Brazilian Farmer Becomes Viral Sensation On TikTok For Unusual Friendship With Unique Animal
With their gentle and playful nature, capybaras have been known to form close bonds with many kinds of animals, including dogs, turtles, and even some crocodiles! Of course, capybaras are super friendly with humans, too, as demonstrated by Agenor Tupinambá and his capybara, Filó.
This Brazilian student’s adorable friendship with Filó has warmed the hearts of people all over the internet. Read on to get to know more about them!
Meet Agenor and Filó!
Here’s a snapshot of Agenor and Filó on a typical day of their lives out in the Brazilian countryside. Agenor is a student of agriculture, which means he is constantly working with nature, whether in theory or hands-on.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
He and his adorable pet capybaras make their home in Autazes, Brazil, where they often go traveling together. While he studies in the city, his subject gives him plenty of opportunities to get out into the wild, where the two of them can frolic in fresh open fields.
An Extraordinary Daily Routine
Filó and Agenor share a beautiful life together. His life looks fairly idyllic now, but Agenor recalls that things weren’t always so rosy. On his TikTok’s “About Me,” he writes, “I’m from Autazes. I’m 23 years old. I’m very adventurous, a free spirit. I love nature, and I’m gay.”

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Now over 640,000 people follow Agenor on Tik Tok, and another 94,000 keep up with his animal photography and short clips on Instagram. One of his latest videos clocked well over 30 million views!
How It All Took Off
It all started in 2019 when he shared a few videos of his daily routine online. After that, social media went crazy for his wholesome and adorable shorts with animals, as well as the picture-perfect photos he takes each week with his fuzzy pals.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
As well as posing with some of the cutest animals on the planet, he also shares with the world some of his favorite hobbies. His followers are treated to his occasional progress in his cooking, drawing, and painting hobbies.
A Vulnerable Soul
Given that he takes care of animals large and small, it makes sense that Agenor would be a gentle, sensitive person. Being such a sensitive soul hasn’t always been so rewarding for him. Like many people with open hearts, he has also been open to the suffering of the world.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
The same gift that allows Agenor to connect so intimately to other creatures also leaves him exposed to mental illness. He had to go through a lifetime of depression and anxiety before finally finding his balance.
A Tonic For Modernity—The Simple Life
It seems that Agenor found an antidote to his troubles in the beauty of the great outdoors. He thought about giving up many times. “Getting here wasn’t easy,” he said. “To all of my anxiety and depression, I found a cure in animals and nature.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
He also embraces a sustainable, small-time lifestyle—living with less—something that comes naturally to those close to nature, like Agenor. “I want to show that we can be happy with the little we have,” he said in one of his posts.
Life On The Farm
When he’s not studying in the city, Agenor he can be found exploring the woods and enjoying the natural beauty of his surroundings. He cherishes his time spent in the countryside but always looks forward to returning home to his farm on the weekends.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
But taking care of his beloved animals brings him the most joy. On weekends, he dedicates all his time to his four-legged friends, ensuring they are happy and healthy. Agenor’s kindness extends not only to his capybara, Filó, but to all the animals on his farm.
Beating The Hustle And Bustle
“Nature is so perfect,” he said in a picture with some cute animals and a serene landscape. The 23-year-old believes that people have an obligation and duty towards animals—to love and protect them. And in return, he believes that animals “can awaken love in anyone.”

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Agenor has caught onto the wisdom of nature: flowers follow no deadlines, and goats never worry about catching a bus or beating traffic. While they work hard, bees never wonder whether they are in the right career. Nature never hurries.
Love Always Goes Two Ways
On Instagram, Agenor shared what he thinks it takes to gain an animal’s love. “The first step is trust, then respect. [Then you will] captivate them.” Here’s an example of Agenor bonding with a buffalo.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Agenor’s wisdom about the power of trust reminds us that when we approach the world with an open heart and a spirit of kindness, we can form deep and meaningful connections with the creatures around us. In doing so, we can heal or feel a connection to the world we might have been missing.
The Rewards Of Patience And Love
Agenor usually shares examples of what it feels like to be loved by animals on Tik Tok and Instagram—with adorable results. For example, here he is giving cuddles to a lamb near the river. “It is very satisfying to give love and be rewarded with love in return,” he said.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
But there’s one particular animal in his life that seems to have captured the hearts of thousands of social media viewers (and for good reason). That’s Filó, the capybara, who has known Agenor all his life.
Their Friendship Is Extra Special
The capybara’s life always looks cozy on Instagram, where Agenon posts his updates, but Filó didn’t have the easiest start in life, just like her big human friend. Like Agenor, she came upon his happiness after much upset and pain.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
At five months old, Filó may not understand what it means to be famous, but she understands how cozy bedtime cuddles can be with Agenon and the puppy, especially after a long day on the road or shooting for Agenon’s enormous fan base.
All The Stats For Capybara Lovers
Capybaras are considered the largest living rodent. They look a little like guinea pigs because they are closely related, evolutionarily. They are not legally allowed as pets in the United States, but they are common across South America, often in parks or zoos.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Capybaras usually allow humans to feed and pet them. In the wild, they tend to live for six years. In captivity, they can live as long as twelve years. Filó is only half a year old, so she has a long life of love ahead.
The Life Aquatic
They may not look like much, but capybaras are highly agile creatures. Additionally, they take to the water quite well—having excellent swimming abilities. They can hold their breath for a whopping five minutes at a time! They’re such good swimmers that they can do it in their sleep—literally!

