Genius Parenting Hacks That Make The Hardest Job in the World Manageable

By: Kate Row | Last updated: May 24, 2023

Being a parent is a full-time job and might just be the most difficult job in the world. As any parent knows, tips, tricks, and advice are always welcome when raising tiny humans.

These clever parents created some inventive hacks that make the day-to-day just a little bit easier. We were really impressed by these creative parents.

Stop Splashing Around in the Sink

Kids are short (duh) and reaching the faucet is a challenge that the kids face every day. And, it’s no secret that kids get their hands into just about anything so they need those suckers washed frequently.


Source: Indulgy

Cut up one of your empty shampoo bottles to create a makeshift faucet that is easier for them to reach. Plus, you’re reusing some single-use plastic that would have ended up in a landfill. Win, win!


Just a Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down

Mary Poppins said that a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. But if you don’t want to get the kids all hopped up on sugar, you might consider trying this method instead. 


Source: Vegetarian/ Reddit

Put a straw into the medicine and hide it behind a soda can. It might seem like a mean trick but you’re trying to keep them healthy after all! This will only work for the young ones. Kids are smart and they’ll start to catch on eventually.

Get Thrifty for Summer

Not all of us are too handy with a sewing machine or thread and needle, but if you are this is an amazing way to prolong the shelf life of your kids’ pants. When summer rolls around and they need some new shorts, take some scissors to the jeans.


Source: Stylishboard

Cut them to the desired length and then sew some cute bandanas to the ends. Voila! Kids grow so fast but this is one way to avoid buying new clothes for every single season.

Make Yourself Useful While you Nap

Any parent knows that getting some downtime is nearly impossible when you have kids. Taking a nap is basically unheard of. But, this is one way to be able to lie down and rest while keeping the kids entertained. 


Source: Daily mail

Draw some sort of track or design on your back for the kids to play with as a toy. They can race their toy cars all around the track while you get a nice massage and some downtime. 

No More Headaches

It might just be one of those days when you wake up and the first thing you feel is your head throbbing. All you want to do is rest, but you don’t just want your kids to be glued in front of the television. 

Source: Weixinyidu

There’s something entertaining to do: get a cupcake pan and some cotton balls of assorted colors and make a game. Your kid can go ahead and sort the colors while you have some R&R. Enjoy it!


Bandaids Are Good for More Than Just Boo-Boos

If you try to tell a toddler not to do something, they’re just going to go right ahead and do it anyways. So, when you caution them from sticking their fingers in the sockets, chances are they’re going to get themselves hurt.


Source: Amlibgroup

If you’re in a bind, use bandaids to cover the sockets so they can’t hurt their little fingers. For a more aesthetically pleasing look, use something more transparent like cellophane tape.


No Bathtub, No Problem

Bathtubs aren’t always a common element of any dwelling. Yes, environmentally, taking baths is more friendly than long showers. However, when you have a kid, you have to make ends meet somehow.

Source: Onedio

Luckily, there’s a cool hack that will solve the problem of not having a bathtub. Go to the dollar store that’s nearest to you and purchase a pool that can sit comfortably inside your shower! Voila – your child can still have fun in a bath.


A Quick Babyproofing Tactic

When the kids hit that age and they start to open up every cabinet, drawer, and door in the house, parents start to get worried. There are lots of babyproofing items that can be bought and used to effectively protect children.


Source: Commune-info

But, if you’re needing a fast solution, you can use your dog collars for another purpose! Just strap the collars around the cabinets that you don’t want the kids to get into. This is a great temporary solution until you can find something more permanent (and a little prettier).


Add some Color to the Schedule

Getting the kids to sit down and do homework or clean their rooms is never easy. One way to make the schedule a little more fun is to add some color. Draw some colors onto the clock and correspond them with the things the kids should be doing. 

Source: Indulgy

If it’s “purple o’clock” they better be getting ready for bed! This is great for the little ones to get them a little more excited about those things they might not always look forward to.


Flying On A Plane

Getting on a plane with kids can be a lot to deal with, sometimes it results in horror stories. Although, it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a great hack to keep your children occupied and content during a flight.


Source: Taringa

First, put some snacks and drinks in a bag, and, of course, games and their most beloved toys. The trick in the photo is a perfect way to hopefully keep your kids busy for a good period of time. It won’t break the bank and it’s super clean. 


