Stray Cat Befriends Hunter In Forest – The Outcome Is Truly Heartwarming
It is that time of the year when people don camos and head out into the woods for some hunting. But how would you react if a cat stopped you on your way to kill some game and asked if it could go hunting with you?
A random cat summoned up some courage and was like: “Hey fam, care if I hitch a ride?” As luck would have it, the response was a yes! Just like its human counterpart, the cat seems to be excited about the open season.
Who Else Is Happy About The Open Season?
Camping and fishing trips are excellent opportunities to bond with friends and loved ones. However, some people just prefer to go it alone. The hunting trip then becomes a sort of soul-refreshing hike.

Source: Flickr
That’s exactly what the hunter in this story did. He decided to go in search of game all alone. Well, he found more than venison. Our loner hunter encountered a friend who naturally cozied up to him in the forest.
A Lucky Encounter
The hunter had been walking for about an hour in the woods. All of a sudden, a spotted cat crept close and innocently looked up at the hunter. At first, it hesitated, then it lept and climbed on him, making its way to the hunter’s shoulder.

Source: SamSchle/TikTok
It just so happens that the hunter was a cat-lover, and the creature probably saw right through to his heart. As he proceeded on his hunt, the cat would remain with him for hours.
A Feline Companion Does Not Scare Game Away
Do you have a cat? Perhaps you’ve encountered or observed one before. One thing anyone familiar with cats knows is that they are stealthy. Any animal in the feline family has this quality. They are skilled at sneaking up on prey without detection.

Source: SamSchle/TikTok
So, this forest cat accompanying the hunter couldn’t have been a hassle. Cats can be very quiet. This one must have enjoyed a jolly ride on the hunter’s shoulder.
Presenting A Testimonial To Babe
Soon after the cat climbed on the hunter’s shoulder, he decided to make a video of the encounter. He then proceeded to share the video with his wife. In excitement, the woman took to social media to make a post.

Source: SamSchle/TikTok
According to her, the forest where her husband was is private property. The owner is a friend of the couple, and he granted them hunting access.
There Are Such Things As Outdoor Cats
Most people with pets tend to keep them indoors, cats inclusive. On the contrary, some owners allow their pets to roam freely. Apparently, that was the case with the cat encountered by the hunter.

Source: SamSchle/TikTok
The owner probably wants it to reconnect with its wild side. Consequently, he gifted his cat with freedom. This allowed the cat access to the wild around the property. However, the owner provides care whenever it comes home.
Reactions From Followers On Social Media
Soon after sharing her husband’s cat video, comments started trickling in. Some followers suggested that the cat picked the hunter, implying that he should go home with the cat.

Source: Samschle/TikTok
The wife then clarified in another video that the cat is not stranded. According to her, the cat is well cared for and belongs to the landowner.
A Pleasant Surprise!
It turns out that the hunter has always been fond of cats, but just didn’t realize it before that encounter. So, not long after his hunting trip, the hunter’s wife surprised him with their first pet together. You guessed right, a cat!

Source: Samschle/TikTok
The wife was careful enough to place a disclaimer on her social media account. She pointed out that whatever cat her followers see with the family is not the one from the hunting video.
Theories About The Hunting Video
The video of the cat hitching a ride with the hunter went viral on social media. So, many have come up with explanations. Some viewers believe the cat saw a fellow survivor in the hunter.

Source: Samschle/TikTok
According to this theory, the cat was equally foraging for food. So, it decided to join in on the adventure.
What Could Be Better Than Having A Voluntary Companion
Even introverts occasionally require the graces of companionship. The hunter’s reason for venturing deep into the woods alone is unknown.

Source: Samschle/TikTok
However, one thing is certain: he may have ended the trip without killing a single game. Still, the fulfillment of having had an amenable companion would have made the trip enjoyable.