Elvis, The Dog No One Wanted to Adopt Meets An Elvis Impersonator
They say that a dog is man’s best friend, but for Elvis the dog it wasn’t the case from the gecko. Countless animals get adopted across the U.S. and become some of the most beloved additions to families across the nation. Elvis the pit bull-terrier mix seemingly wasn’t so lucky in finding a home but the music of Elvis may have just worked his magic from beyond.
According to this year’s dog adoption statistics, about 6.5 million animals enter shelters every year, and only 3.2 million end up adopted in loving homes. That leaves almost half of them homeless and in shelters across America for an indefinite amount of time. For Elvis, the cutest little white and gray pup he was the only dog left behind at a Chicago animal shelter out of 61 dogs and cats that got adopted from the shelter in the most recent adoption events. Sometimes all it takes is a rock’N’roll legend to shake things up.
No Burning Love For Elvis
Elvis had already lived at the shelter for about 4 months and had to be sent back since no one wanted to adopt him. The pet rescue organization, Anti-Cruelty Society took notice of the unfortunate situation and took to Facebook to ask for help in finding someone to adopt him.

Source: The Anti-Cruelty Society / Facebook
Elvis had come to the shelter as a stray dog with a fractured pelvis so upon arrival needed extra medical attention. Sometimes when people know a dog’s previous or current medical history isn’t so rosy it can cause people to second guess their desire to adopt. It is quite unfortunate and isn’t always the right reason to turn down an adoption.
Aint Nothing But A Hound Dog
In Elvis’s case, although he suffered from a fractured pelvis, from unknown causes, it had since healed. Despite this, he still had challenges getting adopted. According to the Anti-Cruelty Society’s post about Elvis, he met a lot of adoption prospects from couples to families but unfortunately didn’t get into the adoption stages with them.

Source: Drew Wilhelm / Facebook
Our furry friend Elvis is only 3 years old and is described as having a silly personality. This little meatball of an animal is so loveable that he is guaranteed to light up every room as he wiggles his way into it. All this dog was really looking for was a home with snuggles and love.
I'm All Shook Up
You’ve been warned though that Elvis may continue to intrude on your personal space once a part of the household, but that shouldn’t be a reason for anyone to pass up on this lovable creature. Would you? He is quite a considerate house guest when it comes to the important stuff after all. He would never poop on your furniture.

Source: Anti-Cruelty Society
Elvis is already potty-trained and although he is prone to future arthritis as a result of his recent fracture he has so many great years ahead of him with so much love to give. They say that pets can sense certain things around them and he began to feel sad being left alone at the shelter as his friends began to leave.
It's Now or Never
Elvis became sadder and sadder as time went on. He seemingly wasn’t getting adopted and as his friends said their goodbyes and as dogs went in and out of the shelter he longed for deeper and more stable connections. This pup became extremely lonely.

It was during this time that Loren Agron and his partner Drew Wilhelm, came across Elvis the dog’s Facebook post and decided meeting this lovable dog was a must. Since Agron used to be an Elvis impersonator he thought it could be nice to meet the dog with the iconic moniker that also meant a lot to him. He hoped to spread some kindness to a lonely dog. Little did they know they were both in for an unexpected surprise.
Jailhouse Rock... Elvis Parsley
Loren Agron was a former Elvis impersonator for three years, from 2005 to 2007. Argon is 39 years old and a manager at a diner called Ed Debevic’s, known as a 1950s-themed diner with some memorable servers and choreographed dance numbers. When Agron worked as a waiter as an Elvis impersonator he cleverly nicknamed himself “Elvis Parsley” as hommage to the Presley king himself.

