Brilliant And Funny Recreations of Old Childhood Photos
Every great superhero needs a trusty sidekick, but when your parents get a two-for-one deal on matching costumes, it’s time to set the tropes aside and make way for two action heroes. This is precisely what the parents of these boys thought when they dressed them in matching Batman costumes for Halloween all those years ago.
While the original picture was cute, the updated version is priceless. Taken when the lads were all grown up, the second picture is part of an online trend where people recreate old family photos. Read on for plenty of laughs as we take you through 40 of the funniest examples of this adorable online trend.
Recreating Fashion Week
Remember how much fun we all had dressing up in our parents’ clothes when we were little? Well, these kids took the concept to the extreme. Dressing up in ridiculous fashion trends from the past is always a blast, especially when you’re little.

A fashion show must have inspired the original picture, and it looks like the same clothes were used many years later to recreate this photo. They didn’t miss a single detail, from the dresses and the hats all the way down to the shoes. Watch out, all you supermodels!
The Cutest Big-Eyed Bookworm
Judging by her double Band-aided knees and oversized glasses, it looks like this little girl was a real bookworm. All her grown-up self needed was a book and a couple of Band-Aids to relive this adorable childhood moment.

Source: Giveitlove
We can see how much fun this girl had recreating the scene and having a laugh at her own expense. She probably found this old photo and decided to have some fun with it. Here’s hoping she didn’t need those Band-aids for real!
Timeless Halloween Fun
What better way to relive some of our happiest and funniest childhood memories than through old Halloween photos? These little boys on the left are sporting some classic costumes from back in the day. It looks like it was quite easy for them to recreate this photo.

Looking back at Halloween photos gives us the chance not just to laugh at ourselves but also to see what fun styles were trending at the time. Seeing the expressions on the faces of the little kids recreated on their grown-up selves is also a lot of fun.
Playtime at the Park
There’s no better way to spend those beautiful spring days than with friends and family just hanging out. Recreating this photo wasn’t only easy, but it must have been a great reminder of how important it is to connect.

Sometimes it takes growing up to remind us of how much fun hanging out in nature can be. It’s nice to see these old friends coming together to relive their time in the park. As grownups, it’s easier to appreciate simply hanging out with no responsibilities to nag at us.
Googly Eyes
Remember all those fun arts and crafts projects we used to do with googly eyes? Well, these two took those projects to a whole new level. Only the fun, uninhibited imaginations of these cute kids could come up with such a silly look.

Source: Giveitlove
It was so easy to recreate this photo with just googly eyes, but how many people do you think they creeped out by this look? It looks like they kept those exact same googly eyes for many years just so they could recreate the photo!
So Sassy!
Ah, siblings! They can be quite funny and (in this case) a bit sassy. The little girl on the left was trying to get some laughs from her family, but her brother didn’t seem amused! His attention was on something else.

Source: onedio
It’s crazy to witness how people change over time and grow up. Both the sister and brother’s recreations of their poses from this childhood photo are spot on and guarantee many laughs and smiles.
Lifelong Friendship
When we’re young, it’s so easy to say forever, but we learn as we get older how hard it is to stay in touch. Luckily, these childhood friends managed to stay together through all the challenges of growing up. It looks like they had so much fun recreating this memory.

Source: Imgur
Believe it or not, these photos are 30 years apart. Perhaps that’s what makes this picture so unique. So much time has passed, yet you can still see how close these two are.
Merry Merry!
You can definitely tell it’s been 15 years between these photos. One look at the faces of these siblings in the original image and you can see how cozy and comfortable they were with each other as little kids. Now, 15 years later, a few things have changed.

Source: Awkwardfamilyphotos
It just looks like a classic holiday family picture that holds a lot of fun memories, but there seemed to have been some challenges when they went to recreate it. Maybe in the end, the baby on top should have been the big boy on the bottom.
Birthday Fun
Some of our very best childhood memories come from our time at birthday parties. We all loved sending out invitations, playing games, eating cake and, the best part, opening presents. These two siblings came together to recreate this fun childhood birthday party memory.

These two did a fantastic job recreating this classic photo. From their outfits to the decorations in the background, it’s just perfect. Birthday parties always stand out as the ideal occasion to capture memories, but nowadays, they make even better opportunities to recreate them.
Brotherly Love
These three little brothers are just the cutest. They had a special bond back then, and as you can see from the updated photo taken many years later, the bond continues to grow. Clearly, this is a perfect example of brotherly love.

