Feel-Good Photos That Prove This World Is Beautiful
When hit with too much stress or drama in life, it’s easy to fall prey to overwhelming feelings, and this can make us see the world as a sad and serious place. While it’s certainly true that there are many problems on Earth, we forgot that there are also wonderful people who do their best to make things better.
The photos you’re about to see are important reminders of the things that matter the most – human connection, compassion, kindness, and love. It’s difficult to remember these things sometimes because we get too focused on the negative side of the world. However, your perception might change after reading these stories and realizing that there is still so much beauty and fun to be had in this world.
1. Father-Daughter Bonding
The term “Daddy’s girl” was coined to refer to girls who have a strong bond with their dads. There’s no denying how amazing it is to have a great dad who loves and supports you, but how would you feel if you were allowed to work with your father? Would you take it or leave it?

Source: Imgur
This girl was greatly inspired by her dad. In fact, he was the reason she wanted to become a pilot. As for dad, he left his 40-year long career to move to the airline in which his daughter found a job – all so they would be able to work together. It takes a lot of courage to start fresh in a new company, but we know that it was worth it because of the smiles on their faces.
2. Wheelchair Crowd Surfing
Most people have at least one band that they love fiercely. Going to concerts, buying merchandise, saving up for their new albums, or even joining contests to meet them – these are all the actions of a dedicated fan. This young man just has a simple dream: To be able to see his favorite band without being held back by his wheelchair.

Source: Imgur
A wonderful thing happened that he will surely not forget for the rest of his life – the crowd lifted him up so he could get the best view in the house. Crowd surfing is the process by which a person is passed over the top of the crowd, supported by everyone beneath. The crowd banded together to give this young man a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
3. Going that Extra Mile
Being a barber is a tough job, especially when there are special requests from customers. However, it’s important to remember that everyone has their reasons for making special requests. This customer, for example, is on the autism spectrum. People with this condition tend to have social and behavioral challenges.

Source: Imgur
As you can see in the photo, the barber was very patient in following the autistic child to whichever part of the shop made him feel most comfortable. Instead of forcefully making the child sit in the barber’s chair, he was lenient with following the child whenever he went to ensure he got a wonderful haircut. Some barbers might refuse this service but not this sweet guy.
4. Free Tickets
Who doesn’t want free things, right? However, a free ride is something you cannot get easily in this world. These kids have stumbled into their lucky day as this man gave them an incredible free thing to brighten up their day.

Source: Imgur
He had extra tickets because some of his friends weren’t able to make it to the game. He thought of selling the spare tickets so they wouldn’t go to waste, but then he had a better idea. The man gave these children his spare tickets for the game. Just imagine the excitement and the happiness they felt.
5. Welcome to McDonald’s!
McDonald’s is one of the most famous fast-food chains in the world, and we may love their food, but many of us don’t see ourselves working for the fast-food chain. For Phil, however, it was a different story. His lifelong dream was to be an employee with a regular income.

Source: Imgur
It may not be a big deal to others, but for Phil, landing a job at McDonald’s was one of his greatest achievements. After a year of living on the street, homeless, he got a job at McDonald’s thanks to the help of a police officer who gave him fresh clothes to help him with his fresh start. For Phil, this gave him an opportunity to go for a job interview and secure a role. We couldn’t be happier for him.
6. Parental Love
Parental love is almost beyond comprehension. Most parents will do anything and sacrifice everything just to love and support their children. This is evident in the photo below. After graduation, this young woman took pictures with her parents in the field they worked tirelessly in to help pay for her education.

Source: Imgur
The parents must have been proud to see their daughter dressed up for graduation. It shows that as parents, we reap what we sow. They spent hard days working in this field to support their daughter, and they definitely did not fail. Congratulations to the proud parents!
7. Best Friends Forever
Dogs are the best friends of humankind. They are willing to sacrifice their own lives just to save ours, but in a dangerous situation, the best result is for both the dog and the human to make it out alive.

