Unbelievable But True: How 2 Schoolmates Accidentally Discovered They Were Long Lost Sisters
Lizzie Valverde’s first day of class was anything but typical. After introducing herself, she wasn’t met with the usual reaction but instead with a long and unsettling gaze from one of her classmates.
Little did she know this would be the start of an incredible journey that would leave both of their lives forever changed.
Unforeseen Connections: Two Students' Unexpected Discovery
As Valverde nervously walked into the introductory session of a creative writing class at Columbia University’s School of General Studies, little did she know that she was about to set in motion something so much more magical than she could have ever expected.

Source: Vancouver Film School/Flickr
Along with her classmate, she had no idea what this course would bring them both but as soon as Valverde cleared her throat and spoke for the first time on that day – an incredible journey began! Their minds were opened up to new possibilities;. Who knew what might be discovered?
Incredible Story of a 33-Year-Old Woman
The 33-year-old woman had arrived in the classroom feeling a little anxious, but as she began to share her story with her classmates, that nervousness was soon forgotten. She talked about her family background and provided details about her life.

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
As they listened intently, one female student in particular was left amazed. As she listened to every word uttered by the Valverde, she gazed in disbelief What was so special about this tale? It’s time to find out!
Valverde's Unexpected Encountrer
When Valverde was in class, she had noticed her classmate’s intense reaction. After the lesson ended, she watched as the same woman approached her and started to ask her a series of questions.

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook | Katy Olson/Facebook
She didn’t understand why the woman was so curious as to her background and story and couldn’t understand the reasoning behind her array of questions; however, Valverde remained open-minded and continued to answer.
Life-Changing Discovery
When her classmate revealed that she had helped solve a 30-year-old family mystery, both of them were stunned! Valverde was left with more questions than answers and was unsure of what she had that sparked this.

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
The stranger then explained how – leaving Valverde wondering if this could be the answer to her own past too. Could it be true? Would this discovery change everything for Valverde?
Unconventional Paths Lead to the Ivy League
Valverde had come a long way. Columbia University’s School of General Studies was designed to offer an Ivy League education to students with different upbringings and life stories. Before stepping into class on that fateful day, Valverde could definitely say her life journey had been anything but ordinary.

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
From humble beginnings, she worked hard to navigate her own unique path towards success. Taking a leap of faith, she found herself standing at the threshold of one of America’s most prestigious universities – ready for what lay ahead!
A Journey of Discovery and New Beginnings
On December 8, 1979, a special baby was born in Tampa, Florida. This precious life was adopted shortly after arriving into the world and began an incredible journey that would lead to new beginnings.

Source: Nastco/Getty Images
She left her birthplace behind but embarked on a captivating voyage full of discovery as she navigated through life. Every stop along the way brought with it fresh perspectives, opportunities for growth and unforgettable memories.
A New Home, Miles Away - The Story of a Little Girl's Journey
When the Delgados welcomed their new little girl into their family, they had no idea how far her story would take them. They lived in New Jersey with miles and miles between them and the Florida, the home she left behind.

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
Despite being away from all that was familiar to her at a very young age, this brave young girl flourished under the guidance of adoptive parents who provided nothing but love and support for their adoptive daughter.
Pursuing Her Passion - Valverde Goes Back to School
In the midst of her 30s and with a family of her own, Valverde was determined to follow her dreams. She decided it was time to go back to school in order to pursue her passion for creative writing.

Source: Hannah Olinger/Unsplash
After years of putting it off, she had finally taken the plunge! Valverde’s decision wasn’t an easy one, but she knew that if she wanted something bad enough then nothing would stop her from making it happen.
From Humble Beginnings to Columbia Alumni - Valverde's Inspiring Journey
Valverde had faced many challenges in her journey of pursuing higher education, but she never gave up. With the help of the School of General Studies at Columbia University, she was able to enrol and become a student there.

