Funny Photos of the Naughtiest Cats in the World
Having cats means that you have to deal with their mood swings and general feline attitude. Of course, that’s one of many reasons why we love them. They bring life and fun into our homes, make us laugh, offer companionship, and fill our lives with lots of love.
But every cat owner knows they’re not always rays of sunshine and when they get in a mood, they’ll break all the rules you have set. Their habits can be frustrating at times but seeing how other cats frustrate their owners is hilarious. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 40 photos of the naughtiest cats in the world. Enjoy!
Just Another Day
There’s something about tissues that cats just can’t help but love. To say they like playing with them is an understatement. Destroying is probably a more apt description of what they like to do with tissue paper. They seem to love nothing more than tearing it to bits and scattering it across the ground.
This guy right here had the time of his life when he discovered toilet paper. It was just a whole new level of delight for him as he kept on scratching it until the entire roll was destroyed. Though his face doesn’t show it, he was pleased with what he had done. We can’t say the same for his owner.
Productive Cat
Imagine having a deadline today, and then your cat decided to ruin everything and send your files to the trash. How would you feel? Cats are cute contrarians who love doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do. They have this “I don’t care” attitude that sometimes causes so much trouble for their owners.
If you have a cat that loves to play with the computer, he might just ruin your work assignment. This cat wasn’t paid for his services, and he’s certainly not reliable when using the computer – what a troublemaker.
I Eat Homework For Breakfast
Imagine working nonstop over many sleepless nights just to finish your assignment, only to find out that your cat ate it. That’s a disaster right there. We can only imagine how frustrating this was for the owner. The worst part is, the excuse would sound so fake that no teacher would believe you.
How can you tell your professor that your cat messed with your assignment? We hope the teacher gave the owner a chance to redeem herself. Surely, she’d be able to reprint her assignment and solve this problem. Right?
Behind Bars
Cages are there for our furry friends to keep them safe when we need to transport them somewhere. The neighborhood kids aren’t only afraid of creepy decorations and scary costumes this Halloween – they also have this naughty cat to worry about!
Maybe she doesn’t like the sound of the doorbell. That’s why she attacks those people outside. Or maybe, she doesn’t like Halloween in general. Overall, this cat deserves to be in jail (aka her cage) for the time being. Who knows – she might reflect and act nicely after her holiday prison sentence.
Feed Me, Human
Cats need constant reminders that you love them, but they are the ones who seldom show their affection to their owners. Usually, when cats are hungry, they will come over to your chair and rub their face all over you. If you have not been feeding them enough, they will even paw at your hand or foot.
This cat is different. The cat will eat whatever is in the center of the plate and then call her owner to shake her plate so that the food on the side will move to the middle. What is this sorcery? Do you think there’s anything else the owner can do apart from dutifully shaking the bowl every time?
My Little Castle
It’s true that no matter how expensive something is, it’s still not worth it if it doesn’t provide you with comfort. This cat right here chooses to sleep in a box instead of using the expensive basket its family purchased because the cat finds it cozier inside the box.
It’s totally fine, and we just can’t say that there’s no harm done. The cat’s owner purchased a well-cushioned basket, thinking that her cat would feel more relaxed and rest well. But, no. Maybe the owner can sell the cat basket in an online market to get the money back.
Expensive Taste
Cats enjoy scratching things, and they will do it whenever the mood strikes. Most of the time, cats scratch to mark items with their scent and to indicate emotions such as enthusiasm or worry. So, it’s pretty normal to see them engaging in this behavior.
You can’t control when or where they scratch, and sometimes they’ll scratch your favorite pieces of furniture. That is precisely what this cat likes to do – especially if the furniture is made from expensive leather. We can’t imagine how heartbreaking it must be for the fur parents to see their precious cat scratching their lovely leather couch.
Calamity Does it Again
There’s a reason why his name is named Calamity – she loves to destroy things. Calamity loves getting into mischief, and this time, she chewed her sister’s whiskers off. Does that make sense? We humans can’t figure out what our cats are thinking when they do such things.
Look how unguilty she looks in this picture, despite the fact that her owner caught her in the act. We just hope Calamity’s sister forgave her for being this weird. Perhaps she’s waiting in the corner, plotting her revenge. We imagine the sister will get the sweetest revenge when Calamity goes to sleep.
It’s A Trap
Watch out! That’s the only thing we can say to you if you visit this cat owner’s house. The owner is sweet, but we don’t know about the cat. We also don’t know about the owner’s friend. We hope she didn’t pop the thing she thought was a chocolate in her mouth!
