Parents Of Two Boys Prayed For A Baby Girl But Got Something Neither Of Them Expected
Angie and Gino Colonna lived in Southern California and were the parents of two little boys. They were thrilled with their family, but always wondered what it would be like to add a little girl to the mix.
In an amazing turn of events, the couple got what they dreamed for. They still cannot fathom how their life journey brought them to their fondest wish.
Couple Goals
For a variety of reasons, some married couples decide against having children. Some people prefer to let their marriage develop for a time before bringing babies into their lives. Others have their hearts set on having children from the outset, and Angie and Gino were undoubtedly among the latter.

They welcomed a baby boy into their household not long after getting married. They also received the blessing of a second healthy son less than two years later.
Joyful Homelife With The Kids
Both Angie and Gino were examples of excellent parents. One might even use the word “natural” to describe how good they were at parenting. They cherished every moment of seeing their two sons grow into responsible and capable young men.

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Nothing was more satisfying to the Colonnas than seeing their kids develop and advance. Angie and Gino experienced new joy and pride with every achievement the boys made. For the four members of the family, life was wonderful.
There’s Just Something Missing
Angie and Gino were content with their two boys and appeared to have the ideal small family, but they couldn’t help but fantasize about having a baby girl. They were undoubtedly grateful for all of their blessings, but still wanted to expand their joyful family by having a third child.

Their fondest wish was to add a little girl to their family; they prayed that they might conceive a daughter as soon as possible.
When Angie started having morning sickness, she knew something was up; soon after, she took a pregnancy test. It was positive, and they were thrilled.
Is This What They've Been Waiting For?
Angie was overjoyed when she learned that she was pregnant. The couple couldn’t stop discussing the new addition, and wondering whether it would be a girl or a boy.

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Of course, they knew in their hearts that gender didn’t really matter, as long as the baby was healthy, but they had both wished so hard for their boys to have a sister. Finally, the time came for the first ultrasound and the doctor gave them the news – it was a girl! However, the ultrasound found something else.
An Abundance of Favor
Angie and Gino were ecstatic to learn that the baby was a girl, and couldn’t wait to tell thier sons. But after a few moments, the doctor looked at them and told them that there was more news, and they’d better brace themselves.

The doctor shocked them with the fact that would change their lives forever; Angie was carrying not one but three baby girls. So, the couple was expecting a trio! They were in total shock. But that wasn’t the end of the news.
A Peculiar Pregnancy
In addition to the jolt of finding out that they would be the parents of three little girls, Angie and Gino now had to face another bit of news from the doctor. This was not to be a normal triplet pregnancy.

Source: Sharp HealthCare/YouTube
The ultrasound showed two placentas, meaning that all three babies were not together in one placenta. One placenta had two babies, and a third had a single baby. So, the two babies growing in a single placenta would be identical twins, but the third baby would have different characteristics.
A Rare Pregnancy
Angie and Gino were overwhelmed but thrilled. They were going to have three baby girls, two identical twins and one single baby. They had been concenred about handling a newborn, but now they were going to have three babies to care for.

The medical staff informed them that natural conception produces triplets just 1 in 4,000 times. Their circumstance was even more uncommon because two of the babies were identical! Talk about being lucky.
Numerous Considerations
The shocking revelation that Angie and Gino would soon be welcoming three newborns into the world brought with it a number of sobering insights and conclusions. They accepted the reality that their lives will would transform profoundly and permanently.

Before the girls arrived, there was so much to do! They had to talk to their bosses about modifying their work schedules and then realized they’d need a bigger car. Angie and Gino’s biggest decision was to hire a nanny, which they knew would give them the help they needed.
Anticipating Potential Difficulties
Angie’s obstetrician, Dr. Daneshmand, explained to Angie that the delivery of triplets would be much different than the experience with her two sons. She wanted Angie and Gino to be prepared for a more complicated birth.

The doctor explained that Angie might experience some complications during the pregnancy, unique to mothers carrying triplets. She and Gino discussed all the possibilities and felt they were as prepared as they could be for the coming months. Little did they know what was ahead of them.
Angie's Challenges Grew Critical
When Angie was 26 weeks along in her pregnancy, major complications set in, and she and Gino knew something was wrong. They decided it was time to speak with the medical care team.

The medical staff told Angie and Gino that the liquid levels for the babies were not as they should be. Baby B’s was too low, and Baby C’s was too high. This put the babies in serious danger. So something would have to be done, and done quickly.
Into the Hospital
Angie and Gino were shocked to find out how serious things were. Immediately, Angie jumped into action, informing family and office friends about her upcoming hospital stay. In addition, she had to make arrangements for the boys’ child care.

The doctors told her she would need to be in the hospital for at least three weeks. During that time, the specialists would monitor the babies’ fluid levels to make sure things did not become more critical.
Hard-To-Process News
It wasn’t easy for Angie and Gino to accept that they needed to move into the hospital until the infants were delivered, even though they knew it was the safest option. After all, her pregnancy was just 26 weeks along, so it might be a while before she was discharged.