Source: Imgur
In this photo, this man can be seen saving his best friend’s life during a flood. We can see in their eyes that they want to be together, even if it means that their lives are at risk. This man truly loves his dog, and for sure, the dog loves his human too.
8. Champion Hug!
It has been said that a 20-second hug will foster a stronger bond between people, and the connection between huggers grows with every embrace. This is because of the feel-good hormone oxytocin. It has been shown that this hormone boosts the immune system and reduces stress.

Source: Imgur
In the photo, Olympic runners Nikki Hamblin and Abbey D’Agostino can be seen hugging each other after having crashed midcourse. D’Agostino was the hardest hit. Hamblin had the choice to continue the race, but instead, she stopped to help D’Agostino, caring more for her fellow athlete than for winning the event. This is the energy you’re seeing in that embrace.
9. Rusty Bike
How would you feel if someone hit your car in a parking lot? Of course, a lot of us would be angry, stressed, or unsettled for the rest of the day. However, this man had an entirely different reaction.

Source: Imgur
The old man was considerate enough to take in the state of the youngster’s bike. The kid only crashed into his car because he had broken brakes and a generally beat-up old bike. So, instead of getting angry, the driver bought the kid a new bike. As we can see in the photo, the child was very happy, even shedding tears of joy.
10. The Best Worst Birthday
Children usually dream of having wonderful birthday parties with their friends. They hope for a lot of food, gifts, and fun games to play. However, this little child had a completely different experience at his birthday party. Unfortunately, no one came to celebrate with him on the big day.

Source: Imgur
Out of the 15 children who were invited, sadly, no one made an effort to come to his party. Heartbroken for her son, the mother asked for help on social media, and the results were heartwarming. Police officers, firefighters, and dozens of parents showed up with their children, and they even brought gifts! This shows how much a mother’s love can do for her children.
11. Twin Flames
Though there are 7 billion people in the world, it isn’t always easy to find a true best friend. You need someone you can rely on who will be there with you in good times and bad, just as you’re there for them. If you have a friend like this, cherish them with all your heart.

Source: Imgur
This guy found his best friend in the form of an adorable little pup with whom he had a shared experience. Both of them know what it’s like to only have vision in one eye, so they are the best form of support for each other. It’s as if they discovered their better halves!
12. A Nice and Easy Halloween Costume
Halloween is a time of the year where, for one day, we can be anyone we want to be – a superhero, a historical figure, an animal, or even something bizarre like a slice of pizza. When this kid was asked what he wanted to be, his answer was as adorable as you can get.

Source: Imgur
Who says you can’t be your dad for Halloween? This is what this little dude decided to be – his dad. From the shoes to the singlet and the drawn-on beard, everything is just like his father. They look so cute together!
13. Whatever You Want!
Some people are more blessed than others, but not all of the privileged folk are prepared to share what they have. Andre Johnson, a former Texans wide receiver, is one of the rare generous ones. He gladly shares what he has with the children who need it the most.

Source: Imgur
This is his receipt after he decided to give 11 kids in Child Protection Services 80 seconds to get whatever they wanted at Toys R Us. Just imagine the smiles on the faces of the children to know that they could have whatever they wanted for free. Since it was a huge amount, Andre had to call the credit card company to confirm that his purchase was not a case of fraud but an act of love.
14. New Shoes
Speaking of acts of love, this is one of those moments that demonstrates the value of being generous and treating other people with kindness.

Source: Imgur
The picture shows how happy and overwhelmed the homeless person is. It turns out that the man wearing the black jacket gave the homeless man a new, clean pair of shoes. According to an ABC article, a lot of people in the community joined forces to help him get back on his feet. Someone even offered him a job, which of course, he gladly accepted. We hope he continues to live his life to the fullest.
15. We Can Be Heroes
Most children around the globe have their favorite superheroes. Whether it’s Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Spiderman, or Wonder woman, these characters are all loved by children. How would you feel, though, if you spotted one outside your window?