This kitty loves to leave his dingleberries on the couch, tricking his owner’s friends and relatives. What if a kid saw it? That would be dangerous. We hope the owner will teach this cat not to leave his dingleberries on display.
Food Fiend
Eating is a necessity, which is why some of us prioritize eating more than anything else. As they say, you can’t function well if you are hungry. It’s natural to eat faster than usual when hungry. However, this cat takes things to a whole different level.
For this cat, eating fast is what life is all about. She goes so fast, however, that her little tummy can’t handle it. No matter what happens, though, she continues eating. This cat knows where her priorities lie.
Fighting An Invisible Enemy
We’re sure you’ve seen cats fighting their own tiny battles. You’ve seen two cats chasing each other, jumping at each other for seemingly no reason, and rolling around on the ground. Although cats are often quite lazy, they also seem to love playing with imaginary foes.
This cat is so into catching imaginary flies that he often knocks over the poor house plants. The look of guilt plastered on his face is so adorable – but did he catch the invisible flies? We just hope he won the game. If not, all his efforts would have been wasted.
A Bloody War
This cat has just had the worst day of his life. How do we know? Because it was vet day. Visiting a veterinary clinic is as fun for cats as visiting a dentist is for humans. This cat was so scared that decided to revolt. The only problem was, he accidentally bit his owner.
We feel sorry for the mom and the cat in this situation. Maybe he was traumatized before, which led him to react that way. We just hope he and his owner have a successful operation. We hope this cat learns to love his vet so the next visit doesn’t have to be so bloody.
It Was An Accident
The owner of this cat was shocked when she saw all these kittens. The mother cat was not supposed to leave the house, but she didn’t pay attention to what her owners wanted her to do.
Because of what she did, four adorable kittens were born. We wish them all good luck and good health. And, of course, we hope the mother cat will listen to her fur parents in the future. If not, the kittens will keep on coming!
An Unusual Gift
Cats love to make offerings to their owners, and for some reason, tiny dead animals are their gift of choice. It’s their form of love to leave these things in our homes and then watch as we struggle to clean up the mess.
This cat loves leaving dead lizards in his owner’s house. We’re not sure why he’s so focused on lizards, but he sure loves to play with the poor little creatures. His owners, by contrast, wish he would stop bringing the remains of the lizards into the house.
When you Watch Too Much Basketball Clips
Doing weird things? Cats love it. They do the strangest things in the world without being bothered by what the people will say about them. They just don’t care. If you want to train a cat, you surely need patience, and lots of it.
This cat’s owner caught her red-handed when she was throwing a sock in the toilet bowl. The cat seemed embarrassed by her act, and it was weird to see this behavior. Perhaps she’s lining herself up to be the first basketball-playing cat – who knows?
This Is How I Like It
Cats seem to get weirder and weirder as time goes by. This cat loves to be fed the same way we feed chickens. Maybe she was born on a poultry farm, and she thought she was one of them.
You may be thinking, “the owner should teach the cat to eat properly.” The thing is – they did! The cat just would not learn and kept doing horrendous things at mealtime. So, the owners just figured out this unique way of feeding their crazy kitty. Well, at least, there’s no harm done.
Special Delivery
This cat will not tolerate her fur parents being lazy about cleaning her litter box. If they forget, she teaches them a lesson. All she wants is a clean, fresh litter box in which to do her business, but her parents just do not listen to reason sometimes.
This note tells the story of how this cat had to teach them a lesson. If you’re a fur parent, take note! You must have difficulty dealing with your cat if you don’t follow orders. If you’re looking for the moral of this story, let me tell you this: “Don’t ignore what your pet wants. Your cat won’t forget.”
Not A Good Role Model
One of the many characteristics of cats is that they love to hit anyone that comes their way. Whether you’re a house guest, a delivery person, or simply someone walking by, you’re bound to get bopped or scratched, just like the poor guide dog puppy.
He doesn’t look guilty about what he did. The best way to avoid the discomfort of being pounced on is to train your cat not to do that. But it takes more than just patience to make your cat listen to your words, so good luck!
Oh No!
Cats and kids are not always a good combination. Cats are independent, aloof creatures that typically show little to no interest in humans. Sometimes they scratch and hit anyone who comes too close. So, caution is required when kids are involved.
Kids want to pet, hug, and play with the cat they love. However, this can be a recipe for disaster with certain cats. If you want to get your child a new kitten, spend time with the cat before you introduce it to your little one.
I’m Sorry
Cats are like Spiderman – they climb up walls, are acrobatic, and can get into places no human could ever hope to reach. Some cats use their powers to find special items for their owners – things they imagine the humans will treasure greatly.