Angie remembers blurting out, ‘Wait, right now?'” when she heard the news. She was Incredulous, knowing she would need to spend so much time away from her family. However, they were determined to do anything the infants needed.
Prioritizing The Triplets
The news that Angie would have to stay in the hospital, distant from her spouse and sons, was difficult to hear, but she understood that it was necessary to ensure the safe delivery of her triplets. Gino helped by bringing the boys to visit.

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They kept reminding themselves how excited they were to be adding girls to their family, and remembering how they had prayed for this. They were still in shock at having three babies at once, but were determined to do whatever was needed for the triplets.
Adapting to Changes
Once the reality sunk in, Angie accepted that she would be spending the next several weeks in the hospital. She made an effort to see the bright side of things. She knew she was doing the best thing for her unborn children, and that comforted her.

Angie and Gino tried to occupy themselves during the long hours together. They even decided that when Gino brought dinner to the hospital, they’d consider it a “date night.” They hadn’t had a date night in years, so these moments lightened their worries.
The Babies’ Temporary Home
Gino and Angie’s babies were faced with a potentially life-threatening condition, so the hospital staff told them that the newborns would most likely start out in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The staff wanted to prepare the couple for what was to come.

The couple went on a tour of the NICU and the staff there explained how the unit operates and what to expect. Angie and Gino learned all about the machinery, the special basinets, and the care their babies would receive.
Asserting Greater Hope
The visit to the NICU reassured Angie and Gino about the birth and care of their triplets. They appreciated being able to prepare themselves for what was to come, and meeting the staff who would care for their girls.

Source: Sharp HealthCare/YouTube
Angie found the visit to the NICU facility to be a boon to her confidence about the birth. Just knowing that so many professionals were all set up to care for the babies was comforting.
Rough Waters For ‘Baby B’
Angie was being closely monitored, and, after one ultrasound, the staff found that Baby B was noticeably smaller in size than her sisters. Angie and Gino were terribly worried and wondered what the future would bring.

Acknowledging that Baby B’s health was in danger, the obstetrician added that there was no option to deliver the babies at that point, since they would be too small to survive. The babies needed another four weeks, which would be week 34 of the pregnancy, in order to be delivered safely.
Cautiously Optimistic
Another four weeks in bed didn’t seem that long to Angie, considering she was giving her babies time to grow and mature enough to survive outside the womb. She resigned herself to waiting another four weeks, with constant monitoring.

Source: Sharp HealthCare/YouTube
Angie and Gino continued praying that the four weeks would pass without incident. All of their energy went into keeping each other’s hopes up and just counting the days, knowing that each day meant further maturing of the fetuses.
The Countdown
The waiting was excruciating. Angie knew that she could begin to experience contractions at any moment, meaning the babies might have to be delivered too soon. The best they could hope for was that the babies stay in the womb for as long as possible.

The couple celebrated as each week passed, feeling that they’d passed another milestone. They feared early labor or a possible C-section. Soon they stopped counting the weeks, and began counting the days, as the end of the four weeks came closer.
Premature Labor
At 32 weeks, two weeks before their goal date, Angie began experiencing contractions. The couple knew that had done their best to help their babies, but there was no stopping the birth at this point. At one point, Angie looked at Gino and said “three little stars will be born tonight.”

Source: Interessante Verhalen / YouTube
Angie was nervous but excited to see her babies. As she was wheeled to the delivery room, she put on a brave face, saying, “I have some hard work ahead of me now.”
A Hearty Hello!
Soon after Angie arrived in the delivery room and the team prepped her for the births, the doctors declared her ready to give birth. The triplets were just about to introduce themselves to their parents for the very first time.

The medical team decided to deliver the babies by C-section because it caused the least trauma to the babies and to Angie. When they were born, each weighed a bit less than four pounds. Angie and Gino named them Camilla, Daniella, and Anabella.
Worthwhile Plan
The fact that the triplets were born earlier than expected was not a surprise to the medical staff, because of the issues that arose during the pregnancy. Each of the triplets received their own team of specialists to care for them.

Just after delivery, the three daughters were rushed to be stabilized and examined. Then they took their trip to the NICU. The couple was thrilled, and couldn’t wait to hold their babies. That moment would take some time.
Waiting Is The Hardest Part…
Even the most careful strategy in the world cannot ensure that everything will turn out the way we hope it will. This was most definitely the situation for Angie, who had carried her babies for months yet could not hold them, even for a moment, after giving birth.

But Gino and Angie had learned to be patient for the welfare of these little girls. The entire pregnancy had been fraught with worry, so they knew the babies needed special care in the NICU, and the parents would just have to wait.
Help to Breathe
The doctors knew that the babies would need help with breathing, since their lungs were not yet fully mature at the time of birth.

The medical team quickly inserted breathing tubes into the babies. It was sad for Angie and Gino to see their babies hooked up to so much machinery, but they trusted the medical staff and prayed that everything would turn out for the best.
Episode Of The Waiting Game
The next stage of waiting had begun. Both infants were using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines to help them breathe, and the doctors wanted to make sure their oxygen levels were stable before allowing Angie and Gino to greet their daughters.