Source: Ed Debevic's Chicago / Facebook
Known as the “King of Roll N’ Roll,” Elvis Presley made a big impact on Loren. Loren was quoted as saying, “Elvis has always been a big part of my life because I’ve always loved music from that era.” He fondly remembers himself throwing on a black cowboy shirt and typical Elvis sunglasses with slicked-back hair inspired by Elvis as he prepared to sing some of the most recognizable Elvis tunes to customers.
Ed Debevic's Introducing Elvis
As a funky 1950s classic diner serving American comfort food, it doesn’t get more nostalgic than that. With their generous shakes and burgers and fries, what is iconic Americana without some Elvis rock and roll? As a small-town boy with big dreams that’s how this restaurant was born and we can say the same about both Elvis the dog and Loren.

Source: https://www.eddebevics.com/
With big dreams comes the dedication to make things happen and just like Elvis the dog held out hope and continued to play with potential suiters, Loren never gave up on owning his own restaurant one day too. With some perseverance and the right timing, both dreams came true and they both found their forever home when they least expected it.
Can't Help Falling in Love
Loren finally went to meet Elvis at the Chicago shelter and they played together for several hours. Argon played with Elvis and his favorite stuffed toy moose with tennis ball feet and the smiles for both were instant. Agron fell in love with Elvis more than he expected, so much so that he couldn’t bear to leave.

Source: Loren Agron / facebook
Agron got to thinking and realized that” “Having a pup named Elvis seemed like a perfect fit.” Loren and his partner Drew had talked about adopting a dog for a while but were unsure if they would take the plunge, but after seeing photos of Elvis the dog and Agron meeting him in person, he was smitten by the goofy and loveable nature of such a sweet dog.
Always On My Mind
Loren and Elvis went on to develop a strong bond and from snuggle sessions to walks in the park a love story formed. Elvis became an instant part of the household but more than that part of the family. Elvis seemed to have found his forever home and became a more outgoing and happier dog. Drew, also had a similar bond with Elvis, so it only seemed right to welcome him with open arms as a permanent part of the home.

Source: Drew Wilhelm / Facebook
Wilhelm, a 43-year-old manager at a Chicago cocktail lounge was quoted as saying that as they were waiting to meet him for the first time it felt as though they were waiting for their newborn to arrive. There was so much excitement and anticipation that it was so heartwarming that the first initial meeting lived up to the hype. It may be true, maybe love at first sight does exist.
The Wonder of You
Drew and Loren had this gut feeling that Elvis was simply meant to be their dog and Elvis felt the same. They all felt right at home with each other even before Elvis stepped into their actual home. Although it isn’t an exact science dogs can seemingly sense when things are out of place or when a person they are close to is distraught or in danger. In this case, Elvis was drawn to both Drew and Loren’s energies from the beginning and playfully knew that these were his people.

Source: Loren Agron / Facebook
Perhaps it was just the right timing or the inspiration of the rock legend that brought them close together, but we like to think it was just nature at work. When dogs sense bad energy they can exhibit certain behaviors like whining or excessive barking but that was the complete opposite of what happened during this encounter between the three.
Happy Family
The three musketeers! Their click was so strong that Drew and Loren ended up adopting Elvis on the same day as their initial three-way meet. This prompted another iconic post on Facebook brought to us by the Anti-Cruelty Society. That is after all how this love story started.

Source: Anti-Cruelty Society
We couldn’t have said it better than the Anti-Cruelty Society’s post, “Elvis has LEFT the building!” By the time Elvis left and walked out on all fours he already had a warm bed and tons of toys at home waiting for his arrival. As fate or rather destiny would have it Loren was already an Anti-Cruelty Society supporter and had already hosted and chaired countless ACS fundraiser gatherings.
Elvis Has Left... The Building
In the words of Drew, they are “all a bunch of misfits” who found each other. Sometimes you don’t find your place right away, but you shouldn’t let it discourage you from continuing to look and trying to connect. It is a lesson for both dogs and people of all kinds. Sometimes those around you can be hesitant to accept you but the right kinds of people and pets will always be there to open you with welcoming arms.

