s every kid’s dream to play with monkeys and for Tippi, it was a regular day! Not only did she have the local tribe children as her friends and playmates, but she also had adorable monkeys. As one of the smartest animals in the animal kingdom, these monkeys have a special connection with Tippi. 


Source: YouTube

In a heartwarming moment, one of the monkeys even held her hand. Despite the potential diseases that can be transferred to humans, Tippi is safe while playing with them. This is a truly special bond that will remain in her memories forever!


Homeschooled in the Jungle: Learning Life Lessons from Animals 

Tippi’s education was far from conventional, with her parents choosing to homeschool her in the wild environment of the jungle. This didn’t just mean she watched animals interact on TV, but she was able to learn life lessons from their behaviors. For instance, the incredible patience and determination of a turtle can be a great example for us all. 

Source: YouTube

Tippi did try attending public school at one point, but her parents felt that homeschooling was the best option for her. Although the classroom environment was something she had to adjust to, the unique learning she experienced in the jungle was one of a kind!


A World of Wonder: The African Elephant

Witness a world of wonder as you come face-to-face with the African Elephant – the largest land animal on the planet! Towering up to 8.2-13 feet in height and weighing up to an astonishing 2.5-7 tons, these majestic creatures use their trunks for communication and to handle objects. 


Source: Pinterest

With a lifespan of over 70 years, they tend to travel in herds, as exemplified by Tippi’s incredible story. She was welcomed into their herd and was seen riding, bathing, and even playing with them. The joy on her face was clear as she looked into the elephant’s trunk, like it was a telescope, with no care in the world. So come and experience the incredible African Elephant!


Growing Up in the Wild: The Adventures of Tippi and Her Wildlife Documentarian Parents 

Living a childhood that most of us can only dream of, Tippi is the envy of the world. Thanks to her parents, a couple of wildlife documentary makers, we are able to get a glimpse into her life in the wild. 

Source: Sylvie Robert/Barcroft Media/Bulls Press

From her photos with elephants, lions, turtles, crocodiles, monkeys, and more, to the breathtaking sunsets in the background, we can see the sheer brilliance of her parents’ photographic talents. Experience the beauty and adventure of Tippi’s childhood as she grows up in the wild!


A Story of Harmony and Friendship - Tippi and Her Animal Companions 

Tippi’s story of harmony and friendship with animals is unique. Unlike many zoos, circuses, and other entertainment venues that have been criticized for mistreating animals, 



Tippi never had to resort to any form of punishment or violence to gain the trust of her animal companions. Instead, she could easily ride elephants, which was a natural part of her life and a way to bond with them. Her story stands in stark contrast to the usual way of exploiting animals for entertainment and tourist attractions.


Tippi's Unconditional Love for Animals 

Tippi has an extraordinary connection with animals. From the cute and fluffy to the gross and scary, she loves them all without discrimination. This photo shows her kissing a slimy reptile, something which most parents would advise their children to stay away from. 

Source: YouTube

However, Sylvie and Alain raised Tippi differently and were confident in her ability to control the situation. Growing up in the jungle, she never gets hurt by the animals, proving her unique bond with them. It’s no wonder her love for animals is so strong!


Living Life Free and Easy: The Journey of Tippi and Her Minimal Clothing 

Tippi’s childhood was unique compared to most, as she spent much of her time in the jungle wearing nothing but a loincloth or other light materials to stay cool in the hot African sun. With no shopping opportunities in the jungle, clothes were not a priority. 


Source: YouTube

She wore just enough to keep her covered, but not much else. When she had to transition to jeans and T-shirts, it must have been a shock to her. After all, none of the animals she grew up with wore any clothes! But with her free spirit, Tippi embraced the change and continued living life with ease.


Working in the Jungle: Tippi's Experience 

At just 12 years old, Tippi had the opportunity to make documentaries for the Discovery Channel in the African jungle. Although her mom Sylvia described the experience as wonderful, Tippi had a different view. She found it to be hard work and quite tiring. 


“It was great to see the elephants and the lions, but it would have been better if it hadn’t always been from behind the camera,” she explained to The Telegraph. “It was hard work, it was difficult, it was hot, and I was not happy all the time. I was worn out at the end of it.” Tippi’s experience was a reminder that even a dream job can come with challenges.


Tippi's Incredible Childhood Adventures with Wild Animals 

Tippi is a truly remarkable young girl who had unbelievable childhood experiences with wild animals. Despite how it may have seemed, her parents were quick to reassure everyone that many of the animals were tamed by local farmers and would not harm her. 



Her mother, Sylvie, explained that due to the arid climate of Southern Africa, farmers often raised orphan animals in their homes and these animals were usually tame and used to humans. Thanks to this, Tippi was able to be up close and personal with these animals without any harm. Truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience!


Fearless Tippi and the Wild Animals 

Tippi was a courageous girl and her parents gave her the chance to interact with animals of all sizes and reputations. While some of them may have been dangerous, she chose to only recognize the good in them. 