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
On that fateful day in January 2013, Valverde walked into the creative writing class with only minutes to spare before it began and introduced herself among other students during customary introductions. Little did they know what an inspiring journey lay ahead for this determined student!
Valverde's Life Story – A Journey of Triumph
Valverde had a spur-of-the-moment decision that seemed to pay off instantly. As an aspiring author, she was more than thrilled to discuss her life experiences with the class. There were so many stories to tell!

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
From overcoming obstacles and hardships to embracing new opportunities and challenges – Valverde’s journey is one filled with inspiring triumphs for all who dare follow in her footsteps. Tune in to hear about this incredible storyteller’s unbelievable tale!
It Takes Courage to express with Your True Identity
As the new student spoke she felt a strange sensation as she sat across from another student at Columbia’s Kent Hall. As she explained her background, expressing she was adopted, the student seemed more intrigued.

Source: Scarlet Sappho/Flickr
Something had been off about her since the start of their conversation. It took immense courage for both women to come together and share their truth; Could a moment of clarity finally arrive?
The Mystery of a Panic Attack
Valverde’s mind was flooded with questions as she gazed at the woman in front of her. It seemed like the lady was having a panic attack, and Valverde wanted to know why. “It looked like she was having a panic attack,” Valverde would tell the New York Times in May 2015.

Source: Tero Vesalainen/Getty Images
Little did she know that this incident would set off an investigation which would lead to an incredibly unexpected revelation. Join us on our journey towards unravelling the mystery behind a panic attack!
Similar Struggles, Different Journeys: Valverde and Olson's Story
Valverde was unaware of the similarities between her and Katy Olson, the woman sitting across frm her in the classroom. There was something familiar about her that reminded Valverde of herself, she was soon going to find out why.

Source: Katy Olson/Facebook
They both had similar struggles but were on different journeys. Despite their age gap, both women shared a strong will to triumph over adversity. Little did they know that this chance encounter would lead to an unforgettable friendship.
Despite Her Challenges, Olson Proved That Anything Is Possible
When Katy Olson was born in Florida with a mild case of cerebral palsy and adopted at an early age, no one knew what challenges she would face. But her family had faith that despite the obstacles ahead of her, Katy could accomplish anything she set out to do.

Source: Katy Olson/Facebook
Her family moved from Florida to Iowa when Katy was still very young but this didn’t stop her from achieving success – even though it created additional hardships for the young girl.
Uncovering the Identity of Her Birth Mother: Olson's Incredible Journey
Olson embarked on a journey through her past to find out more about her biological family. She was determined to uncover the identity of her birth mother, but it wasn’t easy – she had to put in hours of online research and hard work.

Source: CDC/Amanda Mills/Free Stock Photos
But finally, after months of searching, Olson made an incredible breakthrough – she found out who she truly was to! Despite the emotional rollercoaster that this search entailed, it ended with much joy as Olson learned more about her Biological mother.
Unravelling the Mystery of a Lost Sister
As her inquisitive nature led her on an exploration into her past, she soon learnt that she may have had an elder sister who went by the name Delgado. An unexpected and emotional disovery.

Source: ABC News/YouTube
The startling discovery left the young woman in a state of bewilderment and raised more questions than answers. She was determined to unravel this mysterious enigma surrounding her lost sister and embarked on a journey like no other…
A Twist of Fate Reunites Long Lost Siblings
Katy Olson was taken aback when she stumbled upon information of a potential sibling picture. After further investigation, the was stunned to discover that the woman who could be her long-lost sister had grown up in the New Jersey area,

Source: Henrik5000/Getty Images
Although they were strangers to each other, Katy could not help but feel a strange connection with her newfound sibling. The seemingly impossible coincidence left her amazed at how fate had given her direction to bring them together after all these years.
Could She Have Already Met Her Long-Lost Sister?
When Olson discovered that her long-lost sister had gotten married and was also attending Columbia University, she couldn’t help but wonder – could they have already crossed paths without knowing it?