The only problem is, they often break their gifts before they can present them. This cute cat broke a wine glass her fur parents used during their wedding. We know it is devastating, and we can feel how frustrated her fur parents must have been when they found out what happened. But, look at Penny’s face. She looks as if she’ll cry any minute now.
Watch Me!
We know that cats are some of the most mysterious animals. They do many things that we humans will never understand. It’s like we know some things about cats, but not everything. Have you seen a cat like this? Scary, right?
Take a look at his expression. It’s as if he’s saying, “don’t touch me, or else.” Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Cats are pretty much the most standoffish pets you can have, so it’s not always easy to understand their behavior. We hope the cat and the owner won’t have any bad blood.
I Thought It Would Help
It was just an ordinary day for this family until they found out that their cat was obsessing over their medicine kit. By the time they reached her, she had already drunk Advil. Maybe she had a headache and thought it would ease the pain.
As we all know, Advil is not for pets. Because of what she did, they had to hurry her to the VET, and guess what? They dropped a painful amount of money there. We’re sure her owners needed some Advil after the headaches this cat caused that day!
Marking My Territory
When you see your cat peeing anywhere inside your house, it means they are marking their territory. Cats do this to tell other cats and animals that they live in the area. Well, their intentions are good, but the results aren’t great for the owner.
The owner of this cat had to clean her house thoroughly because her cat won’t pee in his litter box. He really went to town on the house, making sure everyone knew it was his! The truth is, you can prevent this from happening if you get a new kitten. Just make sure your cat’s litter box is clean and odor-free.
Tom And Jerry
If you’ve watched Tom and Jerry, you’ll believe cats hate mice. You’ll think that these two species see each other as the ultimate nemesis. But that’s not true. Sometimes, cats and mice work together and play with each other. In the wild, cats and mice rarely fight.
This cat is a big fan of giving her fur parents gifts. She occasionally carries dead leaves, sticks, and stones with her. However, a mouse is the most shocking of all the presents she regularly provides. Which is worse: a dead mouse in the house or a living one? Now, they have to clean their house and catch that mouse before it starts a colony in the walls!
Let Them Eat Cake
Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you the cake-eating cat. This kitty did not understand why she got in trouble. After all, if you don’t want her to eat cake, don’t leave it out where she can get to it. Leaving cake on the kitchen counter is basically like leaving a personalized invitation to chow down!
The owner was cooling the cake as part of her party preparations, but the cat misunderstood this action. The owner was displeased because only a few little nibbles were taken, but she still had to bake another cake. Next time, make sure to cover it with something to prevent these things from happening.
The Pungent Smell Of Revenge
Deworming is something that animals need to be healthy. It helps keep their digestive system working correctly, which will allow the animal to have all of the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong. Plus, if you keep up with the deworming schedule, you don’t have to worry about medical issues arising or parasites taking over!
Getting your fur babies to drink the medicine is difficult. Some hate that they have to drink the vile-tasting stuff, and it’s even worse if they have to visit a vet to get it. This cat was furious when her fur parents wormed her. She revolted and did something that was too gross to even mention.
Thought I Was A Fish
Cats are extra curious with many things they do, like climbing on the refrigerator to see what’s inside even if they can’t open it up. They’ll also find stuff hidden away in places you might not expect them to look, like in boxes or drawers. This may seem strange at first, but it’s just what cats do.
This cat is an exception to the rule that cats don’t like water. Ben, the cat, loves to jump inside the fish tank. We don’t know precisely why he loves to do that, but one thing is for sure – he sure loves water.
Mail Eater
Imagine seeing an important letter getting chewed by your cat? How would you react? Thank goodness this kitty only chewed the sides of the envelope and did not scratch the whole thing to pieces. This was on the verge of becoming an awful mess!
We think he’s pretty considerate. After all, he didn’t destroy the whole. Isn’t it possible that he was merely attempting to open the mail for his fur parents? Let’s not criticize him because he was simply trying to do his part in the family.
Our Little Cat
You can be whoever you want, so long as you put in the work. This cat wanted to be a baker but was too impatient to commit to the career path. It’s pretty fun knowing that a cat wanted to become a baker but ended up destroying the pastry brush instead. We just hope her owner wasn’t too sad about what happened to her baking utensil.
She looks so guilty about what she did, but the owner won’t buy it. She knows her cat will do it again and again, so she made sure to keep her baking equipment sealed to ensure it won’t happen again.
Apple Cords Taste Better
This cat has expensive taste. Why must it eat the costly Apple cords when there are so many other things to chew? Do they really taste better? This cat has an obsession with chewing his fur parents’ cords, not just any other cord, but those Apple ones.