Source: Imgur
Employees at a Memphis window cleaning company decided to dress up as superheroes whenever they work at the local children’s hospital. This is not as easy as it looks because of the hot suits and the bothersome capes. However, they do this because they want to make the children smile. This company and its workers took thoughtfulness to the next level!
16. Hit Like and Subscribe
As a result of the pandemic, most people are spending more time online, and many new faces have entered the world of YouTube and vlogging. In this screenshot, a YouTuber is reading a list of his subscribers and saying thank you to every one of them.

Source: Imgur
When you think of it, it’s just a basic rule to say “thank you” if someone does something nice, but this man took it to the next level. He did not mind the duration of the video as long as he gave gratitude to all of his subscribers. This man truly has a pure soul.
17. A New Life and a New Beginning
Adoption is a difficult but fulfilling thing to do. It is a big decision for all families because it means you will devote your time and dedicate your whole life to helping these children grow.

Source: Imgur
This photo shows that the children are thrilled to have been adopted. You can see the big smiles on their faces as they take this final step toward securing a safe new home. We trust that these little ones will get all the love and support they need from their new parents.
18. Break the Stereotype
Sometimes, as humans, we are quick to judge the people around us just because of how they look. Having tattoos doesn’t mean you’re an ex-convict. Nor does the color of your skin, the style of your clothes, or the way you do your hair indicate that you’re worthy or not worthy of love. These stereotypes can destroy relationships and negatively affect how we relate to other people.

Source: Imgur
This group of men broke many stereotypes when they saved Mr. C (the old man) from a house fire. They’ve all known Mr. C their whole lives because he’s been in the neighborhood for 50 years, so they did not hesitate to rescue their friend and neighbor, even though it put their lives at risk.
19. Shining in the Dark
Christmas is that time of year when many people break out their most dazzling lights and decorations. Some take it to the next level by having Santa Claus-inspired light statues, but these people went with a fox Christmas light.

Source: Imgur
It seems that the real fox developed a cute crush on the fox-shaped Christmas lights. He was fascinated by how beautiful she looked. We cannot blame the fox, though – that Christmas light fox shines with such friendly warmth!
20. Listen to Your Heart
The passing of someone close to your heart is lonely and devastating. We can only imagine how difficult it is to start a new life without that person, but what if you had the option to donate the organ of your deceased loved one? Would you go for it?

Source: Imgur
This photo shows that there is a new life after death. The parents were listening to the heart of their deceased son, which was transplanted to another person. It was a difficult decision for the parents, we’re sure. However, their son was truly a hero because he saved someone else’s life.
21. These Big Guys Are Good Guys
Being a woman is often difficult and fraught with uncomfortable situations. Women regularly have to fend off cat-callers and harassers. However, these dudes are heroes as they offer help to women, and indeed anyone who is scared to walk around campus alone.

Source: Imgur
The feeling of being unsafe is already hard to bear – the anxiety and the panic are there. This is why it’s good to know that there are men like this who have hearts of gold and who are willing to help those in need. Kudos to these two guys for making sure that everyone is safe on their campus.
22. Age Doesn’t Matter
“Age is just a number,” as this famous quote goes. You have all the time in the world to do whatever you want, even if you’re 50, 60, or 70 years old. You can achieve your dreams at any stage in life. The trick is to pursue them with all of your heart, just like these brothers.

Source: Imgur
They are well into adulthood, but they are still living the best time with their dad. People assume that when you get older, you cannot have fun in playgrounds or waterparks, but the truth is, there are no limitations on how you should maximize the fun. This family is reliving their childhood days, proving that, whatever age you are, a dad is still a dad, and a son is still a son.
23. Dreams Do Come True
At an early age, people begin asking us what our dreams and goals are in life. Some of us might want to be a doctor, a lawyer, or an archaeologist, but eventually, our aspirations usually change. Some of us stick to our childhood dreams, while many develop new dreams. This girl is living proof that if you stick with them, dreams really can come true.