Source: Mdig
This image of the boys all grown up would be a photo worth treasuring on its own. However, after seeing the original photo, it becomes even more special. We must also point out that it’s more than just their bond that has grown – look at those beards!
I Scream for Ice-Cream
Who doesn’t have memories of eating chocolate ice cream and getting more on your face than in your mouth? These two brothers were captured at a sporting event, enjoying a fun day out. It looks like one brother noticed the camera and smiled while the other brother was too busy devouring his ice cream cone.

The siblings must have had a great time recreating this photo and getting everything just right. From the color of their shirts to the flavor of the ice cream, they didn’t miss a single detail. We wonder if, this time around, the other one got to enjoy a cone too.
Mama’s Boys
What an adorable picture of this strong mom with her three boys. We’re sure she wasn’t thinking about remaking this picture all those years ago or wondering how difficult it would be to pick up the grown-up baby.

They managed to do a fantastic job when recreating this cute shot. It’s almost exactly the way it was back then, except maybe the boys have gone through a few growth spurts. The biggest difference between these photos is how mom looks down at her boys in the original but up at them in the remake. Oh, how they’ve grown. They gave us a fantastic recreated photo in the cutest way, even with mom “holding” the baby.
T-Shirt T-Rex
It’s almost like our parents go out of their way to capture our silliest moments when we’re little. In this photo, this brother and sister combo is so cute and funny. We can’t blame them for wanting to relive this precious memory.

Source: Diariodecuyo
It’s so easy to let our hair down and be silly as kids, and it’s just fantastic that these siblings have held onto their hilarious sense of humor. They did a great job capturing their silly faces and “scary” T-Rex hands in this photo.
Carrot Top
Pigtails, freckles, and those smiles – what an adorable picture to recreate. Fixing their hairstyles and facial expressions is one thing, but look how hard they worked to match their exact poses and outfits from back in the day. We are impressed!

This is such a wholesome photo, and this brother and sister team nailed it perfectly. There’s something about freckled redheads that really makes us nostalgic for the good old days. It’s also lovely to see that these siblings are as close as ever.
Baby Pictures
This is clearly one of those pictures that parents treasure for all time – the big brother holding his baby brother. Check out the precious look on the big brother’s face, revealing how proud he is of his little brother as he holds him excitedly.

Source: Fototelegraf
These brothers were so sweet to agree to recreate this photo for their parents. We’re not so sure the older sibling realized how hard it would be to hold his grown-up brother all these years later, but they sure were committed to making this photo happen.
Here’s Lookin’ at You, Kid
Every young boy (or girl) remembers having that first beer with Dad. Luckily, there’s a picture to prove this one actually happened. Jacob, the young boy in this photo, was fascinated with the can of beer as he sat on his dad’s lap. Dad, on the other hand, was lost in thought.

Source: Pinterest
After all these years, what a great iconic photo to recreate. Things look so different nowadays. Jacob is all grown up and has hands bigger than the beer can. Dad may have changed a bit as well – you can see he’s got a little less hair up there.
Say Cheese!
Most people have had to sit through at least one family portrait. Everyone has to look at the camera, smile, and try not to blink. This must have been an extra big challenge with such a large family. They didn’t quite manage to get everyone looking at the camera, but that just added to the fun when it came time to recreate the old photo.

Source: Imgur
It wouldn’t have been as cute if they simply chose to make a brand-new family photo, so we’re glad they chose to remake the original one. They worked hard getting not just their facial expressions down pat but also their clothes. Did you notice the He-Man T-shirt?
Painting Poses
The original photo is so unique! We’re sure it was easy for everyone to agree that this was the photo to recreate. Although the ladder seems to be the focal point, we’re impressed to see that they found matching outfits for their grown-up selves.

Source: Hilariousimagesnews
Judging by the smiles on their faces in the recreation picture, it’s clear these siblings are still as creative and close as they were back then. Look how they’ve grown. We can only imagine how proud their parents must be that they chose this cute photo to recreate.
Splish Splash
Many people enjoyed bath time with their siblings as kids. It’s got to be a parents’ rite of passage to take these photos to embarrass their kids. However, it doesn’t look at all like these brothers were embarrassed. They were fine back then, and they’re even less inhibited now!

Source: Imgur
Although their bathroom toys may have changed, it seems these brothers still have a quirky, fun sense of humor. We’re sure their parents were thrilled it was this photo they chose to recreate. We’re not sure how their friends felt having to see it.
The Family That Showers Together, Stays Together
There’s a mix of emotions on the faces of these kids whose parents put them all in the shower together and then snapped a picture. We’re not sure if they’re more annoyed that their parents took the camera into the bathroom or that they had to stand there in the shower together.

