The Clever Signs at This Vet Clinic Make Vet Visits More Pleasant
It’s not always easy bringing your pet to the vet. We all want our animals to live forever in happiness and health, but of course, this is not always the reality. This Vet clinic knows how to put a smile on their clients’ faces.
This veterinary clinic brings some laughter and light to your pet’s next vet visit. These clever signs made us smile and we hope you’ll agree! There’s nothing better than an animal’s love and these vets know it.
If a Tree Falls…
We’ve all heard that saying about a tree falling in a forest and no one being around to hear it. The Carroll County Veterinary Clinic has their own take on this famous saying.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
I think we can all agree that chihuahuas will bark at just about anything. This includes a tree falling in a forest 500 miles away, apparently. They’re awfully cute, but very noisy!
Talking Parrots
I can’t remember the first time I heard a parrot talk but it was probably on a T.V. show which prepared me for when I hear the real thing. But, imagine the first person who ever heard a parrot talk!

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
Maybe they thought all animals could speak. We imagine they were pretty freaked out at the very least. Whoever had this thought at this vet office is actually pretty insightful.
“Dog” is Too Small a Word
This one warms our heart because it is oh so true! Three little letters don’t seem to be enough to capture the real love we all have for our dogs. These furry friends should be called something much larger.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
They say dogs are a man’s best friend and anyone who has had a pup of their own would certainly agree.
Too Smart for Their Own Good
Sometimes, animals can be too smart for their own good. I know we’ve probably all tired hiding our dog’s pills in creative ways to get them to eat the things. But, they somehow always manage to evade it!

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
They never seem to be picky about food until it comes to taking their medicine/ Gordon Ramsey is right! Maybe they need a meal cooked by the famed chef himself to force down the pill.
Doorbells are Not Dog Friendly
We have to wonder what it is about the doorbell that makes dogs bark. Is it the sound of the bell itself that inspires such a reaction? Or do they know that the doorbell means that people are coming over?

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
Whether it’s an excited or overprotective reaction, it can be somewhat jarring and frustrating when they won’t stop whining at the door. Whoever invented that bell definitely didn’t have a dog or else the doorbell probably wouldn’t exist at all.
Losing a Sock in the Dryer
The Carroll County Veterinary Clinic has graduated from animal humor to other relatable anecdotes as well. Sharing their vet signs on Instagram has garnered them a following and so their humor continues.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
This one might strike a chord with any homeowner or parent who has ever lost something in the dryer. It seems like a bottomless pit at times. Plus, how do we always end up with 100 tupperware lids and none of them seem to fit the containers? It can’t be just us!
Cats are Smart… When They Want to Be
Cats are really intelligent creatures. But, they sure do choose when and where they want to display that intelligence. When they’re not lounging around or hissing at you, they can learn commands.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
But they’re also smart enough to know that they don’t have to. They have crafted this perfect lazy reputation for themselves so that you don’t expect much from them. Can we do that?
Bee Puns
The vet clinic has moved onto animal puns. You either love them or you hate them, but we have to admit we’re fans of this one. We can’t imagine that this clinic has ever dealt with treating bees.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
But, it’s very possible that they’ve had hives in the area, which might have inspired this joke. Get it? A house swarming party?
She Believed She Could
She believed she could, so she did. Except when your cat is in your lap you really don’t want too much of anything. When those furry friends actually decide to show some affection you can’t very well take it for granted.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
Nothing is so important that you have to remove the cat from your lap and get up, right? That’s our philosophy, at least.
Calorie Refund
We have to agree with this one. It’s always disappointing when you eat something that looks delicious and it just doesn’t quite hit the mark. But, forget a money refund.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
We want a calorie refund. That ice cream was too melted? Refund. That steak was overcooked? Refund. We wish this was how it worked.
Accidentally Used the Dog’s Shampoo
Leaving the dogs’ shampoo in the shower is a risky business. While it’s probably not going to damage your hair, we’re pretty sure it’s made for furr, not your luscious locks. But, maybe this person is onto something.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
Maybe all the “goodness” of all the good boys and girls comes from the shampoo! And if that’s the case, we should all be using dog shampoo.
Home is Where the Dog Hair Is
Unless you have one of those special pups that don’t shed (and we’re still convinced they would manage to get their hair everywhere) you know this pain! They make it worth it even though the dog hair is so annoying.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
How do we end up having more hair on our clothes and couches than they seem to have on their bodies? No vacuum seems to be up to the task, but it’s home!
Running is Great Unless…
To be honest I can’t say I’ve ever experienced this “runner’s high” that everyone talks about. But, I am jealous of anyone that is able to break through the barrier and reach that happy place.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
I completely identify with this sentiment from the Vet Clinic. Running is great, it’s good for you, and you get those endorphins flowing. But the best part of running is when it’s over (in my humble opinion).
Start the Day Screaming
I can say that I have been jealous of cats and their lazy lifestyles. I’ve been jealous of dogs and their gleeful never-ending energy. But, I can’t say that I have ever been jealous of a rooster until now.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
We all have probably had days that we woke up just wanting to scream. Whether the barking dog woke you up or you just feel like you need a few more hours of rest before starting your day, screaming is not typically seen as a proper start to the day. Roosters have it good!
A Dating Site for Chickens
A dating site for chicken is an interesting business model. Who knows how they would manage to meet up or if they would just date within their farms. Tinder for animals is a fascinating idea.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
We’re not sure if we can credit the veterinarian. Lynn Wimmer with these engenius signs or if her staff are the ones bringing us these goofy signs.
That’s a Squat, Right?
This is what we like ot call a squat with soem motivation. What better than a cookie to motivate you to move? I guess eating the cookie defeats the purpose of teh squat but it’s better than nothing right?

