30 Hilarious Pet Photo Fails That Owners Shared Online
Photos don’t always do justice to vast landscapes, so many turn to panoramic shots to capture the beauty of the world around them. Nevertheless, this technique, which uses specialized equipment or software to create elongated images, can be tricky when subjects move.
While mountains may stay put, an unexpected guest could quickly turn your photo into a hilarious creature feature, transforming them into a funny Cerberus or another monster altogether.
Nothing but Horseplay Gone Wrong
When a panoramic photo goes awry, it can lead to hilarious results. Just ask the unfortunate horse who found himself the victim of a camera glitch. In one snapshot, it appeared to be a one-legged donkey, much to the amusement of whoever took this photo and the internet at large.

Source: Imgur
Here’s an important lesson when taking photos: always maintain a steady hand while trying to capture the perfect panorama! Of course, there’s always the probability this was taken intentionally for a good laugh.
It's a Cat-astrophic Panorama Fail
Panoramic photos can be tricky, especially when animals are involved. This poor kitty found out the hard way when a panoramic shot turned it into a hilariously distorted, steroid-enhanced version of itself.

Source: Reddit
While the photo may not have been what its owner hoped for, it certainly gave everyone a good laugh who saw it. Just remember, when taking panoramic photos, be prepared for the unexpected, especially when it comes to our furry friends!
From Cute to the Cutest
When snapping panoramic photos, it’s essential to be mindful of your animal companions’ positioning. Unfortunately, one pooch fell victim to a camera setting glitch, resulting in a photo that cut off its front legs and made it appear as though it had only two legs in the back.

Source: Instagram
While the desired outcome may not have been, the hilariously distorted image provided a much-needed dose of laughter. Of course, that’s not to say this furry creature lost points in the cuteness department.
It's the Real-life Fluffy!
What we see here could be the real-life version of Fluffy from *Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone*! The truth is, though, this is just a dog who can’t keep still while a panoramic photo is being taken.

Source: Imgur
The moral of the story? Don’t include pets when taking a photo in panorama mode; otherwise, you might end up with a hilariously distorted image. Still, the result was an unforgettable photo that brought plenty of laughter to everyone who saw it.
When Making Eye Contact Isn’t a Good Idea
This poor dog should hold a protest in opposition to the injustice done to him. If we didn’t know any better, we would say he is one heck of an ugly canine.

Source: Instagram
In addition to the fact that we can barely locate his nose, his eyes would have even the bravest person scared for their life. Thank goodness this is just a picture because it would be hard to find someone wanting to keep such a pet.
If a Dog and an Anteater Were to Breed
Figuring out what this was took us a while. Were it not for its eyes, we would assume we were staring at some rare species that just landed on Earth.

Source: Twitter
Our guess is that this dog is mostly allowed to move around freely, but its owners wouldn’t let that happen after taking this picture, which is why they had it chained. Who would blame them if that were the case?
A Horse That Could Pass for a Limo
Some people would have taken advantage of a situation where there were horses so long they could carry more than two people on their backs. With such hoofed mammals in existence, we’re sure it wouldn’t be rare to hear stories about them being burdened with more than they could bear.

Source: Reddit
Besides, can you imagine how many people would be tossed to the ground and injured by riding such mighty animals? Nature sure knows how to take care of its own.
A Dog That Resembles Humans More Than Canines
Where on Earth did this dog’s two other legs disappear to? We don’t get how the shot can be almost perfect and yet still so wrong, it could pass for the top sights that could easily traumatize a person.

Source: Twitter
Imagine witnessing such a thing in real life! This is one bizarre panorama picture that we can’t unsee, no matter how hard we try.
Cat That Can’t Imagine a Picture Without It
If you own a cat, we need not tell you just how presumptuous they are about the world revolving around them. In their opinion, they are the center of the universe, and nothing could work without their presence.

Source: Reddit
That explains why this cat’s owner tried to take a picture of their house’s blank space when this cat decided to move so that it could be in the shot. If only the feline knew just how unsightly she appeared.
Like a Cute Fluffy Caterpillar
Wouldn’t you get scared if this fluffy worm crossed your path? On closer inspection you may even spot a cute tail wagging at its end. Trust us, this is no species from a fantasy land!

