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Make Potty Training Smooth for Your Kid

Potty training requires parents’ full attention. We all want our kids to achieve the milestone as quickly as possible. Here are a few tips for toilet training.

Potty training can be a tiring task for parents, but it is a big milestone to achieve
Like adults, children also have unique personalities. They are different from one another and take your potty-training techniques differently as well. Here are some general tips to make your child’s toilet training expedition a smoother experience.

Waiting For Them to Get Ready

You cannot just expect to show up to your kid one day with potty training methods and expect them to succeed at the task. That is unless they are ready for it. Signs that show their readiness include:

  • Getting on and off the potty and staying on it long enough to pee or poop.
  • Connecting the use of potty with the urge to go.
  • Showing interest in toilet matters and wanting to be more independent.
  • Being able to pull down their training pants, underwear, or diaper.
  • Being able to keep the diaper dry for at least 2 hours.
  • Being able to communicate to you their urge to use the potty.  
  • Having a liking of copying your behavior.
  • Being able to follow simple instructions.


Your child should know that getting toilet trained is an achievement, and they need to look forward to achieving the task. Getting them to select their potty and underwear themselves helps in building motivation.


If reaching the potty is itself a ‘task’, your child may be reluctant to get to it. Placing it in their bedroom allows the ease of access after nap times.

Sticker Charts

Place a sticker chart near the potty and reward your kid every time they go by letting them put up a sticker on the chart.


Schedule the visits to the potty before and after naps and meals. This tells the child that it is a routine thing and not occasional.

Show Them with Toys

Use their favorite or most prized stuffed toy to show them the whole process of using the potty.

Praise Them

Every time they do well, praise them profusely and unsparingly. Celebrate their accomplishment with them and reward them with things or treats they enjoy.

Use Books

While they are on the potty, read or show them visuals out of a toilet training book or their favorite book to make them feel more comfortable.

Use Music

Again, the idea is to make them feel comfortable and elongate their patience on the potty. The more time they spend on it, the more likely they are to use it.

More Naked Time

Surprisingly, some parents find this tactic very effective, especially with kids who have a hard time pulling down their training pants. If the child is naked, they are usually naturally reluctant to pee or poop and may come to you seeking a solution or help if they feel the urge to go.


Reverse Psychology

Often, constant pressure of using the potty has the opposite effect, and the child starts hating the idea. This calls for easing down and politely telling them that it is up to them if they want to keep wearing diapers as a big kid.

Time To Start Training!

We all enjoy and celebrate each of the milestones that our kids achieve. This is potentially a messy one that requires us parents to be fully supportive and helpful. Remember, they all learn the craft in their own time and punishing or getting angry at their failures can result in them taking longer to achieve toilet training. Now let the training begin! You’ve got this!


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