The Staircase of Knowledge

Multiplication is one of those things that can be difficult to master for young kids. You can turn your staircase at home into a learning experience and make it super colorful for kids.

Source: Casadecorar

Making math fun is important for getting the kids to learn. All you need for this is some paper, cellophane tape, and markers. Those kids will be multiplying geniuses in no time!


And The Parenting Award Goes To…?

While kids can be wonderful, they can also be stubborn when they don’t want to do a certain thing. The mom in the photo should earn an award for this groundbreaking hack.


Source: Tilestwra

It can be a tactful mission to give your child his or her meds and it doesn’t always go smoothly. Using the rubber-pointed part of a bottle as the dispenser is easiest and they probably won’t notice the difference in taste. By the time they do, the job will be done!


Send the Dolls to the Salon

Any kid that has a favorite doll has probably had the experience of the doll hair on the left. That wild hair needs a good trip to the salon. Luckily, this combination can make your kid’s doll look brand new.

Source: Ladbabyofficial/ Instagram

Get your spray bottle and add 2 tablespoons of fabric softener and water. This is a makeshift detangler spray. You can brush your own daughter’s hair while she brushes her doll’s hair.


No More Slippy Socks

No parent ever wants to see their kid slip on the hard floor. And as every parent knows, it is nearly impossible to get the kids to stop running, so what’s the solution? Make the socks non-slip socks that double as an art project.


Source: Karmadecay

Buy sock slick paint and get creative! Get the kids involved. You can paint whatever you want on the bottoms of the socks and it’ll make them less slippery. The kids will love the fun designs and you won’t have to worry about them slipping and falling.


The Importance Of Color Coding

Having kids means you will also have to dedicate a lot of time to making sure they are safe and protected, especially when out in public. Naturally, kids tend to wander off, looking for another adventure to embark on. When they go out of your sight, even if for a few moments, it can nearly give you a heart attack.

Source: Onedio

We have a genius hack to make sure you can spot your kids from a mile away. Make sure they are all wearing the same color, preferably a bright one. Now, you’ll be able to keep track of your tiny gang.


Turn That Old Crib Into Something New

When the kids outgrow their cribs and make the jump into big-kid beds, you don’t need to throw the crib away! You can repurpose the crib as a desk for the kids to do arts and crafts or school work.


Source: The krazycouponlady

You can get creative with how you want it to look, but the kids will appreciate having a palace designated to unleash their creativity!


Coloring Case, The DIY Way

During long car or plane rides, keeping your kids occupied can seem like a massive undertaking. Kids don’t have the best attention spans and getting them to pay attention to one thing can be daunting. This hack will solve that problem!

Source: Happyhomefairy

For one, pack your own coloring case (use a discarded DVD case and a bit of fabric). You carve out some space on one side for a few colored pencils and some paper on the other for drawing purposes. Voila!


Turn the Crib Into a Tent

When the kids begin to crawl, they start making strides to go all over the place. They can be hard to keep track of! If you need to protect the kids from the sun while you’re doing some yard work, this is for you.


Source: Happygoluckyblog

Bring out the playpen or portable crib into the yard and just place a fitted sheet over the crib. They’ll be preoccupied with their toys and protected from the sun while you get some gardening done.


A Crib for the Cook

This is a great way to keep the kids away from the hot grill. Baby gates can be used for more than just the stairs. Put a gate around the barbecue so the kids steer clear of the hot grill.

Source: Onedio

Now you can have all the neighbors over and the kids can run around without you worrying about them getting too close to the fire. So, plan that fourth of July bash!


Farewell, Bugs

None of us like bugs and they are often a big pain. As a parent, we do all that we can to keep children away from pesky bugs (and vice versa). So, what’s the answer? Cinnamon!


Source: Sarah hitchins/ Facebook

Cinnamon’s naturally sweet scent scares bugs away. If you have a sandbox in your backyard, put some cinnamon in there to deter any little insects from getting to your kid. With this hack, you can confidently wave good-bye to bugs.


Get the Girls to Stop Wearing Short Shorts

Most daughters grow up to that age where they want to start wearing clothing that their parents might not necessarily approve of. This dad had the perfect solution to stop his daughter from wearing the short shorts.