Source: peterspiro/Getty Images
After all, what were the chances that such a coincidence would occur? Given the vastness of campus, it seemed highly improbable. However, Katy’s curiosity lingered as she imagined what kind of reunion this could be if fate had indeed brought them together unbeknownst to either one of them.
Sister Search Uncovers Unexpected Surprise
When Katy Olson started her search for her long-lost sister, she had no idea what to expect. All she knew was the woman’s first name and that she may have been attending Columbia University.

Source: CDC/Amanda Mills/Free Stock Photos
But instead of letting this lack of information deter her, Olson decided to use it as a starting point for her search. She was determined to meet her long lost sister and felt she had enough to go on!
Olson's Quest Reaches a Stalemate
Determined and excited, she persevered and took advantage of the possibilities in front of her, she continued search. Olson sent out numerous emails, hoping this could be the thing that finally connects the long lost sisters.

Source: Katy Olson/Facebook
Olson was crestfallen to find that her efforts had yielded no results. It seemed as if her quest had come to an abrupt standstill with nowhere else to turn. Despite the discouraging outcome, Olson held onto some hope that she would eventually receive the answers she sought.
Uncovering the Truth - Olson's Shock Revealed
Olson had spent hours researching online and toiling away at trial-and-error emails, but as it turns out, her hard work was not in vain. On that unexpected introductory day at Columbia, her wildest dreams seemed to have come true!

Source: Katy Olson/Facebook
She appeared shocked and anxious during her creative writing class, little did anyone know that she had uncovered some startling facts which left her stunned. During Valverde’s introduction everything turned around.
Valverde's Chance Encounter Paves the Way
When Katy Olson heard what Valverde had to say about her life, she knew that it could be the key to bringing her family back together. As Olson told The New York Times, it all “fit together with a lot of stuff she already knew” about her biological sister.

Source: ABC News/YouTube
She realized this could be the only opportunity she would get to piece everything together and find out if they were related. After years of searching for answers in vain, was there finally something concrete?
Olson Finally Finds Her Match
Olson’s journey was finally coming to an end. With a racing heart and eyes full of hope, she looked across the room and saw her; the one that had been missing from her life for so long. Instantly, she knew it was true

Source: Katy Olson/Facebook
This woman sitting right in front of her was the answer to all her searching. Although cautiously optimistic, Olson could scarcely believe that despite months of looking high and low, it had taken only seconds to find what she’d been missing all along.
Putting the Pieces Together - Olson's Journey to Discover Valverde's Past
Olson felt like all of the pieces were finally coming together for her. But she was hesitant about digging deeper into Valverde’s past, worried that she might come off as a stalker.

Source: CBS Mornings/YouTube
After carefully considering her options, Olson decided to take it slow and ask questions one step at a time. Little did she know what secrets lay ahead in this journey of discovery!
Taking the Plunge
The young woman had been mulling things over as the class went on, but eventually her curiosity got the better of her. She found herself straining to raise her hand, gathering up every ounce of courage she could muster.

Source: Katy Olson/Facebook
Despite feeling a slight trepidation inside, she was determined not to let fear stand in the way of satisfying this urge for knowledge and understanding. After all, wasn’t that what life was about?
At Last, Could She Get The Answers!
For years, Olson had been waiting for the moment to finally arrive. After all this time of anticipation and eagerness, she couldn’t bear it any longer – she had to ask the question and get an answer. “I just couldn’t wait,” Olson said.

Source: Mixmike/Getty Images
She absolutely needed to know, “I couldn’t go home and sit for a week without getting an answer to this question.” Although it seemed like forever until she received what felt like her long-awaited response, when it came through at last there was no doubt in Olson’s mind that everything would eventually work out as planned.
Caught By Surprise: Olson's Search for Her Sister
Olson had been waiting anxiously until the introductory class was over before she mustered up enough courage to approach Valverde. Despite her nerves, she couldn’t contain her curiosity.

Source: Katy Olson/Facebook
Ultimately her nerves got the best of her and she began detailing the information she had discovered about her long-lost biological sister. Explaining one thing after the next to an unaware and in awe Valverde.
Unbelievable News for Valverde!
Valverde was left speechless as the conversation progressed. She had always been in the dark about her biological family, never expecting she would have any siblings. But to her surprise, it turned out that she did!

