Man Rescues An Unidentified Creature From A Sidewalk Not Knowing What It Would Grow To Be
When Jeff Longo was walking around his neighborhood one day, he noticed something odd lying on the sidewalk. Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to investigate what he was looking at. Little did he know this moment would be the start of something truly remarkable.
Lying in Longo’s path was a small creature with one foot in the grave. Upon closer inspection, Longo realized that he was looking at an infant and the situation needed him to act post haste.
Let's Go Home, Little One
Jeff could not make out the creature’s parentage or species, but that was not important at the moment. Instead, he had to find a way to help the poor animal before it joined its ancestors. So, without further ado, the man picked up the baby creature and quickly went home.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
The plan was straightforward; Jeff would get home and try his best to save the creature. Luckily, this was the information age and the internet would help him figure out everything he needed to do.
The Internet to the Rescue
By the time Jeff got home, he still needed to decipher what creature he was holding. Nonetheless, he was determined to save its life. Additionally, the good man had already bonded with the animal and named it Biscuit.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
Without wasting any time, the animal rescuer got to work, scouring the web to look for proper ways to save the dying creature. At this point, Jeff had identified the poor fellow to be a southern flying squirrel whose habitat is located in the Eastern U.S. forests.
It Was a Lady
Upon further research and inspection, Jeff learned that the animal was a female, and this information would probably come in handy sooner than later. So far, Biscuit was in safe hands and Jeff was doing his best to salvage the situation.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
From his research, Jeff discovered the best way to feed the baby was to bottle-feed it frequently until it got its strength back. He settled on a mixture of puppy formula and heavy cream which Biscuit seemed to relish and gulp down pretty fast.
It's Never That Easy
Don’t let this story fool you. Caring for a wild animal is easier said than done. We’d suggest turning in a wild animal to a local shelter or sanctuary instead of taking care of it. One wrong move and you could do more harm than good.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
As for Jeff’s case, he was one of the lucky ones who managed to find the correct information online. On the other hand, he may have been adept at such situations and had the necessary resources to care for baby creatures.
Something Else to Worry About
Aside from worrying about food, securing the creature is a big part of ensuring an animal’s survival. Jeff was stuck with a baby squirrel which is quite fragile in the wilderness. Things are safer in the confines of a house, but other factors must be considered.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
If you have pet dogs and cats, ensuring the animal is safe is stressful, considering most of these animals see such fragile creatures as food. Cases of a rescue attempt inadvertently turning into a bloody feast are common.
It's Not All Doom and Gloom
Without a doubt, Jeff was taking on a huge gamble, but we are glad humans like him exist. He acted swiftly and managed to save a poor creature from fatality. See, this story is not a first of its kind, as there is another tale of a vet protecting a whole nest of orphaned baby squirrels.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
Now that we’ve mentioned it, stick around till the end for a recap of that fantastic story. For now, let’s talk about the adventures of Jeff and Biscuit.
She Was So Tiny
When Biscuit was rescued, she was barely a few centimeters long and had no signs of surviving her fate. She had been at the mercy of the elements of nature for quite some time, and we all know how hot the sidewalk can get.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
It looked like the little one had fallen from its nest, and its parents were not aware or they had just given up on her. Of course, nature is rather unforgiving, so we wouldn’t be surprised if the latter was the case.
The Internet to the Rescue
Surprisingly, despite Jeff’s optimism, the internet felt otherwise. Most of the comments online shared a grim prognosis and had shallow hopes for Biscuit’s survival. Who can blame them, though? Babies need their mothers, and Jeff was far from the ideal candidate to take on the role.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
Despite the odds stacked against him, Mr. Longo kept his hopes up and focused on the positive and helpful comments. After all, he had nothing left to lose. All he had to do was put his best foot forward and hope for the best.
His Gamble Paid Off
Jeff’s odd strategy of puppy formula and heavy cream was the magic Biscuit needed because she slowly started gaining her strength. So naturally, this encouraged Jeff’s efforts, and he started taking her everywhere, including his workplace. Biscuit’s guardian angel must have been working overtime because how else can you explain such luck?