Source: Rogerdat143/ Reddit

He wore them himself so that she would no longer think that fashion choice was all that stylish. What are parents for if not to embarrass the kids?


For Those With OCD Habits

Sometimes, kids have difficulties that need special attention. For instance, if your child deals with OCD tendencies, this is a great hack to keep their attention on one thing while you go take a little nap for a while.


Source: Babyelephantears

In the game, your kids organize Lego pieces by color, size, and shape. Then, they place the sorted pieces in the coordinating pockets as shown in the photo. This “game” will aid in your child’s development and also keep them occupied. 


Put the Kids in the Cubicles

The only thing more difficult than raising a kid is raising more than one at the same time. This dad found that the solution to get the kids to stop bothering each other in the back seat is to put up some dividers.

Source: Anwjohnston/ Blogspot

It won’t stop them from screaming but it will stop them from hitting each other or grabbing each other’s hair. Now you can focus on keeping your eyes on the road.


The Magical Powers Of A Washing Machine

Yes, babies are adorable, but sometimes you need a bit of a break so you can tend to other things. Luckily, there’s a solution.


Source: Organizedchaosonline

For some much-needed hands-free time, simply run a washing machine and comfortably place your baby in front of it. They go crazy watching it spin and the sounds are supposed to be soothing for them. How easy was that?!


Bumping? There’s No Such Thing

Parents are aware that baby walkers are super useful and kinda fun, too. Using these walkers are a source of entertainment for your baby. Sadly, they leave bump marks against walls.

Source: Tastyganics

The walkers don’t just bump into walls, but pretty much anything! But, there is a solution to this and it has to do with pool noodles. Tape pool noodles around the walker and your problem is solved. No more bumping.


Crayons To The Rescue

We all know that moms are superhuman. They can literally handle anything. They’re always prepared and can deal with a situation at a moment’s notice. If you don’t have any crayons in your bag (if they’re not in there already), pack some because they will come in handy.


Source: Tottoos

This hack is perfect when mom has a doctor’s appointment – her kid was entertained and doodled for a long time. There were no tears shed that day!


No-Slip Shoes

We’ve seen how we can turn socks into non-slip socks, but this is a great way to make sure they don’t slip in their shoes either! Get out the hot glue gun.

Source: Tetsfillthevan/ Blogspot

Make some squiggles on the bottom of their shoes with the hot glue. You can also write their name or draw a design with the glue if you’re feeling creative. 


Make Bathtime More Fun

If you’ve ever wrangled your kids to get them into the bath, then this hack is definitely for you. This is an easy way to make bathtime much more fun for the kids and you won’t have to spend as much time convincing them to get clean.


Source: Twentytwowords

Throw some glowsticks into the bath to make it a party! This will make them more excited for bathtime and will save you tons of time.


Fingers Stay Protected

Being a parent is exhausting and you can’t always have your eyes on your children at every moment. But, if you look away for even one second, something could happen, so here’s a great way to child-proof your home.

Source: Pholder

For this nifty hack, gather an old pool noodle, put a tiny slit into it, and attach it to a door’s corner. Kids will be unable to shut the door all the way and their little fingers will also remain protected.


Monster Spray

This is a cute way to help your kids feel more confident that those monsters in the closet or under the bed can’t get to them. Decorate a spray bottle and label it as “monster spray”.


Source: Happygoluckyblog

Leave it with your kids before bed and they can spray away any monsters that might be lingering in the dark. It might save you from having to put them back to sleep a hundred times a night.


The Old French Fry Trick

Getting the kids to eat their fruits and vegetables is the difficult fate almost every parent has faced while raising their young ones. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so they need those fruits in their diet!

Source: Onedio

Cut up the apples into fry-shaped sticks and they won’t even know the difference. Obviously, this won’t work for your older ones but when they’re young a fry is a fry!


Clean Toys, Happy Mom

Parents are constantly doing things, and one of the biggest priorities is cleaning. If you have kids and toys, you are bound to be focusing much of your time on cleaning up after them.



So, here’s a neat hack to help cut your cleaning time in half. Simply put the toys in the dishwasher and they will be fully cleaned and disinfected by the time the cycle is over! You’ll be thanking us later.


Keep The Wheels Clean

This is a great way to repurpose those shower caps many of us have laying around. If you don’t have any at the house, consider picking some up from the dollar store for this easy mud-free hack.

