Choose wisely: Dollar store products you should avoid spending money on

By: Ene Ayegba | Published: Nov 03, 2023

Dollar stores can be great for budget-conscious folks, but just because something is cheap doesn’t mean it’s worth buying. Imagine spending ten dollars on ten items that don’t even work! That’s a waste.

Whether it’s malfunctioning electronics, irritating skin products, or dangerous cooking items, there are plenty of things that prove the saying, “You get what you pay for.” Continue reading to discover items not worth purchasing at dollar stores.

Fragile Trash Bags Will Likely Burst on the Go

You’ve probably had the experience of a garbage-filled plastic bag ripping open on the way to the dumpster. Trust us; it’s not worth the few dollars you save. Instead, invest in high-quality plastic bags, especially for heavier items like moving drawer objects or a hefty pile of donated clothes.


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Keep in mind that if you have to double-bag, you’ll run out twice as fast. So save yourself the trouble and go with dependable bags.


Questionable Chemicals Found in Some Plastic Kitchen Utensils

When it comes to stuff that touches your food, it’s crucial to ensure it’s safe and free from harmful substances. Sadly, some plastic kitchen utensils raise concerns because they might contain questionable chemicals that aren’t great for your health.


Source: Pexels

That’s why it’s wise to choose high-quality kitchen items that are known to be non-toxic. Don’t compromise when it comes to what you cook with!

Cheaper Baking Soda?

While it’s tempting to believe that everything at the dollar shop is a steal compared to other retailers, there are certain exceptions. Take baking soda, for example, which can often be found at lower prices than a dollar in various stores.


Source: iStock Photo

If you happen to be at the dollar store and need baking soda, you’ll spend a few more cents. However, it is hardly worth making a special trip to the dollar store just for baking soda since you can find it at the grocery store for less.

Beware of Inexpensive Chargers

In today’s society, gadgets have become so common that USB chargers are practically as disposable as elastic bands. However, spending a few more bucks on a high-quality charger is a good idea.


Source: Getty Images

Sure, dollar store chargers are fine for older devices that don’t demand much power. But when it comes to smartphones and modern gadgets, brace yourself for the frustrating “slow charging” message if you opt for a cheap USB from the dollar store. Don’t let your battery suffer.

Less-expensive Toilet Papers Could be Uncomfortable

Nobody wants to settle for an uncomfortable experience with toilet paper. But, unfortunately, when it comes to the dollar store, their inexpensive toilet paper products might be harsh and thin compared to more expensive alternatives.

Source: Unsplash

You also end up using more sheets just to get the job done, resulting in added waste. Instead, try investing in higher-quality toilet paper that is both soft and strong.


Cheap Tools=Limited Durability and Utility

Cheaply made instruments are prone to cracking and breaking during tough jobs, which is the last thing you want. Instead, like children’s toys, invest in instruments that can survive wear and tear. Even for infrequent use, it is preferable to get a long-lasting item.


Source: Pexels

Don’t fall into the trap of buying inexpensive tools frequently when investing in a decent one upfront will save you money in the long term.


Grow Your Hair with Great Shampoo

If you don’t color or heat style your hair, you might think a simple shampoo and conditioner will suffice. However, cheap hair products can be harsh on your scalp and leave your hair dry and damaged.

Source: Getty Images

Even if you don’t notice any immediate consequences, you’ll likely need to use more of the watered-down cheap products to achieve the intended result. It’s worth investing in a quality brand since not only will it be easier on your scalp and hair, but you’ll also need less product in the long run.


Knockoff Pens: Prone to Leaking or Drying Out

We’ve all experienced the feeling of never having enough pens. However, wouldn’t having a clutter-free drawer with no lost caps or pens that refuse to write would be nice? Unfortunately, that’s exactly what you’ll get if you buy a pack of pens at the dollar store.


Source: Pexels

While they may work for party games, these pens are prone to drying out, leaking, breaking, or simply being uncomfortable to write with. Avoid frustration by investing in pens that are long-lasting and functional.


Gum Costs Almost The Same Everywhere

A $1 pack of gum may appear to be a fantastic deal, but it frequently contains fewer pieces. When you study the numbers, you’ll find that the price per stick of gum is very stable between merchants. 

Source: iStock Photos

The manufacturer’s suggested retail price is around seven cents for each stick, whereas dollar stores sell them for about five cents apiece. So unless you chew a lot of gum, the financial impact will be negligible.