Source: The Anti-Cruelty Society / Facebook
No matter how many snuggles you require or how much of the bed you take up, those who love you will always be there for you, treat in hand whether it’s for dog or man. Man is a dogs best friend after all and sometimes when you think you luck is running out it’s the universe preparing you for something better.
Touching Animal Lovers Everywhere
The outpour of love and happiness Loren, Drew, and Elvis got in support and interest in their story brought them even closer to their community and to each other. Christina Cunningham from the comments notably said it best, “the power of social media” really is powerful. It’s crazy to think without the viral attention of Elvis’s story he might have not gotten adopted nor found the perfect home that was waiting for him right around the corner.

Source: The Anti-Cruelty Society / Facebook
If you see a dog in need of a home or any animal for that matter sometimes it’s that simple share or comment that can go the extra mile, the mile that brings a dog to its right home and changes the lives of countless others for the better. Everyone is deserving of love at the end of the day.
Welcome to My World
Speaking of hogging the bed, it looks like Elvis already has a head start, but you can’t help but love him for it. Now with collar and all, Elvis has his dog tags to make his mark on the Drew and Loren household official. Pictures are worth a thousand words and we think that this bed and new life has the Elvis stamp of approval.

Source: Drew Wilhelm
If it’s good enough for the king, it’s good enough for us. We can’t help but wonder if the bed itself is also a California King. How much space could one dog really take up? We hear Elvis likes to sleep in this bed with Loren and Drew perhaps more than his own, but you didn’t here it from us.
That's All Right
Since being adopted Elvis has become somewhat of an adventurer and the anxiety that he had from being alone in the shelter and being left behind melted away, according to Drew. Drew and Loren have learned over time that Elvis loves to lounge and sit on about every chair in their apartment not only the bed. He definitely has a favorite chair though.

Source: Drew Wilhelm
Despite Elvis, being stuck in the shelter a little too long for comfort both Loren and Drew feel lucky not to have missed out on the opportunity to adopt Elvis themselves. They are happy that he wasn’t adopted before they came along because he is now their family and they wouldn’t change a thing.
Elvis Inspired Favorite Foods
Can you guess what Elvis’s favorite foods are? It’s more surprising and iconic than you would think. Peanut butter and bacon flavored everything! He is definitely living up to his legendary name that’s no question since Elvis Presley the king of rock himself was known to indulge in a sandwich that consisted of two slices of bread with thick creamy peanut butter spread and topped with banana and bacon fried to perfection.

Source: midjourney
This sandwich has become a staple in the South because of the musician and has become synonymous with the singer’s signature style. Elvis the dog seems to be following in his footsteps and Loren must be excited to break out the peanut butter and bacon since he can now enjoy it with someone who appreciates the significance of it all.
Thirsty and Thriving
Loren and Wilhelm have developed somewhat of a routine with Elvis the pup like playing fetch or tug-of-war and some relaxing sofa time although Elvis is quite a couch hog too. Both Loren and Drew describe him as an adorable goofball and love how he has begun to make himself at home while finding his space. There really isn’t anything more you can ask for other than that.

Source: The Anti-Cruelty Society / Facebook
Sometimes it takes time for dogs to settle in once they are adopted and it can take a longer time frame for your pup to feel fully integrated into your home. Usually, especially during the first days in a new home, your dog feels extremely overwhelmed and it is normal for them to be beside themselves. Sometimes they can even act scared or loose their appetite. They can even hide under furniture and test their boundaries in the new space but to everyone’s pleasant surprise, Elvis fit right in there as well.
Pups Waiting for Parents
Loren and Drew continue to monitor Elvis’s health and despite the predictions of arthritis, they are confident that Elvis will live a long and happy life taken care of in their home. Now Elvis will receive all the support he needs both emotionally and physically. Rachel Klousnitzer, Anti-Cruelty Society’s senior director of marketing and communications said previously that they were devastated for Elvis as all the other animals got adopted and he was the only one left at their waived adoption fee event called ‘Fall in Love.’

