A 12-foot saltwater crocodile took up residence in the Baines River after flooding earlier this year. Unfortunately for both the crocodile and the local Australian Aboriginal community, the Baines River is within 900 feet of many residences.
Saltwater crocodiles are the largest crocodile species on Earth, and there are estimates that roughly 100,000 of them live in the wild of the Northern Territory of Australia. They have been protected from hunting since 1971.
But things get complicated when a crocodile of this size moves into the neighborhood.
The crocodile was allegedly snapping and lunging at children and adults, having also made a meal of many local pets. It wasn’t long before the community connected with elders, traditional landowners, and parks and wildlife officials to discuss solutions.
The community worked together to trap and shoot the 12-foot beast, which they then prepared for a feast in a variety of ways. Dishes included crocodile tail soup, BBQ crocodile, and pieces of crocodile wrapped up in banana leaves and cooked underground.
Given the size of the creature, there was plenty to go around, and apparently, nobody went home hungry.
The feast may have ended, but the problem seems far from over. Sgt. Andrew McBride stated that crocodiles have been seen “where they’ve never been before,” and this could be why there is a new 10-year management plan related to the saltwater crocodiles in the area.