Source: Facebook

It’s incredible to think that this fearless attitude was partly due to her upbringing in the jungle, which can be seen in this picture where she is holding a wild animal. Living in the wilderness taught her to look for the beauty in the world, something that city kids may not have the same opportunity to experience.


Miraculous Tippi: Raised in the Jungle with Animals, Never Hurt! 

Tippi’s extraordinary story of growing up in the jungle alongside hundreds of wild animals is nothing short of miraculous. Despite such close contact with potentially dangerous creatures, she has only been bitten once – by a meerkat! Her middle name, Okanti, which literally means “mongoose or meerkat” is rather ironic. 


Source: YouTube

The only other incident occurred when a baboon named Cindy attacked her hair and ripped out a chunk, which her mother Sylvie believes was an act of jealousy. Nonetheless, the fact that Tippi has survived and thrived among lions, elephants and snakes without any serious injury is truly remarkable.


Uncovering the Fascinating Life of Tippi: Around the World with Tippi 

When the world heard about Tippi, the mysterious girl raised in the African jungle, people were immediately enamored. Her story has since been documented in several films such as Le Monde Selon Tippi and Tippi en Afrique. 


The ultimate look into Tippi’s incredible life was finally revealed in 2004’s Around the World with Tippi, a series of six environmental and wildlife documentaries that premiered on the Discovery Channel. Get a glimpse into this unique life and discover the fascinating story of Tippi!


From Jungle to City: Tippi's Transition 

Tippi’s life changed drastically when she turned 10 years old. After spending the first decade of her life living in the jungle, her family moved back to the city. The transition wasn’t easy for Tippi as she was used to sleeping with lions and waking up to monkeys. 



She had to adjust to a whole new world with different foods, homes, and clothes and was now surrounded by humans instead of animals. Even the tiny apartment they lived in didn’t have enough room for a dog! It was a challenge for Tippi, who was used to a completely different life, but she ended up adapting and thriving in her new home.


Tippi's Journey from Isolation to Friendship 

Tippi’s parents had a tough time when it came to helping their daughter reintegrate into society. After sending her to a local state school in Paris, it became apparent that she had nothing in common with the other kids. As a result, Tippi had to be homeschooled. To aid her in her journey to socialize, her family got her a budgie. 


This little bird became her constant companion and went everywhere with her. It sat on her head, flew beside her, and even fell asleep on her shoulder. Through her friendship with her feathered friend, Tippi slowly but surely was able to come out of her self-imposed isolation.


A Childhood Dream Realized: Tippi's Unforgettable Story 

Tippi feels incredibly blessed looking back on her life and wouldn’t change a thing. When she was only 10, she created a website announcing, “My name is Tippi. I am African and I was born 10 years ago in Namibia.” Unlike Tarzan, Tippi’s story is true, and she wanted to become an ambassador for her homeland. 


Source: YouTube

As modern life settled in, Tippi had forgotten her calling, but it wasn’t until now that she realized how special her childhood was. She is ready to take on the world and make her dreams come true.


Tippi: From Jungle to University

Tippi spent her childhood living with wild animals in the jungle, but she eventually adjusted to regular society. She attended public school and LA Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris, where she studied film. After graduating, she was last reported supervising and handling tigers at Fort Boyard. 


This picture of Tippi was taken at the FICMA, the International Environmental Film Festival, where she expressed her desire to return to the jungle. Despite growing up in the wild, Tippi still wanted to finish her education before fully immersing herself in the wild again. Though she was living a completely different life, she was determined to get the best of both worlds.


Unbelievable! Children Raised by Animals 

You may find it hard to believe, but Tippi isn’t the only case of a child being raised by animals. Take Marina Chapman for example who was believed to have been kidnapped and abandoned. Fortunately, she found refuge with a group of monkeys, who took care of her for five years and taught her how to catch birds and rabbits with her bare hands. 



Another example is a young Chilean boy who was found in 2001 living with a pack of dogs. Reports suggest that the dogs protected the boy and helped him find food. It seems animals don’t see children as a threat.


The Enchanted Childhood of Tippi - A Wild Child with a Difference 

Tippi’s childhood was like no other. Unlike other feral children, she was raised in the jungle intentionally and happily. She was surrounded by nature and had a worry-free life. Her upbringing was nothing short of magical, and she looks back at it very fondly. 


Although she needed to adjust to the real world, Tippi loved every moment of her childhood. Instead of asking for unhealthy snacks like candy or Cheetos, she begged her parents for a mouthful of local sweet coconut. A truly enchanting childhood that made a positive impact on Tippi’s life!


Tippi's Dream of Returning to the Jungle 

Tippi’s childhood was filled with wonderful memories, and her parents knew it was only a matter of time before she returned to Namibia. Since moving back to France, Tippi has dedicated her time to protecting wildlife and bridging cultural gaps. 


Source: Facebook

She longs to go back to the jungle, but this dream is difficult to make a reality after being a part of mainstream society. Despite the challenges, Tippi is determined to make her dream of living with animals once again come true.