Source: Sarah hitchins/ Facebook

Put the caps on the wheels of your stroller so that you can strip them off before you track mud through the house or some other building.


Keeping Them Occupied

Entertaining your kids can be taxing (and fun, at times), but if the weather is less than favorable, here’s an activity for them to do inside. Hopefully, there is a space large enough in your home for this hack.


Source: tmccrum_mua/ Instagram

Grab some painter’s tape and make some roads and lanes for your child’s toy vehicles. We promise they will get a kick out of it and will keep them busy for a long time. Who knows – maybe you’ll enjoy it, too!


Keep the Ice Pops Organized

Ice pops are one of the best treats for summer and the kids absolutely love them. One way to make sure they stay organized and you can guarantee a clean cut from the top is keeping them slotted in between the freezer racks. 

Source: Rogerdat143/ Reddit

They’ll freeze with all the goodness at the bottom of the plastic bottle and you can cut the top off and enjoy it nice and clean. It’s the little things!


Blanket Forts Are So Over

Okay, blanket forts might still be just as fun as they’ve always been. But, this blanket hammock is another way you can turn your regular old blanket into a hangout spot for the kids. 


Source: Babyelephantears

Just scoop it under the table and tue it on the top. The kids can hang out and swing. You’ll save them from that boredom and be able to get some stuff done around the house while they’re occupied.


Soothe a Sore Tooth

There are tons of hacks to help your babies through the teething stage. This painful age is difficult for both the kids going through it and the parents having to deal with it. 

Source: Anwjohnston/ Blogspot

Fill an ice tray with milk or formula and pop their pacifiers in them to freeze. The frozen milk will soothe their aching teeth and you won’t have to hear as much wailing.


Safe Guard the Trampoline

Kids can be occupied with a trampoline for hours, and we can’t blame them. Bounding around is fun! But, as they grow up they start to experiment with more and more dangerous tricks, and by the time they’re doing backflips, the parents are holding their breaths.


Source: Organizedchaosonline

Make the trampoline a little safer with this simple DIY hack. Cup up pool noodles and use them to cover the springs of the trampoline. This way, they can’t pinch their fingers on the springs


DIY Baby Bumper

Spekaing of pool noodles, there is more than one way you can use them to hack the whole parenting thing! If you’re worried about the kids rolling out of bed, especially if they have a bunk bed, try out this hack.

Source: Tastyganics

Place a pool noodle under your kid’s fitted sheet in their bed. This will provide something of a bumper that will prevent them from rolling out of bed. They sleep soundly, and you can too.


Get The Kids Tatted

Now we would never recommend that any parent give their kids an actual tattoo, but these temporary tattoos are an excellent safety measure for the rascals that like to run around.


Source: Tottoos

You can have these made with whatever information you’d like. Put their name or your phone number on the temporary tattoos and if they run off someone will be able to help them get back to you. 


Transporting the Team’s Drinks

If you’re in charge of getting the snacks and drinks for your son or daughter’s sports team, this is a great way to transport tons of drinks. Use a muffin pan to bring all those cups to the team!

Source: Tetsfillthevan/ Blogspot

This is also an excellent way for parents with big families to bring the drinks home from the restaurant. 


Potty Worries Be Gone

Potty training your kids is difficult for everybody involved in the situation. It’s often a start-and-stop type of process, which is made even worse with traveling. Fortunately, there’s a super-efficient hack.



First, always have a potty on the go and a few nappies in your vehicle. Second, when your kid needs to use the potty, put a diaper over it to eliminate any messes.  Now the whole process is easy and doesn’t take up a lot of energy!


Sweeping Experts

Kids create messes, and there’s no real way around it. But, you can teach them how to clean up after themselves and make it into a kind of game. 

Source: Twentytwowords

Put some tape in a square and ask them to sweep up anything on the floor into the square. This makes it manageable for the little ones and helps you out from having to gather stuff from all over the ground. They might even enjoy helping!


A Helping Hand

If you have a kid that needs you to have a hand on them at all times, this is a perfect solution for you to regain control of both your arms! We don’t always have a hand to spare.


Source: Pholder

Fill a glove with rice and sew it up at the end. Place it on your child’s back as they fall asleep. The weight of it will comfort them and make them feel like you’re there with them.