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
We also feel jealous of Jeff because he can take his pet to work. Some of us can’t even walk in the front gate with some fur on our jackets, let alone a baby squirrel.
Say Hello to the World
Eventually, Biscuit opened her eyes, much to the delight of her caregiver. Jeff’s work was paying off ideally, as the squirrel kept showing signs of improvement. Everything was moving in the right direction, and it was only a matter of time before things got better.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
Aside from her improving physical health, Biscuit created a deep bond with Jeff. The man was her new family, and he was doing everything in his power to ensure Biscuit was safe and fed. It was a heartwarming situation, but that’s not all.
Meeting the Rest of the Family
If you’ve been wondering why Jeff has such a good grasp on taking care of animals, there is a particular reason for that. Nevertheless, if the puppy formula is not a clear sign that Biscuit is not Jeff’s first rodeo, the following should convince you.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
Jeff has some pets in the house who took in the baby squirrel as one of their own. The pets automatically became her siblings, adding to the already wholesome environment Jeff had fostered around the baby squirrel.
She Is a Homebody
With all this tender love and care running about, it begs to answer whether Biscuit can adapt to her natural habitat. The answer is simple: no. At this rate, the young creature has been fully transformed into a pet, and it would be impossible for her to join her family in the wild.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
That being said, Biscuit is not showing any qualms regarding the arrangement. On the contrary, she is happy with the system and environment provided by Jeff and her step-siblings.
She's Full of Energy
According to Jeff, the squirrel loves running around the house and using his body as a tree. She always jumps on him and things around them but never strays too far from her “father.” As for sleeping arrangements, he came up with an excellent custom sleeping hammock for the cheeky animal.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
Any time Jeff is around, Biscuit knows the snack parade is here. Honestly, this squirrel has a better love life and more pampering than some of us have received in years.
A Few Tricks Up Her Sleeve
Nevertheless, you must remember that Biscuit is a flying squirrel. This is something that no one is ever prepared for, and Jeff admits it can get a bit hectic sometimes. He’s probably lucky he has enough room for the creature to glide about. Otherwise, things would have gotten messy fast.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
As for Biscuit, she has found different ways to amuse herself. Jeff has taken the time to teach the squirrel some skateboarding tricks, and it looks like it’s working out. The flying squirrel is a quick study
He's Not Hung up on the Negatives
Listening to this story, it’s heartwarming to see how everything turned out. Yet, many people will agree that things are not so rosy. A wild animal means a lot of work and most of us would have bailed out on the poor creature right on the street, let alone nursing it back to health.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
Luckily, Jeff doesn’t mind the responsibility, and he appreciates every moment with his new pet. On the other hand, this is not an isolated case, and we promise to tell you another interesting situation.
What About the Squirrels
Despite their cheeky nature, squirrels are pretty adorable creatures. Their fluffy tails and overbites make us want to grab them and snuggle them up to our cheeks and faces. However, squirrels tend to be shy and maintain their cheekiness in their domain, unlike monkeys, which can get pretty aggressive.

Source: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images
The only people who can complain about these creatures are farmers since they are their worst enemies. Good thing today we are not here to talk about this age-old feud but rather something more exciting and wholesome.
They Need Some TLC
As wild as they are, squirrels also need some TLC, especially their infants who are pretty fragile. Like baby rats, baby squirrels tend to measure a few centimeters and come out blind. This leaves them at the mercy of their parents and nature.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
If anything goes wrong—which often does—the little one meets its maker before seeing the sunlight. That’s why stories like Jeff’s and this vet’s are a vital testament to how kindness goes a long way. Besides, who hates animal heroes?
The Art of Squirrel Care
It’s inadvisable to keep wild creatures as pets, squirrels included. You might avoid getting into trouble if you have the proper training and facilities, but the beast might pass away or suffer when mishandled, which does more harm than good.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
Yet, once in a while, a skillful individual can domesticate one of these delicate creatures. This usually results in cute stories such as Jeff’s, although in his case, the internet came to his aid. Who knows what would’ve happened if it didn’t?
Meet the Animal Doctor
Our side story focuses on Dr. Matt, a fantastic vet who happened to rescue a litter of four squirrels. Unfortunately, unlike Biscuit, this merry band was in a bad state. So first, Matt had to painstakingly clean the creatures, picking off fleas one by one.