Source: midjourney
She and surely everyone else were grateful that people from all over the nation became invested in the story of Elvis’s journey since it helped him ultimately find a home. Many dogs like Elvis continue to wait for loving homes and sometimes don’t get as lucky as eventually Elvis became. Unfortunately, the older the animals become the harder it is to place them in a new home.
If I Can Dream
Drew and Loren hope that Elvis’s story inspires others to adopt a pet that they connect to and that they may adopt an animal just like they adopted Elvis. People might even adopt an animal that they didn’t think they would, Drew goes on to say “When nobody wanted Elvis, we took him home, and I’m so glad we did.”

Source: Loren Michael Agron / Facebook
You may find new love in an unexpected place and help some loveable animals find love in the process as well. It really is a win win and everyone deserves their forever home. A combination of safety, affection, and love has the ability to work magic in the life of a dog. It’s these elements that help prolong a dog’s life and add to their health and well-being kind of like in humans.
A Little Less Conversation
Such attention and love from a home transformed Elvis into the dog that everyone knew he was but hadn’t yet seen the light of day. Drew and Elvis are all smiles as they do one of Elvis’s favorite activities, lounging and snuggling. I think almost all of us can relate. According to our sources, Elvis snores quite loud but if you turn up the volume of the TV loud enough you can hear anything.

Source: Loren Michael Agron / Facebook
Having Elvis home also brought Drew and Loren closer together, both of them rushing home in order to play with Elvis and spend time with each other as well.
Trying New Things Sous-chef
Elvis has accumulated quite a few fans from his story and Loren can be seen sharing Elvis’s adventure on his social media. Here is Loren appointing Elvis as his Sous-chef for the night. Hopefully, these skills come in handy since Elvis does love to eat. Elvis is arguably the best Sous-chef anyone could ask for, especially since he is great with helping to clean up.

Source: Loren Michael Agron / Facebook
We guess it all depends on your definition of clean-up since Elvis thinks eat-up is basically the same. It kind of is if you think about it, so he’s a great help either way and Loren doesn’t mind at all. He loves to cook although Drew is more of the culinary expect. Drew whips up some homemade German meatballs and apple cider doughnuts from scratch like it’s an average Monday.
Tired But Not Sad
With such a cute and loveable face it’s easy to forget that Elvis used to be the dog that couldn’t get adopted and with such a happy ending who even wants to remember? Elvis has gone on to have a full and fabulous life and it’s only the beginning. Raise your hand if you just want to smoosh this face with love. Our hands are already raised.

Source: Loren Michael Agron / Facebook
Keeping up with Elvis has garnered lots of attention from local news stations and Elvis’s story has inspired not only others to follow his journey but to also adopt the pet of their life. To go back to our original question, is a dog really a man’s best friend? After all the light that Elvis, Loren, and Drew brought into each other’s lives, the answer is definitely a big slobery YES!
Where Are You Now, Elvis?
These days you can find Elvis, enjoying long walks next to the water and gearing up for his favorite holidays, like Christmas. His holiday spirit is nothing short of Loren and Drew’s spirit as well. They can be seen celebrating many milestones for Elvis, from his first holidays to his first trip with them across the world.

Source: Loren Michael Agron / Facebook
You need to be somewhat of an adventurer to keep up with this trio. We can’t wait to see where they end up next. The whole internet is rooting for Loren, Drew, and Elvis and whether or not the Elvis impersonations continue, this family is the real deal.
Elvis has become one of the most festive dogs around, a long way from the shelter he started in. From a broken pelvis trying to recover to a vibrant and fashionable dog that anyone would be lucky to have in their home. If he is as festive every occasion as he is during the Christmas holidays everyone is in for a treat, not just Elvis.

Source: Loren Michael Agron / Facebook
Proceed with caution because the cuteness is at a different level than you may be used to. Whether you find this story as a rags to riches, a cautionary tale, or an inspiration, everyone can find something to take away from this wonderful tale of friendship and love. Make sure you “paws” once in a while, you never know who or what you may find.