Source: Imgur
Being a firefighter has been this girl’s dream ever since she was a child, and after 17 years, she finally made it. An achievement like this does not happen in a snap. It takes time, hard work, and patience. However, in the end, she was able to fulfill her childhood dream.
24. Find Your Soulmate
Some people find their soulmates in a snap. Others take some time to find the right match. Whatever your case may be, love will find a way if you’re willing to put in the work to become the kind and considerate person your soulmate deserves.

Source: Imgur
These two old people are proof that true love exists and it can last for a very long time. Sure, it took hard work, understanding, and patience to reach this many years of companionship. The couple’s matching shirts are adorable, just like them. If this is not a relationship goal, we don’t know what is.
25. The Real Santa Claus
The values of kindness and charity are so important to cultivate. There are few rewards to be gained from making time for the less fortunate. Though your gestures of kindness won’t make the local news or earn you the title of “superhero,” to the people you help, you will always be a hero.

Source: Imgur
Every year, this dude dresses up as Santa Claus and gives out stuffed toys to the kids in the local hospital. This may be a small act to some, but it will surely brighten up the lives of the children receiving their Christmas gifts from Santa Claus.
26. Free Haircuts
Speaking of kindness and charity, this is another heroic story from a man named Mark Bustos. Every Sunday in New York, he offers free haircuts to the homeless.

Source: Imgur
He even gives them options on the hairstyles that they want. According to him, this act makes him happy and fulfilled because he was able to listen to their stories and make them feel better just by giving them haircuts.
27. Pikachu Tie
The father-son bond is unexplainable. According to research, children who grew up in a healthy and caring environment with their fathers are more empathetic and have greater self-control throughout their lives.

Source: Imgur
This Pikachu tie was created by the son when he was in first grade. Eleven years later, the father wore it to his graduation. This is literally an aww moment because the dad cherished the Pikachu tie given to him by his son. They both look so happy and proud of each other in this picture.
28. You and I Collide
Many girls dream of meeting their soulmates in some adorable way. A meet-cute moment is a cute, amusing, or charming first encounter with your romantic partner. The term comes from the world of film and television, where sparks always fly when the main characters meet.

Source: Imgur
This is one of the most adorable meet-cutes that resembles a Hollywood film. This man and woman are husband and wife now, and this moment was captured 35 years ago. They collided while playing volleyball. You can see the genuine smiles on their faces. No wonder they fell in love.
29. Mario Kart for 20 Years
Maintaining a relationship is difficult, especially when you’re in a long-term one. It takes a lot of understanding, patience, and consistency to make it work, and this couple proves that those three factors are important when nurturing a long-lasting bond.

Source: Imgur
The couple in the photo is playing Mario Kart. According to their children, they’ve been doing this for 20 years, and the mechanics of this game are that whoever loses will make both of them a cup of tea. What a cute way of bonding! The fact that they have been doing this for 20 years is so adorable.
30. Yearbook Signature
Do you remember the time when you approached your crush to write in your yearbook? Or the lab teacher you admired the most? Or even a tutor who helped you get through the year? It’s fun to have signatures in your yearbook from the people you cherished in school.

Source: Imgur
These elementary students lined up for a yearbook signature from their school janitor. A lot of students don’t notice the importance of the school janitor. Oftentimes, they are neglected, and their work can go unappreciated. However, it seems that this janitor made a powerful impression on the students.
31. Winter Heroes
Paramedics are often regarded as heroes because they save lives. However, it’s nice that along with their main job, many take it to the next level by substituting for the person they transported to the hospital.

Source: Imgur
A man went into cardiac arrest while shoveling his driveway. Of course, people on the scene called 911. Luckily, the paramedics came in time to save him. Not only did they get him to the hospital, but they also finished shoveling the driveway for him. They certainly took heroism to the next level.
32. Employee of the Year
Sometimes, customer service means that you’ll go beyond what your company is telling you to do, even if you won’t get any rewards or recognition for it.