Source: The sun
Either way, they decided it would be super fun to recreate this picture as grown-ups. They did a fantastic job matching not only their positions but their bathing suits as well. They must have gotten over the trauma of the situation and decided to have fun recreating the moment.
Rub-a-Dub-Dub, Two Brothers in the Tub
We just can’t imagine what these brothers were thinking when they chose this photo to recreate as adults. They were so small and fit perfectly in those buckets, but now, many years later, we’re not so sure.

Source: NTV
It’s always fun to relive the past, but maybe these guys went a bit too far. Some things should be left as adorable memories to cherish. Still, you have to give them credit for trying.
Um, What Do I Do With This?
The look on the big brother’s face in this photo is so telling. He clearly has no idea what to do with his little baby brother, who was put in his lap. He knows he’s supposed to be happy about this situation, but he’s definitely not convinced.

Surely, their parents were thrilled that the brothers chose to recreate this photo as adults. Only they know the relationship the brothers built between them in the meantime, and lucky for us, they shared the remake.
Bride and Groom – Hit It!
Apparently, these pictures were chosen by the bride and groom to recreate for the pleasure of their friends and family. We’re not sure why they chose these particular pictures to share, but we’re sure glad they did.

Source: Giveitlove
The bride was dressed in an adorable pink and white outfit with lovely, giant sunglasses, while her husband-to-be was captured holding a microphone or toy of some sort. They must have really enjoyed recreating these photos for their friends and family.
Mama’s Boys
The original photo of these little brothers is just so cute and wholesome. How could anyone resist staring at those adorable faces? It’s no wonder, now grown up, the brothers decided this photo was the perfect one to recreate.

Source: Imgur
Obviously, they realized how simple it would be to recreate the photo with that classic pose and those preppy clothes. We have to admit, though, that getting those smiles just right might have been a little harder. Thankfully, they totally nailed it.
What Comes Around Goes Around
This photo is one of our favorites for a few reasons. Going to school while raising kids can be tough, if not impossible. The original photo shows Dad graduating while holding his daughter, who is wearing his graduation cap.

In the photo recreation, we see the twist. This time the daughter is the one graduating while holding her father. Clearly, these two have a great sense of humor and have really enjoyed supporting each other through their educational achievements. How she managed to carry her father, though, is beyond our imagination.
A Mile in Your Boots
This classic photo of a little girl sporting a white t-shirt, with a rebellious look on her face, standing in her father’s boots really makes us feel nostalgic for the good old days.

Source: Bernerzeitung
What a fun photo to recreate! Although all grown up, the girl still looks like she’s going to take on the world now that she can fit into those big boots. Her parents must have loved that she chose to recreate this photo. We can see her strong personality shining through.
Sleeping Like a Baby
One of the most important rules of having a newborn baby is that you must sleep when the baby sleeps. The father in this picture sure took that rule seriously. Every parent has a picture showing how exhausting it is to raise a tiny human.

Source: Funnyjunk
This classic photo recreation, taken 25 years later, is just so spot on. Although the kid is not a newborn anymore by any stretch of the imagination, this father-son team did such a fantastic job at making the swaddling work. What an adorable memory to recreate for both of them.
Naughty or Nice?
Here’s a traditional photo with Santa Clause and all the kids – every parent’s favorite treasured memory. While every mall Santa surely loves sitting with the kids and hearing their requests for presents, we’re not so sure Santa feels the same way having those “kids” sit on his lap 15 years older.

Source: Imagoimpresiones
Either way, these siblings had so much fun recreating this photo for their parents. We hope Santa remembered all their present requests and sent them along to the elves back at the North Pole.
Perfect Family Photo
Whenever in doubt as to what parents really want as a present, look no further than a classic professional portrait of the kids. This adorable photo of these young boys was treasured dearly by their parents, we’re sure.

Source: Imgur
The fact that the brothers decided to recreate this photo from 25-plus years ago was just so sweet and thoughtful. They not only posed in the same positions but got the details exactly right, from the clothes to the background. They even had it done in a professional studio.
Bottoms Up
This photo recreation almost 30 years later is hysterical because so much has changed. We just love the classic 80s decor in the background as these two parent-lovebirds look deep into each other’s eyes while their baby girl drinks her bottle.

Source: Forum.xcitefun
The recreation is just as touching as the parents still gaze lovingly at each other all those years later. The baby girl, on the other hand, sure has grown up. Her taste in beverages has become, let’s just say, much more interesting. This is one hilarious recreation.
My Three Sons
The mom in the family was behind both the original photo and the recreation. The wholesome photo of a dad dressed up with his three sons is classic and most probably one of the family’s favorites.