Everyone was looking forward to finally seeing the family together. The nurses, too, couldn’t wait for that moment, as they knew it would be a wonderful moment for everyone. But no one was more anxious to meet the babies than their parents.
Stable Vitals Signs
Amazingly, only a few hours after delivery, the doctors declared that the babies were stable and able to breathe on their own. This was quick for premature babies, which gave everyone hope.

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The girls were prepared to move on to the next major step, despite the fact that there was still considerable time before they could go home. The moment of the triplets’ first introduction to their parents finally arrived. The excitement among the staff was palpable, but it was especially high for Angie and Gino.
Not Losing Sight of Reality
Angie and Gino both agreed that the last few days and weeks seemed like an eon to them. Even after receiving the comforting news that their darling baby daughters had all been delivered without incident and were being carefully observed by a group of trained medical professionals, they continued to feel tense.

They awaited the birth of their wonderful children with bated breath and apprehension. After what seemed like an eternity, Camilla, Anabella, and Daniella would have the opportunity to be nestled by their loving parents.
A Long Ordeal
Getting back on your feet after having a C-section is no easy task. Even though Angie had a long road ahead of her in terms of recuperation and relaxation, she was at last feeling well enough to take a stroll down the hallway. After all, she was really excited to finally meet her newest additions to the family.

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Gino accompanied Angie to the NICU. The joyful parents (and nurses) couldn’t wait. Their excitement made the walk to the NICU feel longer.
Presenting Camilla, Anabella, Daniella
Angie, and Gino, who had been waiting for what felt like forever, finally entered the NICU. All of the nurses and doctors stood around to share the moment. Slowly they walked to the three bassinets to meet their daughters.
Sharp HealthCare/YouTube

As a nurse handed one of the babies to Angie, she began to sob and looked at Gino, saying, “It just feels so right.” After praying for a new baby, enduring the difficult triplet pregnancy, and waiting for the birth, the family was now together.
Family Reunion
Seeing her triplets brought Angie an overwhelming sense of joy that she couldn’t put into words. She and Gino had really only spent a few hours apart since the delivery, but she was aching to hold them. Being together with the girls and Gino was incredible.

Each infant was handed to Angie to cuddle. She cried at the beauty of each one, and she and Gino stared at the little faces for a long time. They knew they would never forget this moment.
Gino’s Turn
After Angie held the three babies, it was Gino’s turn. As he was handed each infant, the nurses taught him to place them inside his shirt to provide them with skin-to-skin contact.

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For premature infants, skin-to-skin contact offers significant health benefits. So each baby had some time inside Daddy’s shirt, snuggling while he spoke to them. What a beautiful experience for Gino.
Gino’s Heartwarming Moment With One of The Triplets
Babies frequently don’t open their eyes until some time after delivery. However, Anabella was unique. The moment Gino held her, the baby opened her eyes and seemed to look directly into his. When he spoke, her gaze followed his mouth.

“Look at that, she’s opening her eyes, listening to me,” Gino stated, impressed that her daughter was now opening her eyes. What an amazing, beautiful moment; a priceless keepsake for the new dad.
Discharge From the Hospital
The triplets’ stay in the NICU lasted many weeks. They were capable of returning to their own home when they were considered fit enough to do so. The family, especially the older brothers, had waited a long time to greet the newborns.

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With the addition of their three daughters to their two cherished sons, they felt their family was complete. There was no bump in the road as the family expanded from four to seven members. And as they grew, they continued to bring wonder to the family.
The Whirlwind of Time
As the years went by, the triplets continued to get bigger and stronger with each passing day. They each had a unique personality as well as a set of preferences that were all their own. The daughters’ sixth birthday came and went before Angie and Gino had a chance to register their surprise.

Six years may seem like a long time, but in reality, they have flown by for Angie, who spent what seemed like an eternity in the hospital throughout her complicated birth. Having a big family might keep you very busy.
Developmental Stages
Now that they are old enough, the triplets work at their brothers’ lemonade stand. Angie updated her followers in 2018 with this cute photo “Please support these cuties…Lemonade and Brownie stand,” she wrote. “Their cause? To pay for a Disney Cruise!”

Source: angie.r.colonna/Facebook
The kids’ initiative in fundraising for the family vacation was admirable, notwithstanding Angie’s jokey inclusion of a facepalm emoji alongside the wording about the cruise. It’s obvious that Angie and Gino did a fantastic job as parents.
A Committed and Productive Family
Angie and Gino have their hands full taking care of their five children. They surely keep themselves busy. They have never wavered in their dedication to the link that binds their family, and it is easy to see how much love and dedication they have for one another by how they raise their children.

There are various challenges, but parents will persevere if it means their children are secure in a positive environment. In terms of parenting, Angie and Gino are examples for others.
Chase your Wildest Fantasies
Angie and Gino have gone through a lot in their life together, from being married to having five children. It’s likely that they have a hard time remembering what it was like in the beginning of their marriage.

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In spite of the fact that they are constantly kept on their toes by their family, they wouldn’t change a thing. After all, their hope for a daughter had been answered three times over. “It’s truly a dream come true to have them come into my life,” Angie remarked.