Source: Twitter
Here, the photog was capturing a panoramic shot of the lush green terrain. Unfortunately, a playful Welsh corgi intruded into the frame and transformed the ordinary image into something exotic.
Esper Suffers the Quarantine Effect
The 2020 pandemic has sent shockwaves throughout the world for several months. Many were greatly affected, but perhaps none appears as nightmarish as this poor dog, Esper.

Source: Instagram
We bet the photographer did a horrible job while taking a panorama shot. Now, even a mere glance at his the canine’s mouth is sure to send shivers down your spine. Instead, let’s just scroll down, ASAP!
He's Got His Eye on You
While doing any mischief, we get cold or angry stares from our parents until we acknowledge the fault. Yet, did you ever imagine getting the same treatment from your pets? If not, then this photo is here to make you think differently.

Source: Twitter
Although a panoramic failure, this picture can easily keep the little ones from misbehaving. Plus, those eyes appear quite human-like.
Standing on a Second Head
If we were born with two heads, we could think, eat, and talk more. Yet, when the same happens to horses, they simply use it as a fifth leg—see for yourself!

Source: Reddit
Someone’s girlfriend tried to capture a panorama of her horse, Pickles. Sadly, she messed up and the image turned out downright hilarious.
Dog Drawings by a Kid, Brought to Life
Drawing a perfect face or figure is indeed an uphill struggle for some people. We bet these pooches below remind you of those embarrassing paintings of dogs you made as a kid or an adult.

Source: Facebook
Their monster-like and supernatural appearance is the result of a ruinous panoramic shot. Perhaps, it’s better to keep the pets seated somewhere before snapping such a photo.
That’s Not Me, Right?
In this hysterical panorama fail, a curious puppy unintentionally unlocks its mysterious third eye. As it gazes into the mirror, the pup’s reflection is hilariously absent, leaving us to wonder if we’re witnessing the opening of a parallel “mirrorverse.”

Source: Twitter
The image sparked a lively discussion online, with people suggesting everything from ghostly presences to strange portals, and one viewer asking, “When will my reflection show who I am inside?” Embrace the laughter as this photograph captures the spirit of the mystical.
Five-Tailed Folly: Kitsune's Canine Cousin
In a comical twist of panoramic fate, we’re introduced to a legendary five-tailed canine. This happy mutant doggy appears to have been blessed by a mythical creature, with its tails resembling deer antlers or perhaps the tails of the famous nine-tailed fox, Kitsune.

Source: Instagram
The image generated a storm of amusement, with viewers suggesting various origins for the dog’s extra tails. From Chernobyl’s exclusion zone to the product of a gumiho’s mischief, this panorama fail will keep you giggling and guessing.
The Cameroonian Horse Mystery
While browsing random Google Street View images, one user stumbled upon a peculiar-looking horse in Cameroon. This quirky panorama morphs the noble steed into a bizarre creature with a distorted face and an odd back leg.

Source: Reddit
Viewers were left baffled, wondering if it’s a pig-horse hybrid, a winrhiel from Saturn, or simply a horse that ran into a parked car face-first. Whatever the cause, this hilarious animal photography fail is sure to make you question what you’re really seeing on Google Street View.
Dewey's Two-Legged Snow Debut
Meet Dewey, the lovable yellow Labrador Retriever who takes panorama fails to new heights. On his good days, Dewey has four legs, but in this unforgettable image captured on a family farm, he appears to be a two-legged wonder dog dashing through the snow.

Source: Facebook
The hilarious result has inspired viewers to compare Dewey to everything from a chicken trying to fly to an AT-ST from Star Wars. With his unique blend of courage and humor, Dewey’s majestic panorama fail will have you laughing and admiring his incredible spirit.
DogDog's Dual-Headed Panorama Puzzle
Behold the fantastic two-headed monster, DogDog, as it gracefully navigates its panorama-induced conundrum. This quirky canine sparked comparisons to the famous CatDog duo and the fictional pushmi-pullyu creature among online users.