They did such a fantastic job recreating it, making sure everything was just right down to the last detail. As much as we should give credit to the mom behind the scenes, we have to give credit to the dad for agreeing to hold the youngest son even though he’s a grown man now.
Refrigerator Monkey
This cheeky girl always knew where the best treats were hidden in the house. Hopefully, after the first time she climbed up on top of the refrigerator, her parents found a better hiding place.

Source: Mightylists.blogspot
Although, honestly, the better question might be, how did she even get up there in the first place? The fact that she chose this photo to recreate as an adult tells us that this must have been something she regularly did as a kid. We’re just impressed that she could get up there again to recreate this hilarious photo.
So Much Has Changed
There’s nothing more precious than a picture of an adorable little girl, all innocent and sweet. This little cutie gazes in wonderment to the side, wearing the most adorable little teddy bear dress. Now all grown up, she decided this was the perfect picture to recreate.

Source: Lifelistener
Granted, she has changed just a bit. There’s no doubt she found her own unique style. The fact that she was able to find a dress with teddy bears on it in her size is just astounding. What a fun time she must have had recreating this photo.
Rainey Days Are Here Again
These adorable siblings look like they’re having so much fun both in the original photo and in the recreation. This is just the perfect picture to remake, as you can see how much they’ve grown.

Source: Edwards
They’re all so much taller than they were. In fact, if you look at the two younger siblings on the right side of the original photo, you can see how they’re now taller than their older siblings. We wonder how the older siblings feel about seeing the youngsters towering over them.
Breaking Down the Wall
The original photo shows the Berlin Wall, meaning it was probably taken sometime in the 1980s. This wall once divided East and West Germany, and by the time the photo was recreated, it had been torn down. The young boy in the original photo appears to be swinging a hammer at the wall. Perhaps he was thinking of a brighter future.

Source: Pinterest
A lot of effort went into this recreation, from finding the exact spot to wearing the exact same style of clothing. It’s amazing that he and the photographer were able to find the right location after so many years had passed.
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It’s a good thing the little boy has such a confident-looking big brother. The mischievous look on his face in the original picture makes us wonder what he was thinking. Big brother seems to be in the know, with that cheeky little grin on his face.

Source: Prozeny.blesk
These two brothers did an excellent job recreating this photo. Everything is perfectly the same, from the bedspread to the backboard and even the shirt the older brother is wearing. It must have been so much fun remaking this photographic memory.
Still Helpful
How cute is this picture? Though he was still in diapers, this gorgeous little red-haired boy was determined to be a contributing member of the family. He helped his parents out by cleaning the car, and we bet he did more than his fair share of the household chores.

Source: Taringa
As an adult, he still loves being helpful – so much so that his parents had him recreate this precious childhood photo. They did an amazing job finding a diaper and bib large enough to fit an adult!
Still Wild!
This picture has got to be the craziest one on the list! That is one wild expression on the kid’s face, and as an adult, he has perfectly matched the exuberant energy. Did you ever put a shirt on upside down like this to create a ridiculous costume?

Source: Forum.vietdesigner
We love that they made all the details line up, from the window to that unique flooring. He got the pose just right. However, it’s the facial expression that puts the proverbial cherry on top.
Still Hanging with Hulk Hogan
This picture took a lot of effort to recreate. Not only did they have to match the outfits and poses, but they also had to track down Hulk Hogan! It’s great to see that the famous wrestler is happy to take adorable pictures like this with his fans.

Source: Funnyjunk
We bet the photo request made his day, as it must be so nice to know that you have fans as dedicated as this young man. Have you ever taken a photo with a celebrity?
Bucket Head
Well, that’s one way to manage potty training! This kid clearly liked to have privacy, but his parents were always lurking nearby with a camera. If you can’t have some time to yourself in the bathroom, when can you have it?

Source: Bigpicture
In mom and dad’s defense, we bet this kid never gave them any peace when they wanted to use the bathroom. That’s one thing many parents miss – a bit of peace and quiet when taking care of bathroom business!
We’re Going to Need a Bigger Bowl!
Most family photo albums feature at least one shot of a baby sitting inside something adorable like a bucket, basket, or mixing bowl. This picture demonstrates why this trend is so popular – it’s downright adorable!

In fact, we can’t decide which picture is cuter. Of course, the baby will win the cuteness contest every time. But there’s something undeniably adorable about this grown-up kid trying to fit in that same old bowl. That kitchen hasn’t changed much – even the clock is the same!