Source: Imgur
This employee from Wendy’s went above and beyond to help this old man. He held up a huge umbrella for an elderly customer, so he wouldn’t get drenched by the rain. He has our vote for the Wendy’s employee-of-the-year award for having a compassionate heart.
33. Tennis Balls for Our Furry Friends
Aside from helping people, many people love helping the animals in any little way they can too– adopting stray cats and dogs, rescuing abused animals, and even giving them food along the way. Whatever you can do, it’s helping.

Source: Imgur
This elderly man did not have a second thought about donating his old tennis balls to the animal shelter. He wanted to make sure the animals could have a great time playing with tennis balls while waiting to be adopted. He is truly a guardian angel for those animals.
34. Grandma’s Nightgown
Growing old is part of our lives. One way or another, we’ll all eventually have gray hair, wrinkly skin, weak legs, and even weaker memories. Elderly people are more susceptible to illness due to their weaker immune systems, which is why we should cherish the time we have with the older people in our lives.

Source: Imgur
This grandson wore a nightgown just like his grandma because she was embarrassed that she couldn’t get dressed up when he visited. This young man let his grandmother know that she is not alone and that she is no less of a person just because she’s not wearing fancy clothes. You are still very beautiful, grandma!
35. Motherly Love
Animals can also feel love and loneliness. The more time you spend with animals, the more you come to see how rich their emotional lives are. By looking at their eyes and observing their reactions, you can see that they have feelings.

Source: Imgur
The story behind this photo is heartbreaking, but it has a happy ending. The mare lost her foal, but it just so happened that this foal lost his biological mother. When they were introduced, they immediately bonded with each other, and now this little adopted family is filled with nothing but love.
36. Newfound Friends
Eating alone in a restaurant might be a habit for some, but for others, it’s heartbreaking, especially for some elderly people. Many would like to have company, but they just don’t have that many friends or family members left in their lives.

Source: Imgur
This photo shows how compassion can go a long way. This guy saw the old man eating alone in the restaurant, so he offered to join him for dinner and a chat. Who knows what they talked about, but one thing is for sure: They both had a great time.
37. Sisterly Love
Having a sister is one of the best things in life. In need of love advice? Hoping for help dress shopping? Looking for a travel buddy? These are just some of the many great things you can do with your sister.

Source: Imgur
At 93 and 96, these sisters are still living their best lives. It’s touching to see that these two ladies are doing what they love to do most – go to the beach, just like the old times. Most importantly, they do it together, hand-in-hand. If you have a sister, do your best to nurture a bond like this with her.
38. Brotherly Love
Sisterly love may be strong, but brotherly love is just as powerful. Historically, men have often been forced to keep their emotions hidden, especially if they are overwhelmed, sad, or in pain. However, it’s not bad to be emotional, especially in powerful moments of your life.

Source: Imgur
This photo shows two Korean Brothers who were separated due to the border restriction between North and South Korea. After 70 years, they were finally reunited and given three days to spend time with each other. The North and South Korean laws are strict, but they have a treaty in which family members can reunite for a while.
39. Follow Your Dreams – It’s Never Too Late
You can achieve your aspirations at whatever age you want – even at the ripe old age of 94. This woman is proof that age is just a number.

Source: Imgur
Amy Craton is living evidence that it’s never too late to follow your dreams. At age 94, she finished her Bachelor’s Degree with a 4.0 GPA. It may have been difficult for Amy considering her age and health complications, but it didn’t stop her from going after her goal of having a degree. If you’ve been looking for a sign to keep going and never give up, this is it!
40. Wonder-Mom: The Real-Life Superhero
It’s not every day we get to encounter a real-life superhero, but this wonder-mom is proof that people can be superheroes too. As you can probably guess from the fact that she’s in a hospital bed, there’s a story behind that sweet smile.

Source: Imgur
Because of her courage, quick thinking, and compassion, she was able to save 40 kids from a burning school bus. Fortunately, none of the children were harmed, and the woman is okay too. She just needed to be monitored to ensure she wasn’t harmed. Moreover, this incredible woman was able to smile despite the terror of the event. Yes, there is still good left in this world.