We don’t know why Pete prefers Apple products. He even hid the evidence, but his owners ended up finding it. We hope they figure out a way to satisfy his cravings without sacrificing their expensive tech – for Pete’s sake!
Do You Love Me? Yes Or Yes?
Whatever our cats do, we still love them. We still make sure they eat well, get plenty of affection, and are healthy and happy. No matter what mischief they get up to, we still fall for them again and again. Even if they do the harshest and weirdest things, we will always love them.
It’s like our anger evaporates the moment they look at us. Do they know how to bewitch their fur parents? Surely, the answer is yes. This cat, for example, puked all over the bed but was still forgiven and was allowed to sleep beside them after what he did. That’s some great love right there!
It’s Fun Annoying Humans
Yes, cats love to do this. They will meow outside your door, and when you open it, they will just stare at you and refuse to come in. There are times when they’ll just curl around your feet and then go out again. If you are working at home, such behavior can be devilishly distracting.
Annoying humans is a cat’s greatest joy. If you have cats or plans to get one, make sure you have plenty of patience. They will try and test you every day, but they are just being cute and curious. They may be annoying at times, but you must love them for who they are.
That’s Not What Those Are For
Of all the things you could eat, why did you choose to eat condoms, Fredrick? Why? His owners were in disbelief when they caught him chowing down on condoms. They had to take him to the vet for a check-up that same day. Chaos ensued.
When they returned home, they were suspicious of where he got the condoms. Perhaps they need to install cameras around the home to see what this kitten is getting up to while the rest of the family sleeps!
Missing Avatar
Jimmy is a hyperactive cat. He does all sorts of activities and destroys all kinds of things in his home. When he accidentally got into Dad’s Thermo-Fax paper, his owners searched for him for half a day. When they finally found him, he looked like he’d just stepped off the set of Avatar.
His blue heart-shaped nose looks so cute. His fur parents had to take a snap before cleaning him, and it was challenging to get rid of that blue ink. Even after six days, it was still there, and try though they might, they couldn’t get him to take a bath.
Sorry, Grandpa
Coco was so close to the grandmother in the family. They loved to watch basketball together while sharing some snacks on the couch. When grandma died, Coco seemed to be just as sad as everyone else.
One day, the family caught him hugging the urn in which the grandmother’s ashes were kept. It was truly heartbreaking. Things took a horrific turn, however, when Coco got into the urn, got ashes in her nose, and then sneezed everywhere. Oh no!
Cheat Days Every Day
Like humans, cats need to maintain a healthy diet. This ensures their weight is healthy and keeps their muscles lean so they can live a lot longer. As with many humans, however, the problem lies in their cheat days.
This cat sneaks in plenty of cheat days. Instead of losing weight, he gained more – what a sneaky little fellow! We just hope he’ll be okay and that he can control his eating habits to avoid any complications in the future.
I Love You!
Owning a cat means two things: fun and frustration. Leo loves to scratch the wall of his house – a rental house – to the point that the paint is almost gone. He didn’t miss a chance to scratch the wooded counter while he was at it.
Thanks to Leo’s actions, this family couldn’t get their security deposit back because they needed to repair everything he destroyed. Leo doesn’t care. He doesn’t know that he almost sent his family broke by destroying other people’s property.
It Was Magic
Cat business smells foul, even if you repeatedly empty the litter tray and clean the area. It starts to smell like putrid garbage, and you have to keep the windows open to get rid of the smell.
Every day, this cat’s family has to battle with more than just the smell of his litter box. They also have to deal with the fact that he prefers to use the floor outside of the litter box. He goes right up to the box every time but then does his business next to it. What a power move!
My Secret Weapon
Do you know that cats fart? Yes, they do. Cats can fart more than dogs and even more than the average human! This cat has the habit of farting inside her parents’ room. To be more specific – she likes to do it in bed.
Aww Memes
For a while, her owners kept arguing about who was responsible for the awful smell. Finally, the cat’s secret was exposed when her fur parents heard that it was coming from her. We hope she learned her lesson after having her secret exposed online!
No More Christmas Decorations
Christmas is our favorite time of the year. We love the traditions, and we love to share the aspects we love about the season with our children. Cats do not share this love for all things merry. This particular kitty is triggered whenever she sees the Christmas tree in the living room.
cat.shaming/ Instagram
One time, she went so far as to pull the whole tree down. Since her behavior was escalating, the family decided to ditch the tree and put up Christmas stockings instead. They added lights around the fireplace to create some Christmas cheer. Hopefully, that satisfies the cat!