Source: Vet Ranch/youtube
It was a tedious process that took hours, but the little ones barely woke up. Looking at them, someone might have wondered why the doctor was wasting time. They were looking like a lost cause already.
He Had Some Faith
Matt took the litter home for close observation and care. This was a sound decision as his daughters took to the little ones and asked for regular reports. Even their pet dog fell in love with the younglings and kept an eye out for any intruders.

Source: Imgur / 3sgtejeff (Jeff Longo)
Instead of giving up on the squirrels, Matt started feeding them. Unfortunately, they were too young and small to feed normally, so the vet used a syringe to give them the necessary nutrients.
All's Well That Ends Well
Before long, the babies gained their energy and started getting up to mischief within the household. Finally, they were officially a part of the family, and the vet was super proud of his work. You can even find images of the four squirrels and the doctor online. Dashing doesn’t even begin to describe them.

Source: Vet Ranch/youtube
Speaking of dashing, there’s another cheeky squirrel owner that needs highlighting. This guy took the internet by storm, and it is easy to see why his story takes the cake.
The Man Behind the Camera
Inculcating nature into your household is an excellent plan that usually keeps you warm and fuzzy. That’s why these stories of people domesticating squirrels sound cool. The wild creatures give you a sense of freedom even most pets can’t.

This is the exact situation that photographer Geert Weggen found himself in. The legend had always been aware of squirrels in his yard, but little did he know these creatures were about to change his life. He was already famous, but a few squirrels were going to take him to the next level.
Time to Get To Work
Geert’s creative mind went into high gear, and he decided to capitalize on his furry guests. After a while, he noticed these cheeky creatures had some entertaining antics. This moment needed to be captured, and he had a perfect concept.

Source: geertweggen
He needed the perfect setup and a few willing conspirators to execute it. The man built an outdoor studio off his balcony to achieve the first target. This was, however, the easy part. He still needed to convince the elusive creatures to participate.
Anything for the Perfect Shot
To encourage his subjects, the photographer got creative. He got some squirrel-sized props for the big day. This was a bid to lure the little creatures to his setup without resorting to extreme measures.

We must admit that man understands animals pretty well because the ruse worked. You see, squirrels are naturally curious, and these props were the perfect items to pique their interest. Even so, it must be natural because people also tend to get curious when they see human stuff in odd areas.
Patience Is the Key
Getting the squirrels curious was one thing, but getting the perfect shot was a test of patience. Luckily, we are not talking of an amateur here. Geert bid his time and waited for the ideal time to capture his intended shots.

Sooner than later, his prayers got answered, leading to an incredible experience for everyone involved. Of course, the squirrels were oblivious to what was happening, but some of these shots have us questioning that. The poses are so photogenic that we think these creatures deserve a modeling contract.
As Funny as Posing Squirrels
These squirrels didn’t come to play, and they delivered an epic experience. Of course, nature is primarily breathtaking, but in this case, these creatures proved that mama nature has a tremendous sense of humor.

The creatures fiddled with Geert’s props and had fun around the setup. Their curiosity was satisfied wholeheartedly because they even invited their friends to witness the goodness in front of them. As for Geert, let’s say the man was having the time of his life. What started as a concept was now blossoming into something bigger.
He Was in His Element
Geert patiently snapped away as the squirrels had their fun. He was in no rush to end the experiment, allowing for some incredible snaps. Aside from patience, Geert knew to keep his distance lest the creatures become wary of his trap and scamper.

As a seasoned veteran in the game, Geert knew his subjects were antsy and needed all the room to flourish. By the end of the shoot, he had secured his spot in the internet hall of fame.
It's Not an Ongoing Series
This success would be enough for most people to pack their bags and go, but not Geert. The shoot’s success sparked a fire that prompted him to start a fun series with the animals. Since his first project, his ideas have grown, with every release more entertaining than the last.

One of his latest editions of the squirrels involves the animals posing with a collection of miniature musical instruments. Unfortunately, Alvin and the chipmunks might need to talk with their manager for collaboration.
Nothing Is Scripted Here
Believe it or not, most of these images are not scripted or edited. Geert only photoshops awkward cables that find their way into the shots or something like an unwanted participant. Over time, the squirrels have gotten comfortable with the setups, but there’s a secret behind this. The models are getting paid!

Yes, these squirrels get paid handsomely. Geert always lays out snacks for his staff, proving he is an upstanding citizen. If you are interested in following his work, look up Geert’s website and social media handles for all the action.