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
Valverde’s mind raced with excitement and disbelief until finally reality set in; she now had someone who shared her roots and could relate to what life was like before they were adopted.
A Second Baby Girl
Valvedre recalled that her adoptive mother mentioned something to her long ago regarding a potential sister. Something she hadnt thought much of due to the circumstances.

Source: Lya_Cattel/Getty Images
Her adoptive mother was contacted in 1980 about adopting another baby girl from Valvedre’s own biological mother. As quoted by Columbia University press release from 2015, “My adoptive mother was told the baby may not survive because of complications with her birth and delivery”.
Catching Fate By The Tail: Valverde's Miraculous Reunion
After being separated from her biological family at a young age, she thought she had lost her beloved sister forever, after the adoption agency never updated her adoptive family of the babies fate.

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
But Despite the years that passed, Valverde was overjoyed when it turned out that not only was her sister still alive but they were united after all these years apart. She was incredibly grateful for this emotional turn of events.
The Unexpected Sisterhood of Valverde and Olson
It was an unforgettable moment for Valverde when, in creative writing class one day, she heard the unexpected words from fellow student Olson: “I think we’re sisters.” For a few moments there was silence.

Source: ABC News/YouTube
All that could be heard were the questions running through Valverde’s mind – Is this real life? Could it be true that they shared such a deep connection? t seemed like fate had brought them together.
Two Friends, Endless Conversations and an Unforgettable Night
It was a night to remember for the two of them, they left Kent Hall together. Heading to a nearby bar, they spent the following hours in deep conversation over several rounds of drinks.

Source: Katy Olson/Facebook
There were no dull moments as each one shared stories and asked questions that kept them both engaged throughout the evening. The night flew by with laughter ringing through the air as conversations flowed freely between them; it was clear there was just so much more to talk about!
Bonding Over Beer and Chicken Wings
On a fateful night, the two who had just recently been strangers, connected over pitchers of beer. As they shared stories from their lives, an unlikely bond began to form. From discussing favorite foods to divulging funny anecdotes about quirky toes.

Source: CBS Mornings/YouTube
As Olson told ABC News in 2015, “We just ordered pitchers of beer and started going back and forth with our lives and biographical details – like do you like chicken wings? I like chicken wings. Do you have a weird pinkie toe? I have a weird pinkie toe.”
Creative Writing Unites Sisters!
When two sisters first met in a creative writing class, they had no idea that it would be the beginning of something so special. But thanks to their initial mutual interest they were able to discover their deep connection.

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
Now inseparable, the sisters have each other to thank for sharing such an important experience together. They have formed a special bond between them and are incredibyl grateful for their shared love of creative writing that brought them together.
United by Friendship
Olson and Valverde became fast friends the moment they met on campus and have even planned vacations together. They have even introduced eachother to their adoptive families!

Source: ABC News/YouTube
The bond between them blossomed into something truly special and unforgettable; over time, they went from being mere acquaintances to literal sisters. Their relationship is truly special; one which will last for a lifetime!
A Joyous Reunion: Sisters and Mother
It was a joyous occasion for the Olson family when the elder sister Valverde graduated from Columbia University in May 2015. For sister Katy Olson, she couldn’t be more excited to support her newly found sister in her graduation.

Source: Elizabeth Estella/Facebook
This day had an even more spectacular surprise – not only was Katy celebrating her sister’s accomplishments but they were both also being reunited with their biological mother Leslie Parker who attended as a guest of honour.
An Incredible End to a Real Life Fairy Tale
Parker was filled with pride at the successes of her two daughters, telling ABC News that “they’re both amazing and beautiful women”. But when she heard about their chance meeting in class, she was amazed!

Source: Katy Olson/Facebook
Parker could only think of one thing – that the world had come full circle. The sisters were grateful to be reunited while they were all still relatively young and shared a unique bond due to their extraordinary experience.