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Here’s an adorable shot of Agenor with Filó taking a swim in the river. Hopefully, they don’t plan on doing any diving or breath-holding competitions soon—if they were to, Filó would easily be able to win with her mighty lungs.
Taking The Best Care Of Each Other
Agenor takes care of Filó every day. He watches her feed on grass, her natural diet, but he also treats her to milk sometimes. Capybaras also like to eat fruits and even occasionally tree bark. They need to feed continuously because their front teeth never stop growing!

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Many children in South America are discouraged from petting capybaras in the wild because they often carry ticks. Agenor checks and takes care of ticks on Filó daily to make sure she’s clean and hygienic.
Capybara Cosplay
Filó isn’t just clean—she’s dressed to impress! Agenor loves to suit her up and snap cool pictures of her in different outfits. She looks like she enjoyed posing for the shoot, too. She’s feeling patriotic, dressed in Brazil’s national flag and colors.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Filó has a lot of fun, but her coming into the world was a close shave. Agenor described the circumstances of how he came to meet her and how he ultimately decided to adopt her as part of his family.
Filó’s Troubled Childhood
Many of Agenor’s followers on social media frequently ask how he and Filó came to meet. Agenor explained that his family, his father in particular, always taught him to respect animals and to show them love and care. This conservatory attitude runs in the family.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Filó’s mother wasn’t as lucky as Filó. Her mother was prey, not a pet. One of Agenor’s cousins lived nearby an indigenous village where the people there lay traps for capybaras. The village mistook her pregnant belly for fat.
Passing The Baby Capybara On
When the people of the village opened her up, they were surprised to find a baby capybara struggling to get free. At that moment, Filó was born. The people there didn’t take capybaras as pets, so when Agenor’s cousin showed up, they just gave Filó away as a gift.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Agenor’s cousin wasn’t one for pets, so at a family gathering, they handed the baby capybara over to the one person they knew who loved animals, Agenor. It seemed that was the right choice.
She Doesn’t Live In Captivity
Although it may look like it in the photos, Agenor does not keep Filó as a housepet, like a cat, dog, or rabbit. Because he has access to wide and open space, he created a place for her to roam free, graze, and have fun as she grows.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
When she wants to see him, she comes to him. And if Agenor wants to see her, he has to find her. He keeps a close eye on all his animals but does not pen them in per se.
A Place Of Peace
While he knows that animals and humans can share a connection, he believes in letting animals be as free as possible. Agenor lives in the perfect place to watch over all his animals. According to Agenor, his farm is located in Parana, in the interior of Autazes, near a lake called Araca-Miriam.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
He added that he has always lived in the countryside and that his farm is a place of peace. It’s where he energizes after being in the city for his studies.
Keeping His Eyes Open To Beauty
Agenor knows how lucky he is to have a place to retreat, but he also emphasizes being grateful for any natural space. As he said in one of his posts, “I think that every place has its beauty—it has its simplicity—it’s up to people to observe it and know how to see it.”

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
If people have to open their eyes to see beauty, Agenor has his wide open. He has cultivated the perfect space for his animals and lives in tune with nature, all while understanding it through his studies.
The Best Of Both Worlds
All things considered, Filó lucked out by finding Agenor. She can enjoy a luxurious life of clean living, good food, and good company for all her days. Agenor’s farm is the perfect place for a capybara to be. She has the safety of the farm and the openness of the wild.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
The two are happy together, living on the edge of the Amazon rainforest. Of course, it’s not just Agenor that Filó shares her territory and grazing ground with. There are other animals on the farm, too.
One Big, Loving Family
Filó often shares her space with other small animals—large and small. This sometimes includes piglets, and baby pigs can only mean one thing—naps! Filó looks super cozy cuddled up to her small friend, who can’t be more than a few days old. Bless!

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
It’s not hard to see why Agenor finds peace and stability here with Filó and the rest of the animals. Even though it must be a lot of work, it looks extremely gratifying to have such a loving and peaceful family.
Watching Them Grow Together
One of the best things about keeping in the loop with Agenor and Filó is watching them grow together—especially Filó, who looks like she is growing in size by the hour. While she may get bigger, she’s never too old to hang out with Agenor for play, treats, and cuddles.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Capybaras have become more popular these days, and it might just be because more people have gotten to know about them! While they are unusual creatures in many places of the world, they are certainly adorable.
A Calming Presence
It wasn’t just Filó who grew this year. In an interview, Agenor said that he never expected his Tik Tok or Instagram to pick up quite like it did. He said he simply posted about everyday stuff—the work he does on the farm, his walks, and his nap times.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
It’s not hard to see the appeal of Agenor’s all-natural “slow living” life. Plus (like many other capybaras), Filó exudes a sense of peace from her image alone. Although here, she’s looking quite classy in her pearl necklace.
An Unexpected Popularity
Their unexpected popularity on social media came as a bolt from the blue. Agenor started posting about his life back in 2019. He just shared the happenings of his daily life. Something about Agenor and his connection to Filó, the other animals, and nature just appealed to people.

Source: agenor.tupinamba/Instagram
Agenor said that he could have never imagined becoming so popular online. He recalled that he never imagined “getting so far” but added that he always had the support of his friends, parents, and brother, to whom he owed much.