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
If there’s one way to motivate yourself to get moving, it might just be cookies. We definitely aren’t here to judge, and neither is the Carroll County Vet Clinic, so eat the cookie.
Emotional Baggage
We all have some emotional baggage, some more than others. And, some more literal than others. No vacation is reason enough to be upset!

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
I can relate to those suitcases. I would be emotional if I couldn’t have any vacations as well. Maybe next year.
Diamonds Are Nice But…
Diamonds are great. Who doesn’t love sparkly jewels? But, we would take dogs over diamonds any day! A world without diamonds might be less shiny but a world without dogs would be much, much darker.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
No necklace or ring could compare to the warm cuddle of a dog’s love. We know the saying is “dogs are a man’s best friend” but they’re a woman’s best friend as well!
Coffee Puns
Lynn Wimmer and the staff are getting more and more creative with these puns. We must admit, we know what it’s like to procrastinate until we’ve had our morning cup of coffee (and sometimes our afternoon cup).

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
They say “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” and we can’t argue with that. It’s not easy to fight procrastination. Get caffeinated!
Let Them Nap
Letting someone sleep in should be another love language. I know I’m always happiest when I get those extra 15 minutes. They somehow make all the difference in the world.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
So, if you love someone, let them nap. It’s as simple as that. And most of us probably know how tough it is to wake some people up, so we don’t want to be the ones to have to do that anyway.
So Many Puns
This joke is something you have to unpack. The Black Eyed Peas are a tasty snack but they’re also the band responsible for hits such as Imma Be, I Got a Feeling, and Pump It.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
If you don’t already know, hummus is made of chickpeas. And chickpeas can’t sing; they can only hum!
You Are Not the Boss of Me
We all like to tell ourselves that our animals do not control us, but really, they’re the ones in charge. We do the feeding and the grooming. But they run the show.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
Cats are particularly bossy and just like with kids it’s sometimes easier to just let them do their thing than try and tell them what to do. You have to pick your battle or else you’ll be arguing with them all day everyday.
Messed Up Sleep Schedule
Most of us are usually night owls or early birds. You either spend your time out at night with the moon or you’re up and at ‘em early to catch that worm. But, technically, you can be both if you don’t have a great sleep schedule.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
However, we definitely don’t recommend this tactic. We think that this sign was put up by a staff member that is in denial about their poor sleep schedule.
They’re Not Wrong
We can’t imagine how this person came up with this one. It must have been one of those shower thoughts that we usually don’t share with others. But, now this one is out there.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
But, we must admit that we can understand what they’re saying. They’re not exactly off the mark. Jellyfish are basically just the ghosts of the sea, and they’re just as scary.
That’s a Fact
If it barks or purrs, then it’s good and reliable. We find that this is usually the case. You can usually count on them to be there to snuggle with and to be waiting at the door when you get home.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
However, technically, people can bark and purr as well and we know that not all of them can be good and reliable. Can you tell we’re dog and cat people?
Living Proof