Source: Instagram
With one user going as far as seeing a hot air balloon-shaped dog lurking in the background, this panorama fail is bound to amuse and baffle. As you marvel at the sight of this fuzzy double-headed enigma, you’ll find yourself asking, “How does DogDog decide which way to go though?”
Messing With the Wrong Dog
We all know the power of Photoshop, but little did we know that the program could edit your panoramic photos pretty well. Thanks to effects, this furry creature ended up with an elongated neck and an extra leg.

Source: Instagram
It looks like the little pup did something to offend the other dog in the room, who instantly stretched his neck to give the small one a piece of his mind. Imagine if something like this could happen in real life!
That’s How Not to Snap a Panoramic Picture!
This picture looks quite ordinary until one sees that one cow in the corner which supposedly has just one leg. No, it isn’t any alien creature but a photographic stint gone wrong. We assume the person snapping this panoramic view is an amateur who ended up with a slightly awkward cow in the corner.

Source: Reddit
While the picture may not have turned out as expected, it certainly got a lot of attention from viewers.
A Dog That Needed Some Upgrading
It is no secret that our furry friends want extra attention from us. We guess the same applied with this dog, who wanted to be in every picture its parent took, including this panoramic view of the beach.

Source: Instagram
Unfortunately, the person taking this picture did not end up with the perfect scenery, but did capture an extended version of its canine. Here’s to a new eight-legged dog who can climb even the steepest mountains with its elongated body.
Look Into My Puppy Dog Eyes
As much as we want this chimp-looking dog to exist, it’s just an ordinary canine. We do not understand the purpose of taking a panoramic picture of one’s pet, but the results did not disappoint.

Source: Instagram
The image only proves that puppy dog eyes are a thing that can melt one’s heart in seconds. After taking this adorable photograph, even its owner could not refuse this furry creature a treat.
This One Here Needs Some Photography Lessons
The intention of the photo below was to take a picture of a horse, not to miss capturing its legs and part of its face. However, the photographer has ended with what looks like a broken wooden rocking horse. It’s not only the creature that looks unflattering in the image—even the jockey riding it became distorted in the process.

Source: Reddit
The photograph is equally disturbing and hilarious, and it isn’t surprising that the image has gone viral.
This Looks Very Wrong
If there is any word that can describe what we are looking at here, it is “questionable.” It’s common that panoramic images turn out to be funny, but these two horses were hilariously framed in a compromising situation.

Source: Reddit
A creative person can easily write a whole article on a new species of horse and post this picture as evidence. Introducing horses with one head, one tail, two necks, and seven legs.
Behold! A Scary Beast Is Here
We are not going to lie, we had to look at this picture multiple times to try to understand what we are seeing. Just looking at the face, it seems like a cute doggo who is distressed about something. Maybe he is distressed about this ugly picture.

Source: Reddit
Or maybe he can’t figure out where the rest of his body went. Either way, this results in a very funny picture.
He Has His Eyes Everywhere
Thanks to the power of panorama, this chunky little pooch now has two heads, which is obviously better than having one like everyone else. Imagine all the things he can do now that he has two heads and four eyes!

Source: Instagram
One of those things can be hunting—now that he is well-equipped, he can find treats even better now.
Dual Victims of Panorama Horror
Panoramas are a cool way to capture a picture. When something doesn’t fit the lens, our phones have got us covered. These two dogs must have been chilling around the house when their owner decided to capture a panorama with shaky hands.

Source: Reddit
These two must have seen their picture because there’s a baffled look on their faces. Wait a sec, how did they see the picture before it was captured? Well, that’s a time travel mystery to be solved.
A Thief Caught Red-Handed
If we go to Google to search for Google Home, it tells us about a number of helpful features. However, one thing that they forgot to add was that it is very good at collecting shreds of evidence against thieves.

Source: Reddit
This kitty thought she was all alone when she landed her paws on those pants. The poor thing didn’t know there was a camera right behind her that caught her red-handed.