Through trials and tribulations, there are always dogs. And they are living proof that good still exists. It’s important to remind ourselves of this fact when things get really crazy.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
If you have a dog you know that they have a way of making it feel like everything is going to be okay. Did you have a long day? Your dog is waiting when you get home. Man’s best friend.
Das Not Good
Don’t be sad. It’s easier said than done, of course. But “sad” backwards is “das” and “das not good”. We have to wonder if the people driving past this road have time to stop and admire this artwork.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
Because these are the little things that make our days better; a funny sign on the side of the road from a veterinary clinic. There are people out there just trying to put a smile on people’s faces.
No Cat Ever
Obviously no cat has ever apologized for scratching up your arms, sleeping on your head, or meowing through the night. But, to be fair, dogs can’t apologize either. But they do have their own way of saying sorry, which is something cats can never seem to do.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
Dogs will give you those puppy dog eyes that make it hard to stay mad at. Cats just move on with their day and scratch up another piece of furniture. We love them anyway.
This Year Didn’t Count
This was a sign that the vet clinic put up during the pandemic. They’re not the only ones who felt like a year was taken away from them because no one could really do much of anything.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
Most of us spent a year inside waiting for the whole thing to be over. So, we don’t count that year. We’re the same age and 202 just never happened. Agreed?
Let Me See the Terms and Conditions
Whenever we see the “terms and conditions” pop up on our phones for just about anything we immediately scroll past and don’t read. I mean, have you ever actually sat through that dense text and read the whole thing? Because we definitely haven’t.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
But, in this case, we can understand why the clinic wanted to see some terms and conditions before stepping into 2021. No one knew what to expect next.
What’s Scarier?
Two things that became common practice for some of us during the pandemic were taking our temperatures more regularly than ever before and weighing ourselves more often than ever before.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
With so much time at home, lots of people got used to ordering in food and there was lots of time to snack. Stepping on the scale is never fun. It looks like Lynn Wimmer and the vet clinic staff can’t help but agree.
Don’t Play Dead
None of us want to find ourselves in a situation where we have to run from an animal. They’re often faster than us and, unfortunately, they’re often smarter as well. Possums often take the route of playing dead instead of running.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
But, if it’s a group of taxidermists chasing after you, that’s the last thing you want to do. We don’t often take a page out of the possum’s book anyways.
Nachos and Tacos
Whoever put this sign up must have been a little hangry. What’s with the hate towards nachos? They’re just as good as tacos. But we do understand what they’re trying to say here.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
The tortilla chips, cheese, meat, sour cream, lettuce, etc. can be found in both dishes. Nachos are just a broken down version of this tasty Mexican dish.
Dad Jokes
Not all of us are fans of dad jokes. But, who doesn’t love a dad joke about a dad joke. It’s dad joke inception! It’s true. When you become a parent your jokes are basically automatically dad jokes.

Source: Carroll County Veterinary Clinic/ Instagram
And it also becomes apparent, as in, it’s obvious! Get it? If not, it’s probably because you’re not well versed in the world of dad humor.